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Main repository for the WebDSL domain-specific language for web applications.


Either follow the installation instructions, or build from source. See also how to get WebDSL in Eclipse.


Install Dependencies (macOS + brew)

brew install wget autoconf automake maven ant nailgun

ECJ (reduce heap usage)

The build script looks for an ecj script on the path to replace javac.

You can download the ECJ jar from

Then create an ecj file and put it on your path:

#!/bin/sh -e
java -Xmx1g -Xms100m -server -XX:+UseParallelGC -cp $ECJJAR org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.batch.Main "$@"

Verify it:

which ecj

Note: If you get a GC overhead limit exceeded error when running ecj or make, increase the amount of heap memory -Xmx in the ecj script.

Build WebDSL compiler

Invoke the following commands from the root of the repository:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make install

You can check the current version of your WebDSL installation:

webdsl version

It will report the hash of the commit from which WebDSL was built.

Note: If you get this error when invoking make:

Making all in src
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `libwebdsl-front.rtree',
  needed by `src-gen/org/webdsl/webdsl_generator/'.  Stop.
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

Clean the temporary files from the repository, e.g.:

git clean -fXd

Then reissue the commands for building WebDSL.

Note: When you change the JAR libraries, remove the existing WebDSL install directory or you might end up with duplicate JARs. The install directory is at $PREFIX/share/webdsl/, for example /usr/local/share/webdsl/ depending on how you invoked .configure.

Build and run a WebDSL application

Example application:

Command-line build

IDE build

Dark Mode IDE

There is a separate Eclipse updatesite for getting the webdsl editor with dark mode friendly colors:

Additionally, install the DarkestDark theme plugin from eclipse marketplace.

Due to a restriction in the current editor framework this cannot be switched dynamically.