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OCP4 on VMware vSphere UPI Automation

The goal of this repo is to make deploying and redeploying a new Openshift v4 cluster fully automated. This has been created to avoid any manual operation for a VMware OpenShift User Provisioned Infrastructure (UPI) implementation.


With all the details in hand from the prerequisites, populate the vars/vars-${BUILD_LAB}.yml in the root folder of this repo and trigger the installation seen in the example runs.


  • Ansible 2.X
  • Python module openshift-0.10.3 or higher (you might have to do alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 1 ; pip3 install openshift --user)
  • MacOS pip install requests
  • MacOS pip install PyVmomi

Examples Runs

First Step: Create the Helper Node

Note requires VMware rhel7.7-template (Vanilla RHEL) and Cloud-init installation:

Helper Node Deploy and Build

Specify Build Name (gsslab, pek2lab, <custom> ): (Press ENTER for default: gsslab)

* Cluster Name: gsslab

Helper Node Build (Standalone)

Specify Build Name (gsslab, pek2lab, <custom> ): (Press ENTER for default: gsslab)

* Cluster Name: gsslab

Helper Node destroy

Specify Build Name (gsslab, pek2lab, <custom> ): (Press ENTER for default: gsslab)

* Cluster Name: gsslab

Automated Build with Prompted options with Vault Encrypted Vars and Version Status Checking

Specify Build Name (gsslab, pek2lab, <custom> ): (Press ENTER for default: gsslab)
* Cluster Name: pek2lab

Enter OpenShift Version: (Press ENTER for default: 4.3.8)
* Using: 4.3.9

Enter OpenShift Cluster Size (small [8gb,2vcpu],medium [32gb,4vcpu],large [64gb,8vcpu]): (Press ENTER for default: small )
* Using: medium Cluster Settings Memory 32768 CPU 4

Enter OpenShift Disconnected setting true/false: (Press ENTER for default: false)
* Disconnected Setting: false

Enable OpenShift Container Storage (OCS) true/false: (Press ENTER for default: false)
* OpenShift Container Storage (OCS) Setting: true

Automated Build with Prompted options No Vault Encrypted Vars and Version Status Checking


Manual install

Prepare OCP OVA, Ignition and install configuration

ansible-playbook -e "ocp_version=${DEFAULT_OCPVERSION} disconnected_setting=${DISCONNECTED}" -e @./vars/vars-${BUILD_LAB}.yml setup-ocp-vsphere.yml --ask-vault-pass

Transfer Ignition files

cp install-dir/bootstrap.ign /var/www/html/ignition

Change file permissions

chmod 644 /var/www/html/ignition/bootstrap.ign

Configure the vSphere cluster with the OpenShift instances

ansible-playbook -e "ocp_version=${DEFAULT_OCPVERSION} worker_memory=${WORKER_MEMORY} worker_cpu=${WORKER_CPU} disconnected_setting=${DISCONNECTED}" -e @./vars/vars-${BUILD_LAB}.yml setup-vcenter-vms.yml --ask-vault-pass

Export the Kubernetes Authentication variable

export KUBECONFIG=/root/ocp4-vsphere-upi-automation/install-dir/auth/kubeconfig

Review the installation progress

bin/openshift-install wait-for install-complete --dir=/root/ocp4-vsphere-upi-automation/install-dir

SSH to the Bootstrap node


Review the Boostrap service

journalctl -b -f -u bootkube.service

Post Deployment Tasks (Default HTPasswd Auth Provider)

Specify Build Name (gsslab, pek2lab, <custom> ): (Press ENTER for default: gsslab)

* Cluster Name: gsslab

Confirm OpenShift Disconnected setting true/false: (Press ENTER for default: false)

* Disconnected Setting: false

Confirm OpenShift Container Storage (OCS) true/false: (Press ENTER for default: false)

* OpenShift Container Storage (OCS) Setting: false

Confirm HTPassword Auth true/false: (Press ENTER for default: true)

* HTPassword Auth Setting: true

Confirm LDAP Auth true/false: (Press ENTER for default: false)

* LDAP Auth Setting: false

Confirm NFS Storage true/false: (Press ENTER for default: false)

* NFS Storage Setting: false

Cluster Node Scaling

Scale Up Worker Nodes (Default 3 nodes)

Specify Build Name (gsslab, pek2lab, <custom> ): (Press ENTER for default: gsslab)

* Cluster Name: gsslab

Enter OpenShift Worker Node Size (small [8gb,2vcpu],medium [32gb,4vcpu],large [64gb,8vcpu]): (Press ENTER for default: small )

* Using:  Cluster Settings Memory 8192 CPU 2

Scale Down Worker Nodes (Default 3 nodes)

Specify Build Name (gsslab, pek2lab, <custom> ): (Press ENTER for default: gsslab)

* Cluster Name: gsslab

Disconnected Setup

Repo Sync with versioning

Enter OpenShift Version: (Press ENTER for default: 4.3.8)
* Using: 4.3.8
info: Mirroring 103 images to ...

OLM Sync


Destroy Cluster

Cluster Destroy Vault

Specify Cluster Name (gsslab, pek2lab, <custom> ): (Press ENTER for default: gsslab)

* Cluster Name: gsslab

Cluster Destroy No Vault

Specify Cluster Name (gsslab, pek2lab, <custom> ): (Press ENTER for default: gsslab)

* Cluster Name: gsslab

VMware Cloud-Init Image Guide

RHEL or CentOS Template Node Cloud-Init install

Creating a Generic Cloud-Init OS Image rhel7/CentOS

yum -y install cloud-init

Alernative Pip install

curl -O
python --user

VMware Custom Cloud-init profile install

yum install -y
curl -sSL | sh -

MetaData and UserData Creation (Currently Automated on Helper Create)

cat <<EOF > metadata.yaml
instance-id: helper-boot
local-hostname: helper-boot
  version: 2
        name: ens*
      dhcp4: yes
cat <<EOF > userdata.yaml

  - default
  - name: openshift
    primary_group: openshift
    groups: sudo, wheel
    ssh_import_id: None
    lock_passwd: true
    - ssh-rsa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
export VM="/VMLAB/vm/rhel7.7-template"
export METADATA=$(gzip -c9 <metadata.yaml | { base64 -w0 2>/dev/null || base64; }) \
       USERDATA=$(gzip -c9 <userdata.yaml | { base64 -w0 2>/dev/null || base64; })

Update RHEL/CentOS template on VMware service (Ensure GOVC profile has been exported for the relevant Cluster)

govc vm.change -vm "${VM}" \
  -e guestinfo.metadata="${METADATA}" \
  -e guestinfo.metadata.encoding="gzip+base64" \
  -e guestinfo.userdata="${USERDATA}" \
  -e guestinfo.userdata.encoding="gzip+base64"