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Weave 2.1.3

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@bboreham bboreham released this 04 Dec 15:00
· 725 commits to master since this release

Release 2.1.3

This release fixes a race-condition in the IP reclaim code for weave-kube where, if multiple nodes ran the reclaim process at exactly the same time, two nodes could end up fighting over the same space and break connectivity #3190, #3192

Upgrading the Weave Net Kubernetes addon (weave-kube) from pre-version 2.1:

There is an updated DaemonSet manifest for Kubernetes 1.7 and 1.8 that adds an access to networkpolicies from the API group used by the 'v1' policies and a new role to create ConfigMaps:

kubectl apply -f

To use old network policies:

kubectl apply -f

Full list of changes