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stssg526 edited this page Sep 16, 2016 · 3 revisions

The software resources for WBAI Hackathon 2016 are as follows.
The basic programming language at the hackathon is Python.

LIS (Life In Silico) is a framework that makes intelligent agents live in a virtual environment.
LIS version 2 uses Unity Game Engine for the virtual environment and OpenAI Gym for the learning agent framework. (Specifically speaking, we added a Unity Game Engine environment to OpenAI Gym).
The use of Unity Game Engine makes the construction of virtual environments easy, while the use of OpenAI Gym makes the construction of learning agents easy.
Source Code:

BriCA is a software platform designed specifically to join and schedule multiple machine learning algorithms.
Source Code:
(It includes an OpenAI Gym compatible module.)

BriCA-LIS Integration Sample

LISv2 and BriCA integrated. The agent learns to go towards bait (green boxes) with a DQN algorithm.
The task of the Hackathon 2016 is to create something 'amazing,' 'interesting,' and 'brain-like' by modifying this sample.
Source Code:

BiCAmon is a tool for monitoring cognitive architecture’s activity while mapping it onto connectome.
Embedding its API codelets corresponding to brain areas into modules of cognitive architecture enables the display of architecture activity on a 3D map of the brain.
The use in the hackathon is highly recommended.
Source Code:


Noh is a platform for building cognitive architecture and scripting environments.
You can use it in lieu of BriCA or with BriCA.
Source Code (tentative):

A Hippocampus Model

A hippocampus model with RBM (restricted Boltzmann Machine) (Noh compatible).
Source Code: