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0.21.8 - Better limit control in Aggregate queries

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@etiennedi etiennedi released this 07 Jan 15:04

Docker image/tag: semitechnologies/weaviate:0.21.8
See also: example docker compose files in english and dutch.

Breaking Changes


New Features



  • Missing limit parameter in Aggregation (#1058)
    It wasn't possible to limit (or increase) the amount of groups when making a grouped aggregation, this addresses this by adding a limit: <int> Option to Aggregate{ Things { Class() } }

  • Missing limit parameter in stringProp aggregation's field topOccurrences (#992)
    It wasn't possible to limit (or increase) the amount of string prop results using stringProp { topOccurrences { value occurs } } which always defaulted to 5. This release introduces a limit: <int> field, so that the size of the result buckets can be freely set by the user, e.g. stringProp { topOccurrences(limit: 2000) { value occurs } }