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Team Block

Alex Martinez edited this page May 24, 2016 · 3 revisions

##Adding a Quote block In the Home Menu, click Pages, and then click into the page oh which you want to add a Call to Action. Click the + icon to add a component to the page and select Call to Action.


##Editing Block Content You can edit the content of the component either upon creation or also by clicking the cog icon on the component tile.

Optionally, Add a Title in the first tab. This title will be used as the component title on the live site and also will display on the tile of the Squarespace interface in the page's overview.


##Adding/Editing/Removing Team Members This component is set to accommodate up to 20 team members. To add more than 20, you must add another Team Block.

To add a team member, go to the Team Block tab.


Here you can add a team member's

  • Photo recommended image size: 300px wide by 200px tall
  • Name
  • Position
  • Bio

To Remove a team member, simply remove their photo and any text in the team member's fields.

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