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Releases: wabenet/dodo-docker


09 May 15:53
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06 Oct 14:59
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  • 2482885 chore: copier update
  • 54c2304 chore: set repo up with copier templating
  • 34cef15 chore: update all dependencies


24 Jul 13:42
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24 Jun 10:27
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  • b841118 chore: migrate to latest core version, including fixes for stdin handlig, and move modules under the wabenet umbrella
  • d6d586e chore: update dependencies


09 Apr 15:13
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  • ef30d22 Bump
  • fe7d89e Merge pull request #1 from dodo-cli/dependabot/go_modules/
  • b329386 chore: update dependencies
  • 4401012 chore: update go to 1.18 in github workflows
  • 7ea60d4 chore: update to go 1.18
  • 0121cee chore: update year in copyright notice
  • 793a8c8 refactor: move plugin implementations to internal and the plugin wrapper module to pkg directory


12 Jan 12:12
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  • d58ed69 feat: handle signals and always start an init process in container


29 Dec 12:52
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  • 021cb28 chore: add catalog info for backstage discovery
  • 1e3e234 chore: update dependencies
  • 13700a9 feat: remove odd forward of environment variables when creating container, and offer more options when constructing the client instead


08 Dec 15:20
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  • 39926dd fix: handle hijacked connection properly, when we don't have a tty


25 Nov 14:45
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36ff128 chore: linting is always fun
cea7284 chore: update containerd for CVE-2021-41103
08f2ee8 chore: update to core version 0.2
b0b0396 chore: update to core version 0.3
118cf70 chore: use core plugin manager
b0c8f17 feat(ci): replace ci linter with codecov and codeclimate
9dbbfbc feat: use new core plugin api
1873f9b fix: handle script exit code correctly
b4e64d6 fix: make sure positive results are still results
c359c9f refactor: rename plugin package, because we want to keep them consistent with the structure in core to avoid confusion across the projects


27 Jul 16:34
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8ba72d3 Merge branch 'origin/master' into 'stages'
3e1ce58 Use managed plugins, load them only once and decide on a uuid for magic cookie value
f6e9aea add all the base repository files for go
554b587 add capabilities support
08240b4 add interactive mode
2c22f53 add plugin implementations for configs and commands
7ae22a2 add stage forward feature
bdc1a3a added support for build secrets
e5f6a41 added tests for image package, and fixed some issues that arose
1d92d05 aligned everything a bit more with the golang standard layout
c6f54a6 also refactored out a container module, and got rid of the state completely
596e419 change github module path
8e60f4e changed plugin loading in core
f0e0329 chore: add readme and update to first tagged core version
fa257f0 chore: go 1.16 and goreleaser
f97308e chore: update dependencies
8f1fdfb chore: update dependencies
d0a5d3a chore: update dependencies
9e3343f clean up session and context functions a bit
1fc9ba3 cleaned up the mess after adding the plugin implementation
3e65662 consolidate paths
ec7e8aa correctly format build output
33c10cb create protobuf definition for config types, and moved the config parsing into a separate package
7800fe8 default to empty context instead of cwd during build
1bee38c do not handle image pull separately from build
e15b401 fallback configuration, randomized entrypoint location and general fixes
6f3c05f feat: add ci workflows
9dfec6c first version that can pull and build images
d34a340 fix bug where generated dockerfiles would start with an empty line
4ae2c87 fix stdio and tty handling
b4b474c fix test
6d61cc0 fix tests
1fdaf6c fix: use latest core with new stdio streaming model
2cdb03b fixed options
08e5a44 general cleany-uppy stuff
272168f get rid of the word context, because it conflicts with docker build context and go network context
6527443 give cli args precedence over configs from plugin
0720013 go 1.15
15e44c2 got rid of some todos
89d99ce handle entrypoint options properly and fixed interactive mode with command
44846b4 handle registry authentication
c0df47c handle stdin and stdout correctly when they are not interactive
555ce26 handle terminal resize properly
3c2c861 implement inline dockerfile
2a43102 implement search for configuration file
9591525 implemented volumes, no-cache, rm and pull options
f37a340 improved logging, stream build and pull responses to logger and implement quiet mode
98b16ab lots of formatting to fit stuff into 80char lines
6e98c29 made the config really stupid and removed all the unmarshalling logic. We should just carefully add additional features in there when we need them.
13570e9 merge configuration plugin into runtime
9ffd6eb migrate dodo core
7e8674d move all docker related stuff into a separate repository
e34957e move base types and image config away from config module
a2660a0 move config so separate package (again)
1486500 moved buildkit stuff into a separate repository
3c7e042 moved daemon and stage code into their own repositories
52a77e6 moved more config types into the types package
6911b47 moved more logic into the options module
b635fee propagate script exit code correctly
833d946 provision docker environment automatically
c75eed0 pull/build only when necessary, and fix flags
45b3b64 ran a linter and updated a lot of stuff it wasn't happy with
ef56fe7 recursively build image dependencies if properly tagged
01b81e0 refactor: remove plugin init
294f3ab refactored image options into its own package (again)
b4cb458 remove error logging and just fail fast if anything unexpected happens. Also cleanup dependencies.
b5a545e remove unnecessary checks
96333e4 renamed command to context and generally moved more stuff around
1b76aab replace go-dockerclient with the official one
e2fb775 replace image build logic with buildkit
8095a10 restructure config and options objects throughout
2cabb7b reuse tagged images if possible and dont always rebuild. Because startup times have increased a lot since we have image dependencies, even if everything is cached
839e887 separate devices from volumes and add support for device cgroup rules
07c3e46 separated logging into its own module
eafb424 set terminal size initially when streaming
1381557 silent buildkit output by default
34fd9dd some linting
cccf4ba some linting and formatting
2e107af some more organizing files
ea2a0ed sorted out --rm/--no-rm options
6ccfe07 split up image build into more testable functions, and fixed the tests
f708805 streamline entrypoint
7b3cea0 support access to devices from containers
d427422 support entrypoint script and merge container module into context
c528b57 support more cli flags
36e02d3 support running backdrops as daemons
154bade support ssh agent forwarding
8d6d711 tag image after build, if name is supplied, and reuse it properly
01be1c6 update core
a4f8488 update dependencies
75b0fab update for api rework in core
1dd8d56 use inspect instead of list to check if an image exists
a3c8d62 write stderr on output is no tty
0ac8cb4 yet another attempt to handle stdio streams correctly