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Declarative HTTP Clients using Guzzle HTTP Library and PHP 8 Attributes


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How to install?

$ composer require waffler/waffler
  • This package requires PHP 8 or above.

How to test?

$ composer phpunit

Quick start

For our example, lets imagine that we want to consume an ordinary API: https://foo-bar.baz/api

Our objectives are:

  • Perform the login to retrieve the authorization token.
  • Retrieve all posts from the database.

Step 1: Create the basic interface for your client.

<?php // FooClient.php

namespace App\Clients;

interface FooClient
     * Retrieve authorization token.
     * @param array $credentials Just pass the login and password.
     * @return array             The json response.
    public function login(array $credentials): array;

     * Retrieve all posts.
     * @param string $authToken The authorization token.
     * @param array $query      Some optional query string Filters.
     * @return array            The list of posts.
    public function getPosts(string $authToken, array $query = []): array;

Step 2: Annotate the methods with Waffler Attributes.

The magic is almost done. Now we need to annotate the methods and parameters to "teach" Waffler how to make the requests. There are dozens of Attributes, but for this example we just need 5 of them.

Import the Attributes from the Waffler\Waffler\Attributes namespace.

<?php // FooClient.php

namespace App\Clients;

use Waffler\Waffler\Attributes\Auth\Bearer;
use Waffler\Waffler\Attributes\Request\Json;
use Waffler\Waffler\Attributes\Request\Query;
use Waffler\Waffler\Attributes\Verbs\Get;
use Waffler\Waffler\Attributes\Verbs\Post;

interface FooClient
     * Retrieve authorization token.
     * @param array $credentials Pass the login and password.
     * @return array             The json response.
    public function login(#[Json] array $credentials): array;

     * Retrieve all posts.
     * @param string $authToken The authorization token.
     * @param array $query      Some optional query string Filters.
     * @return array            The list of posts.
    public function getPosts(#[Bearer] string $authToken, #[Query] array $query = []): array;

Step 3: Generate the implementation for your interface and use it.

Import the class Waffler\Waffler\Client\Factory and call the static method make passing the fully qualified name of the interface we just created as first argument and an associative array of GuzzleHttp client options as second argument.


namespace App;

use App\Clients\FooClient;
use Waffler\Waffler\Client\Factory;

// Instantiate the client passing the interface as first argument.
$fooClient = Factory::make(FooClient::class, ['base_uri' => '<api-base-uri>']);

// Retrieve the credentials
$credentials = $this->fooClient->login([
    'email' => '',
    'password' => '<secret>'

// Retrieve the posts.
$posts = $this->fooClient->getPosts($credentials['token'], ['created_at' => '2020-01-01'])

Usage examples

See the Examples folder.

Attributes docs

See the wiki for more information about the Attributes.