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craigmc08 committed Aug 5, 2021
1 parent 4120bc5 commit 865a519
Showing 1 changed file with 136 additions and 101 deletions.
237 changes: 136 additions & 101 deletions waspc/src/Analyzer/Evaluator/TH.hs
Expand Up @@ -2,19 +2,36 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

-- This module exports two TH functions, @makeDecl@ and @makeEnum@, which
-- write instances for @IsDeclType@ and @IsEnumType@, respectively. Only correct
-- instances will be generated. If a non-decl or non-enum type name is given to
-- either of these functions, a Haskell type error is raised.
module Analyzer.Evaluator.TH (makeDecl, makeEnum) where

import Analyzer.Evaluator.Combinators
import Analyzer.Evaluator.EvaluationError
import qualified Analyzer.Type as T
import Analyzer.TypeDefinitions.Class
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Util (toLowerFirst)

-- ========================================
-- IsDeclType generation
-- ========================================

-- | @makeDecl ''Type@ writes an @IsDeclType@ instance for @Type@. A type
-- error is raised if @Type@ does not fit the criteria described in the
-- definition of @IsDeclType@.
-- In addition to satisfying the requirements of "IsDeclType", the generated
-- instance for @Type@ has @declTypeName == "type"@ (the first letter is
-- always changed to lowercase).
-- __Example__
-- @
-- {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int }
-- makeDecl ''Person
-- -- "IsDeclType Person" instance is generated
-- @
makeDecl :: Name -> Q [Dec]
makeDecl ty = do
(TyConI tyCon) <- reify ty
Expand All @@ -26,93 +43,127 @@ makeDecl ty = do
instanceDecs <- genDecl con
sequence [instanceD (return []) instanceType instanceDecs]

-- | @makeEnum ''Type@ writes an @IsEnumType@ instance for @Type@. A type
-- error is raised if @Type@ does not fit the criteria described in the
-- definition of @IsEnumType@.
-- In addition to satisfying the requirements of "IsEnumType", the generaed
-- instance for @Type@ has @enumTypeName == "Type"@ (the name is not modified
-- at all).
-- __Example__
-- @
-- {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- data Job = Programmer | Manager
-- makeEnum ''Job
-- -- "IsEnumType Job" instance is generated
-- @
makeEnum :: Name -> Q [Dec]
makeEnum ty = do
(TyConI tyCon) <- reify ty
(tyConName, cons) <- case tyCon of
(DataD _ nm [] _ cons _) -> pure (nm, cons)
(NewtypeD _ nm [] _ con _) -> pure (nm, [con])
_ -> fail "Invalid name for makeEnum"
let instanceType = conT ''IsEnumType `appT` conT tyConName
conNames <- enumConNames cons
instanceDecs <- genEnum tyConName conNames
sequence [instanceD (return []) instanceType instanceDecs]

-- ========================================
-- IsDeclType generation
-- ========================================

-- | Top-level "IsDeclType" instance generator.
genDecl :: Con -> Q [DecQ]
-- The constructor is in the form @data Type = Type x@
genDecl (NormalC nm [(_, typ)]) = genPrimDecl nm typ
-- The constructor is in the form @data Type = Type x1 x2 ... xn@, which is not valid for a decl
genDecl (NormalC nm _) = fail $ "Too many non-record values in makeDecl for " ++ show nm
-- The constructor is in the form @data Type = Type { k1 :: f1, ..., kn :: fn }
genDecl (RecC nm recs) = genRecDecl nm $ map (\(recNm, _, typ) -> (recNm, typ)) recs
-- The constructor is in an unsupported form
genDecl _ = fail "makeDecl on non-decl type"

-- For simple decls, i.e. @data Simple = Simple Int@

-- | Create an "IsDeclType" instance for types in the form @data Type = Type x@
genPrimDecl :: Name -> Type -> Q [DecQ]
genPrimDecl nm typ = do
let declTypeNameD = funD 'declTypeName [clause [] (normalB $ litE $ stringL $ toLowerFirst $ nameBase nm) []]
let declTypeBodyTypeD = funD 'declTypeBodyType [clause [] (normalB $ genTypeE typ) []]
let declTypeFromASTD =
[ clause
( normalB $
varE 'build `appE` infixE (Just $ conE nm) (varE '(<$>)) (Just $ genTransformE typ)
pure [declTypeNameD, declTypeBodyTypeD, declTypeFromASTD]
genPrimDecl nm typ =
map pure
<$> [d|
declTypeName = $(lowerNameStrE nm)

declTypeBodyType = $(genTypeE typ)

declTypeFromAST = build $ $(conE nm) <$> $(genTransformE typ)

-- | Write a wasp @Type@ for a Haskell type
genTypeE :: Type -> ExpQ
genTypeE typ =
waspKindOfType typ >>= \case
KString -> conE 'T.StringType
KInteger -> conE 'T.NumberType
KDouble -> conE 'T.NumberType
KBool -> conE 'T.BoolType
KList elemType -> conE 'T.ListType `appE` genTypeE elemType
KDecl -> conE 'T.DeclType `appE` (varE 'declTypeName `appTypeE` pure typ)
KEnum -> conE 'T.EnumType `appE` (varE 'enumTypeName `appTypeE` pure typ)
KString -> [|T.StringType|]
KInteger -> [|T.NumberType|]
KDouble -> [|T.NumberType|]
KBool -> [|T.BoolType|]
KList elemType -> [|T.ListType $(genTypeE elemType)|]
KDecl -> [|T.DeclType declTypeName @ $(pure typ)|]
KEnum -> [|T.EnumType enumTypeName @ $(pure typ)|]
KOptional _ -> fail "Maybe only allowed in record fields"

-- | Write a @Transform@ for a Haskell type
genTransformE :: Type -> ExpQ
genTransformE typ =
waspKindOfType typ >>= \case
KString -> varE 'string
KInteger -> varE 'integer
KDouble -> varE 'double
KBool -> varE 'bool
KList elemType -> varE 'list `appE` genTransformE elemType
KDecl -> varE 'decl `appTypeE` pure typ
KEnum -> varE 'enum `appTypeE` pure typ
KString -> [|string|]
KInteger -> [|integer|]
KDouble -> [|double|]
KBool -> [|bool|]
KList elemType -> [|list $(genTransformE elemType)|]
KDecl -> [|decl @ $(pure typ)|]
KEnum -> [|enum @ $(pure typ)|]
KOptional _ -> fail "Maybe only allowed in record fields"

-- For decls with record constructors, i.e. @data Fields = Fields { a :: String, b :: String }

-- | For decls with record constructors, i.e. @data Fields = Fields { a :: String, b :: String }
genRecDecl :: Name -> [(Name, Type)] -> Q [DecQ]
genRecDecl nm recs = do
let declTypeNameD = funD 'declTypeName [clause [] (normalB $ litE $ stringL $ toLowerFirst $ nameBase nm) []]
-- recs is reversed to make sure the applications for transformDictE are in the right order
(dictEntryTypesE, transformDictE) <- genRecEntryTypesAndTransform nm $ reverse recs
let dictTypeE = conE 'T.DictType `appE` (varE 'H.fromList `appE` dictEntryTypesE)
let transformE = varE 'dict `appE` transformDictE
let declTypeBodyTypeD = funD 'declTypeBodyType [clause [] (normalB dictTypeE) []]
let declTypeFromASTD = funD 'declTypeFromAST [clause [] (normalB $ varE 'build `appE` transformE) []]
pure [declTypeNameD, declTypeBodyTypeD, declTypeFromASTD]
map pure
<$> [d|
declTypeName = $(lowerNameStrE nm)

declTypeBodyType = T.DictType $ H.fromList $dictEntryTypesE

declTypeFromAST = build $ dict $transformDictE

-- | Write the @DictEntryType@s and @TransformDict@ for the records in a
-- Haskell constructor.
genRecEntryTypesAndTransform :: Name -> [(Name, Type)] -> Q (ExpQ, ExpQ)
genRecEntryTypesAndTransform conNm [] = pure (listE [], varE 'pure `appE` conE conNm)
genRecEntryTypesAndTransform conNm ((recNm, typ) : rest) = do
(restDictType, restTransform) <- genRecEntryTypesAndTransform conNm rest
let thisDictType =
(Just $ tupE [litE $ stringL $ nameBase recNm, genFieldTypeE typ])
(conE '(:))
(Just restDictType)
let thisTransform = infixE (Just restTransform) (varE '(<*>)) (Just $ genTransformDictE recNm typ)
pure (thisDictType, thisTransform)
let thisDictTypeE = [|($(nameStrE recNm), $(genFieldTypeE typ)) : $restDictType|]
let thisTransformE = [|$restTransform <*> $(genTransformDictE recNm typ)|]
pure (thisDictTypeE, thisTransformE)

-- | Write a @DictEntryType@ for a Haskell type.
genFieldTypeE :: Type -> ExpQ
genFieldTypeE typ =
waspKindOfType typ >>= \case
KOptional elemType -> conE 'T.DictOptional `appE` genTypeE elemType
_ -> conE 'T.DictRequired `appE` genTypeE typ
KOptional elemType -> [|T.DictOptional $(genTypeE elemType)|]
_ -> [|T.DictRequired $(genTypeE typ)|]

-- | Write a @TransformDict@ for a Haskell type.
genTransformDictE :: Name -> Type -> ExpQ
genTransformDictE recNm typ =
waspKindOfType typ >>= \case
KOptional elemType -> varE 'maybeField `appE` recNmE `appE` genTransformE elemType
_ -> varE 'field `appE` recNmE `appE` genTransformE typ
recNmE = litE $ stringL $ nameBase recNm
KOptional elemType -> [|maybeField $(nameStrE recNm) $(genTransformE elemType)|]
_ -> [|field $(nameStrE recNm) $(genTransformE typ)|]

-- | An intermediate mapping between Haskell types and Wasp types, used for
-- generating @Types@, @Transforms@, @DictEntryTypes@, and @TransformDicts@.
data WaspKind
= KString
| KInteger
Expand All @@ -121,8 +172,10 @@ data WaspKind
| KList Type
| KDecl
| KEnum
| KOptional Type
| -- | Valid only in a record field, represents @DictOptional@/@Maybe@
KOptional Type

-- | Find the "WaspKind" of a Haskell type.
waspKindOfType :: Type -> Q WaspKind
waspKindOfType typ = do
typIsDecl <- isInstance ''IsDeclType [typ]
Expand All @@ -142,63 +195,45 @@ waspKindOfType typ = do
ConT nm `AppT` elemType | nm == ''Maybe -> pure (KOptional elemType)
_ -> fail $ "No translation to wasp type for type " ++ show typ

-- if typIsPrim
-- then pure Primitive
-- else
-- if typIsDecl
-- then pure Decl
-- else
-- if typIsEnum
-- then pure Enum
-- else case typ of
-- ConT conNm `AppT` typ' | conNm == ''Maybe -> pure $ Optional typ'
-- _ -> pure None

-- ========================================
-- IsEnumType generation
-- ========================================

makeEnum :: Name -> Q [Dec]
makeEnum ty = do
(TyConI tyCon) <- reify ty
(tyConName, cons) <- case tyCon of
(DataD _ nm [] _ cons _) -> pure (nm, cons)
(NewtypeD _ nm [] _ con _) -> pure (nm, [con])
_ -> fail "Invalid name for makeEnum"
let instanceType = conT ''IsEnumType `appT` conT tyConName
conNames <- enumConNames cons
sequence [instanceD (return []) instanceType (genEnum tyConName conNames)]

genEnum :: Name -> [Name] -> [DecQ]
genEnum :: Name -> [Name] -> Q [DecQ]
genEnum tyConName cons =
[ genEnumName tyConName,
genEnumVariants cons,
genEnumFromVariants cons

genEnumName :: Name -> DecQ
genEnumName tyConName = do
let enumTypeNameExp = litE $ stringL $ toLowerFirst $ nameBase tyConName
let enumTypeNameClause = clause [] (normalB enumTypeNameExp) []
funD 'enumTypeName [enumTypeNameClause]

genEnumVariants :: [Name] -> DecQ
genEnumVariants conNames = do
let variantsExp = listE $ map (litE . stringL . nameBase) conNames
let variantsClause = clause [] (normalB variantsExp) []
funD 'enumTypeVariants [variantsClause]

genEnumFromVariants :: [Name] -> DecQ
map pure . concat
<$> sequence
[ [d|
enumTypeName = $(lowerNameStrE tyConName)

enumTypeVariants = $(listE $ map nameStrE cons)
genEnumFromVariants cons

genEnumFromVariants :: [Name] -> Q [Dec]
genEnumFromVariants conNames = do
let clauses = map genClause conNames
let leftClause = clause [varP $ mkName "x"] (normalB $ conE 'Left `appE` litE (stringL "Invalid variant for enum")) []
funD 'enumTypeFromVariant (clauses ++ [leftClause])
let leftClause = clause [[p|x|]] (normalB [|Left $ EvaluationError $ "Invalid variant " ++ show x ++ " for enum"|]) []
(: []) <$> funD 'enumTypeFromVariant (clauses ++ [leftClause])
genClause :: Name -> ClauseQ
genClause nm = clause [litP $ stringL (nameBase nm)] (normalB $ conE 'Right `appE` conE nm) []
genClause nm = clause [litP $ stringL $ nameBase nm] (normalB [|Right $(conE nm)|]) []

enumConNames :: [Con] -> Q [Name]
enumConNames = mapM conName
conName (NormalC nm []) = pure nm
conName _ = fail "Enum variant should have only one value"

-- ========================================
-- Helper functions
-- ========================================

-- | Get an expression representing the string form of a name, starting with a lowercase letter
lowerNameStrE :: Name -> ExpQ
lowerNameStrE = litE . stringL . toLowerFirst . nameBase

-- | Get an expression representing the string form of a name
nameStrE :: Name -> ExpQ
nameStrE = litE . stringL . nameBase

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