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Changelogs for Resources

shawn_slh edited this page Mar 4, 2021 · 3 revisions

...this is a starter page - feel free to edit and add to it...

Changelogs are important for updating translations. Also, users might need to know of changes for other reasons, e.g., updating their internal training. Yet, changelogs can be tedious to do well.


  • If a page has been translated, then
    • Publish a detailed changelog (with every change) to help translators update their translation.
    • Include code changes, diffs, and whatever else will help translators make the change correctly and easily.
    • example with translation notes
  • If a page has not been translated:
    • If there is low likelihood that people will need to know the changes, then
      don't have to do a changelog.
    • If people probably will want to know what changed, then
      do a changelog.
    • Often these only need to list substantive changes, not things like minor corrections.
    • Sometimes pointing to GitHub diffs is helpful.