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Module for calculating and displaying complete information about training according to data from the sensor unit.

A task

Implement a module according to the OOP methodology for calculating and displaying information about the past training according to the data from the sensor unit.

Base class

class Training

Class properties

  • action - the main readable action during training (step - running, walking; stroke - swimming);
  • duration - the duration of the workout;
  • weight — athlete's weight;
  • M_IN_KM = 1000 - constant for converting values ​​from meters to kilometers;
  • LEN_STEP - the distance that the athlete overcomes in one step or stroke. One step is 0.65 meters, one stroke is 1.38 meters.

Class methods

  • get_distance() - the method returns the value of the distance covered during the training.
# basic calculation formula
step * LEN_STEP / M_IN_KM
  • get_mean_speed() - method returns the value of the average movement speed during training.
# basic calculation formula
distance / duration
  • get_spent_calories() - method returns the number of calories burned.
  • show_training_info() - method returns a message class object.

Derived classes

Running class

class Running

Class properties


Class methods

override method:

  • get_spent_calories() - method returns the number of calories burned.
# calculation formula
(18 * average_speed - 20) * athlete_weight / M_IN_KM * training_time_in_minutes

Walking class

class SportsWalking

Class properties

Added properties:

  • height - height

Class methods

override method:

  • get_spent_calories() - method returns the number of calories burned.
# calculation formula
(0.035 * weight + (speed ** 2 // height) * 0.029 * weight) * workout_time_minutes

Pool workout class

class Swimming

Class properties

Added properties:

  • length_pool — pool length;
  • count_pool - the number of swimming pools.

Class methods

override method:

  • get_mean_speed() - method returns the value of the average movement speed during training.
# calculation formula
pool_length * count_pool / M_IN_KM / training_time
  • get_spent_calories() - method returns the number of calories burned.
# calculation formula
(speed + 1.1) * 2 * weight

Information message class

class InfoMessage

Class properties

  • training_type — training type;
  • duration - the duration of the workout;
  • distance — distance covered during the workout;
  • speed - average speed of movement; *calories - calories burned during the workout.

Class methods

  • get_message() - method returns a message string.
# output message
# all float values ​​are rounded to 3 decimal places
'Training type: {training_type}; Duration: {duration} hours; Distance: {distance} km; Wed speed: {speed} km/h; Calories burned: {calories}'.

Module functions

def read_package()
  • The read_package() function takes as input a training code and a list of its parameters.
  • The function must determine the type of training and create an object of the appropriate class, passing to it the parameters received in the second argument. The function must return this object.

def main(training)

The main() function must take an instance of the Training class as input.

– When executing the main() function, the show_training_info() method must be called for this instance; the result of the method execution must be an object of the InfoMessage class, it must be stored in the info variable. – For the InfoMessage object stored in the info variable, the method must be called which will return a message string with training data; this string must be passed to the print() function.


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