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Welcome To My Personal Website Code

Deploy Website CI/CD

This is pretty much a work in progress, hope you enjoy reading this code as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Key Features

  • Trunk Based Development as branching model.
  • Infrastructure as code with Terraform, which includes a private S3 bucket, CloudFront distribution (SSL certs and cache) and Route 53 A records.
  • Makefile as an entrypoint of the app to simplify usage of this repository.
  • Docker Compose to reduce need to install dependencies and standardize development on any OS.
  • Linting of Terraform, TypeScript and CSS files automatically checked before every commit and on CI.
  • Linting of commit messages locally and on CI, conforming to conventional commits spectification.
  • Unit tests for React code using Jest and testing library automatically checked before every commit and on CI.
  • Hot reloading enabled on save of React files.
  • Automated deployments with a GitHub Actions CI/CD pipeline.

Local Development


The only needed tool you need to install in your machine is Docker.

Run Website Locally

To run the website on development mode, run the following command and visit localhost:3000.

make start

Or to see available commands in Makefile run:

make help