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Futur & Fusion Protocols

  • Team Name: Relai Network
  • Payment Address: 15ZybdjAomB2gYWzY9mC1iPCK72zKCuJ14jZmjQ8FsFXphmV (USDT)
  • Level: 1

Project Overview 📄

Futur-Fusion Protocol

In the current digital landscape, the app store ecosystem grapples with challenges, primarily attributed to the dominance of major players like Apple's App Store and Google's Play Store. This concentration of power sparks concerns about anti-competitive practices, high developer fees, and a lack of user control entrenched in enclosed platforms and proprietary policies.

However, these challenges serve as potential catalysts for innovation, especially considering regulatory changes in major regions that hint at the possibility of alternative stores. Surveys indicate a growing consumer appetite for privacy protections, web3 integration, and community governance, values inherent in decentralized solutions.

Enter the Relai Network, positioned as a catalyst for reshaping this landscape and addressing these challenges. It recognizes the need for a new smartphone era that prioritizes enhanced user privacy and security. Operating on privacy-focused systems, these devices provide a secure alternative, diverging from the intrusive data practices characteristic of traditional smartphones and other devices.

Simultaneously, in acknowledgment of the proven utility of Web3 technologies, the network seamlessly integrates these principles into the mobile experience. By fostering the development of Web3-capable devices, the network propels the adoption of decentralized technologies. This intelligent synthesis of Web3-capable devices with privacy-focused operating systems establishes a powerful synergy, enabling users to fully embrace the benefits of the decentralized web with enhanced privacy.

The Relai Network is not only committed to reimagining app distribution and development while ensuring privacy but also to subtly advancing the widespread adoption of Web3. This commitment marks the dawn of an era defined by user-centric, secure, and decentralized interactions.

Project Details

In line with the overarching vision of the Relai Network, the project unfolds as a comprehensive solution, seamlessly integrating mobile operating systems and establishing cutting-edge hardware partnerships for the next generation. This strategic approach comprises two vital components:

1. Futur Protocol:

Objective: Creating a decentralized app store to establish a transparent, user-centric app distribution ecosystem, leveraging the power of blockchain technology.

Benefits: Empowering developers, reducing fees, eliminating censorship, and fostering innovation, thereby expanding user choice in the app ecosystem.

2. Fusion Protocol:

Objective: Tackling privacy concerns and optimizing mobile devices for smooth web3 experiences.

Features: The Fusion Protocol proposes a collaborative approach with OEMs (phone manufacturers) to embed essential elements such as privacy-focused operating systems (e.g., GrapheneOS, PureOS, ...) and integrated security modules (Vaults, TEE, Secure Enclaves, ...) by default. These modules are designed for managing wallets and sensitive data.


Collaborative Privacy-Focused Ecosystem: Phones manufactured through this partnership would offer a complete privacy-centric ecosystem, embedding privacy-focused OS (like GrapheneOS, ...) alongside the decentralized and privacy-focused app distribution of the FuturStore. Additionally, it opens the possibility of white-label devices by the Relai Network.

Seamless Web3 Experience and Enhanced Security: Users gain more options for securely interacting with decentralized applications while effectively managing their assets. This ensures a user-friendly and secure experience within the evolving landscape of web3 technologies.


  • Relai Network: A Substrate-based blockchain serving as the host for the Futur and Fusion protocols, along with additional components planned for subsequent phases.

  • Futur Protocol: A suite of pallets responsible for managing the fundamental logic of the app store within the RELAI network.

  • Futur Store Mobile App: The mobile application designed for accessing the app store.

  • Futur Store Console: A web application portal facilitating app submission and lifecycle management within the Futur Store ecosystem.

  • Storage Layer: Layer dedicated to storing validated APKs and IPAs(for iOS). IPFS and/or Crust Network. Crust integrate IPFS and have pinning features and also is a parachain in the Polkadot ecosystem.

  • SAST/DAST Module: Static and Dynamic Analysis component for scanning submited apks for checking security (initially interfacing with MobSF: Mobile Security Framework Web API).

  • Fusion Protocol: A suite of pallets integral to the Fusion Protocol, focusing on managing OEMs or Device Manufacturer partners associated with the protocol.

  • Fusion Console: A web application portal tailored for OEM partners involved in the Fusion Protocol.

  • Fusion Marketplace: The marketplace dedicated to the Fusion protocol, facilitating interactions and transactions within the ecosystem.

  • OS Catalog: A repository consolidating references to open-source, privacy-focused Operating Systems intended for use by protocol partners. This includes "De-Googled Android AOSP" variants (such as GrapheneOS, /e/ Foundation, LineageOS), "Linux Phone OS" options (Ubuntu Touch, PostmarketOS, PureOS)

Ecosystem Fit

The Relai Network will integrates into the Polkadot ecosystem, positioning itself as an indispensable component by adopting Substrate as its foundational framework. This strategic choice ensures not only scalability, security, and but also facilitates ease of customization. Devices generated through the Fusion protocol are designed for compatibility with chains and Dapps within the DotSama ecosystem and beyond.

The target audience for the Relai Network is diverse and includes:

  • Web3 Users
  • Apps and Games Developers
  • OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) or Device Manufacturers
  • Mobile App/Games Users
  • Users of Mobile Apps and Dapps

Here is a diagram of the project

Figure 1-1

Future Console Wireframes

Team 👥

Team members

  • Mor GUEYE


Legal Structure

  • Registered Address: Sicap Mbao, Dakar Senegal
  • Registered Legal Entity: Ridone Technologies.

Team's experience

Mor is a seasoned software engineer with over a decade of experience in the field. He has been involved in numerous projects related to web2 and web3 development. On Web3 side, he has contributed to Polkadot ecosytem projects such as Ternoa and Pendulum chain.

Team Code Repos

Domain Repo
Relai Network chain
Futur Protocol Runtime Modules
Futur Store app
Futur Console
Fusion Protocol Runtime Modules
Fusion Console
Fusion Marketpalce
AI Models Hub

Development Status 📖

The project is splitted into phases:

  1. Phase 1: Foundation
  2. Phase 2: Building
  3. Phase 3: Expansion

This current application focuses on putting in place the Futur Protocol which comprised of:

  • Futur Protocol Runtime Modules
  • Futur Console
  • FuturStore Mobile app
  • SAST/DAST Module
  • Storage Layer

Development Roadmap 🔩


  • Total Estimated Duration: 1,5 Months
  • Full-Time Equivalent (FTE): 1 FTE
  • Total Costs: 7,000 USD

Milestone 1 — Futur Protocol

  • Estimated duration: 1,5 month
  • FTE: 1
  • Costs: 7,000 USD
Number Deliverable Specification
0a. License Apache 2.0
0b. Documentation We will provide both inline documentation of the code and a gituhb repo readmes that explains how to deploy mobile app on the FuturStore.
0c. Testing Guide Core functions will be fully covered by unit tests to ensure functionality and robustness. The github repo readme we will also describe how to run these tests.
0d. Articles Articles explaining the FuturStore stack will be published. There will be article for FuturStore users and also for App developers wanting to submit apps on the store.
1. FuturStore Mobile app A Flutter mobile app store, displays catalog of published apps. Users can browse and install available apps.
2. Futur Protocol Runtime modules Suite of pallets that will contain the logic of the Futurstore
2.a DevRegistry Pallet Manages the registration of developers with functionnalities like: RegisterDev,...
RegisterDev Extrinsic called by app developer from the console to register a developer account (address and other metadata) and pay the registration fee (akin to paying the 25$ developer registration fee in Google Playstore or 99$ Apple app store fee).
UnRegisterDev Unregister a developer account )
2.b AppRegistry Pallet functionnalities: Submit, Publish, Unpublish, Update, BuyApp, Review and SetStoreRegistrationFee.metadata
BuyApp Extrinsic called app user from the mobile app using the app integrated wallet to buy the app.
SubmitApp Extrinsic called by app developer from console to submit app metadata.
PublishApp Extrinsic called by app developer from console to publish a submited app. An app can be submited and be unpublished (like in other stores, a developer can unpublish an app)
UnPublishApp Extrinsic called by app developer from console to unpublish a submited app.
DeleteApp Extrinsic called by app developer to remove the app from it's catalog
SetStoreRegistrationFee Extrinsic called by sudo or collective for setting developer registration fee
- VerifyAppReview : function - The backend server queues up these off-chain review requests. Off-chain worker on the Substrate node periodically checks this queue and grabs review requests.It uses the public key and signature to verify the review signature matches. This proves the review came from that user and then will be stored on-chain
- SubmitScan : function - called by off-chain worker and (communicate with SAST/DAST Module )
- FetchScanResults : function - off-chain worker to communicate with SAST/DAST Module and according to the scan results if an app is qualified it will be published, if not the app developer will receive a notification on the console to take action accordingly
3 SAST/DAST Module Static and Dynamic Analysis component for scanning submited apks for checking security (initially interfacing with MobSF: Mobile Security Framework Web API initially. Coordinating with the backend and off-chain workers.
4 Futur Console Web portal for app developers for app submission and management (similar to google play console); Angular or Flutter Web
5 Backend Server Serving as the API endpoint and also help in off-chain tasks, ex: Queuing and verifying off-chain review signatures before ingesting them on-chain via the off-chain worker,...
6 Storage Layer IPFS and/or Crust Network ( or Rocky Crust Testnet) in development phase

Future Plans

The next step will be the Fusion protocol and after achieving those 2 milestones representing the foundations and serving as the bedrock for initiating governance features, fortifying the codebase, expanding the community. This will also set the stage for a range of advancements and expansions that are on RELAI Network roadmap such as:

  • Decentralized Computing and Storage:
  • White-Labeling and Private Enterprise Stores:
  • Peer-to-Peer Payments:
    • Enables direct profits for developers.
    • Bypasses high commissions from major platforms.
  • Phone White Labeling for Fusion Protocol:
    • Ventures into phone white labeling partnerships.
    • Enhances user choices in decentralized mobile devices.
  • AI Support:
    • Utilizes AI for marketplace management.
    • Incentivizes AI marketplaces contributing to protocol development.
  • In-Store Advertising:
    • Introduces user-centric advertising with privacy in mind.
    • Enhances targeted advertising for a symbiotic developer-user relationship.
  • Extension of Fusion Protocol:
    • Envisions diversification beyond smartphones.
    • Includes Smart TVs, Smartwatches, and innovative gadgets.
    • Enhances privacy and security across various devices.
    • Paves the way for a holistic, interconnected ecosystem of privacy-focused technologies.