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A Discord bot that translates regular text into UwU-speak.


English UwU
Hello, world! Hewlo, wowld! UwU!
Lorem ipsum dolar sit amet Lowem ipsum dolaw sit amet UwU!
I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals I'wl have you knyow I gwawduatewd top of my class in dwe Nyavy Seals UwU!


  • uwu*that - Uwuify a message in chat. Reply to a message to uwuifiy it.
  • uwu*this - Uwuify text. The rest of the message will be uwuified.
  • uwu*me - Follow the sender and translate everything that they say in the current channel.
  • uwu*stop [where] - Stop following the sender. Optionally set where to "channel", "server", or "everywhere" to stop following in the current channel, current server, or in all of Discord, respectively. Defaults to "channel".
  • uwu*stop_everyone [where] - Stop following everyone in the current channel or server. Optionally set where to "channel" or "server" to specify where to stop following. Defaults to "channel". Requires "Manage Messages" permission.
  • uwu*them <user> - Follow a specified user and translate everything that they say in the current channel. Requires "Manage Messages" permission. Use the command again to stop following.


The bot can be configured through a JSON configuration file, located at /opt/UwuBot/appsettings.Production.json by default. You must add your Discord token here before using the bot. If you are using the the install script, then a default configuration file will be provided for you. To create a configuration file manually, start with this template:

  "DiscordAuth": {
    "DiscordToken": "YOUR DISCORD TOKEN HERE",
  "BotOptions": {
    "CommandPrefixes": [ "uwu*" ]
  "UwuOptions": {
    "AppendUwu": true,
    "MakeCuteCurses": true

The following options are available to customize the bot behavior:

Option Description Default
BotOptions:CommandPrefixes List of command prefixes to respond to. [ "uwu*" ]
UwuOptions:AppendUwu Appends a trailing "UwU!" to the text. true
UwuOptions:MakeCuteCurses Replaces curse words with cuter, more UwU versions. true

Discord Requirements (OAuth2)

To join the bot to a server, you must grant permissions integer 2048. This consists of:

  • bot scope
  • Send Messages permission

You must also grant the "Message Content" intent in the Discord Developer Portal.

System Requirements

  • .NET 6+
  • Windows, Linux, or MacOS. A version of Linux with SystemD (such as Ubuntu) is required to use the built-in install script and service definition.


Before you can run discord-uwu-bot, you need a Discord API Token. You can get this token by creating and registering a bot at the Discord Developer Portal. You can use any name or profile picture for your bot. Once you have registered the bot, generate and save a Token.

Ubuntu / SystemD Linux

For Ubuntu (or other SystemD-based Linux systems), an install script and service definition are provided. This install script will create a service account (default uwubot), a working directory (default /opt/UwuBot), and a SystemD service (default uwubot). This script can update an existing installation and will preserve the appsettings.Production.json file containing your Discord Token and other configuration values.

  1. Compile the bot or download pre-built binaries.
  2. Run sudo ./
  3. [First install only] Edit /opt/UwuBot/appsettings.Production.json and add your Discord token.
  4. Run sudo systemctl start uwubot to start the bot.

Other OS

For non-Ubuntu systems, manual setup is required. The steps below are the bare minimum to run the bot, and do not include steps needed to create a persistent service.

  1. Compile the bot or download pre-built binaries.
  2. Edit appsettings.Production.json and add your Discord token.
  3. Run dotnet DiscordUwuBot.Main.dll to start the bot.