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Parses weather station listing from Australian Bureau on Meterology (BOM)


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Build Status parse-bom-stations package in wb-artifacts-public feed in Azure Artifacts

Parses weather stations published by the Bureau of Meteorology.

Using this very small library is easy:

import urllib.request
from io import StringIO
from parse_bom_stations import parse_station_list_to_json

data_url = ''

with urllib.request.urlopen(data_url) as response:
    bytes_data =

station_data = StringIO(str(bytes_data, 'ascii'), newline="\r\n")


The data

The weather station listing appears as:

Bureau of Meteorology product IDCJMC0014.                                       Produced: 12 Jul 2019

   Site  Dist  Site name                                 Start     End      Lat       Lon Source         STA Height (m)   Bar_ht    WMO
------- ----- ---------------------------------------- ------- ------- -------- --------- -------------- --- ---------- -------- ------
 001000 01    KARUNJIE                                    1940    1983 -16.2919  127.1956 .....          WA       320.0       ..     ..
 001001 01    OOMBULGURRI                                 1914    2012 -15.1806  127.8456 GPS            WA         2.0       ..     ..
 001002 01    BEVERLEY SP                                 1959    1967 -16.5825  125.4828 .....          WA          ..       ..     ..
 001003 01    PAGO MISSION                                1908    1940 -14.1331  126.7158 .....          WA         5.0     24.4     ..
 001004 01    KUNMUNYA                                    1915    1948 -15.4167  124.7167 .....          WA        47.0       ..     ..
 001005 01    WYNDHAM PORT                                1886    1995 -15.4644  128.1000 .....          WA        20.0       ..     ..
 001006 01    WYNDHAM AERO                                1951      .. -15.5100  128.1503 GPS            WA         3.8      4.3  95214

At the base of the data is a blank line followed by an informational footer.

19375 stations

(c) Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2019, Bureau of Meteorology (ABN 92 637 533 532)
Please note Copyright, Disclaimer and Privacy Notice, accessible at <>

Using the code

Make sure you have the following software installed:

  • make
  • Python 3.6 (Set as Azure Functions needs 3.6)
  • pipenv

You can then run make init to setup a virtual env and install the required packages.

Kick off the tests with make test. This will download the required data for testing (I don't include them here due to copyright reasons).

You may notice a delay when you git commit - this is due to a commit hook (.git/hooks/pre-commit) that checks your code prior to allowing you to commit. You can skip this check if you really need to by using the --no-verify parameter with your git commit.

If you need to skip the Azure Pipelines CI build, you can use [skip ci] in your commit message:

git commit -m '[skip ci] Pipeline work' --no-verify

The release mechanism is made easy as the Azure Pipelines config will release tagged versions to Azure Artifacts:

git tag 0.1.7
git push --tags


Parses weather station listing from Australian Bureau on Meterology (BOM)








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