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Convenient and powerful form-builder for Laravel 5.5 and later


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Convenient and powerful form builder for Laravel 5.5 and later

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This package provides a form builder for building whole forms in Laravel views without the need to write any HTML. It builds on basic functionality provided by webflorist/htmlfactory.

The main features are:

  • Use static factory methods for all relevant form-elements.
  • Chain fluid method-calls to set HTML-attributes and other properties.
  • Fully use the benefits of IDEs (auto-completion).
  • Style output for specific frontend-frameworks using webflorist/htmlfactory's Decorator-Classes.
  • Keep your views frontend-framework-agnostic.
  • Extend it's features using webflorist/htmlfactory's Decorators and Components.
  • Produce accessibility-conform valid HTML 5 output.
  • Automatic mapping of Laravel-validation-rules into HTML5-attributes for live-validation by the browser (e.g. laravel rule "required" results in the "required"-property of the HTML-field)
  • Automatic mapping and display of Laravel-error-messages next to their corresponding form-fields.
  • Extensive auto-translation-functionality (for field-labels, -placeholders and -help-texts)
  • Allows multiple forms per page with correct values- and error-mappings.
  • Easy pre-population of form-fields via a predefined value-array.
  • Anti-bot-mechanisms (honeypot-field, captcha, time-limit)
  • Advanced AJAX-validation-functionality vue.js
  • Generate a Vue Instance for a form and use it to interact with it. (uses webflorist/vuefactory)
  • ...and many more.


  1. Require the package via composer:
composer require webflorist/formfactory
  1. Publish config (optional):
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Webflorist\FormFactory\FormFactoryServiceProvider"

Note that this package is configured for automatic discovery for Laravel. Thus the package's Service Provider Webflorist\FormFactory\FormFactoryServiceProvider and the Form-Facade Webflorist\FormFactory\FormFactoryFacade will be automatically registered with Laravel.

When using VueForms (see corresponding chapter below), additional setup is required:

  1. vue.js 2.0 must be available (e.g. by putting <script src=""></script>).
  2. axios must be available (e.g. via <script src=""></script>).
  3. Put <script>{!! Form::generateVueInstances() !!}</script> just above the closing tag of the body-element in your master-template. This makes sure a Vue instance is generated for each VueForm on the current page.
  4. Be sure vue.enabled is set to true in FormFactory's config (which it is by default).


The package can be configured via config/formfactory.php. Please see the inline-documentation of this file for explanations of the various settings:

Also be sure to correctly configure the decorators in the HtmlFactory-config (at config/htmlfactory.php), so the proper Decorators are applied and the generated output includes all necessary styles for the frontend-framework in use.



Since this package extends the functionality of webflorist/htmlfactory, it is recommended to read at least the 'Basics'-section of that package. The basic usage (building of HTML-elements with fluid setter-methods - e.g. to set HTML-attributes) of FormFactory is identical to webflorist/htmlfactory.

The main difference in usage is, that FormFactory uses it's own Form-facade instead of HtmlFactory's Html-facade. It also provides some additional methods to control the extended form-functionality.

Since this package is built IDE-friendly way, you just have to type Form::in your auto-completion-enabled IDE and you should immediately get a list of the available form-elements you can build.

A minimal example to create a form

A minimal form requires a form-open-tag, a field, a submit-button and a form-close-tag:

Blade Code:
{!! Form::open('MyFormID') !!}
{!! Form::text('MyFieldName') !!}
{!! Form::submit('MySubmitButton') !!}
{!! Form::close() !!}

Generated HTML:
<form role="form" accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="MyFormID" method="POST" action="https://localhost/my-form-route">

    <input type="hidden" name="_token" value="eIy29d5nSsCv3KJKF7pQydIHz7IR1OPVJjky9TOM" id="MyFormID__token" />
    <input type="hidden" name="_formID" value="MyFormID" id="MyFormID__formID" />
    <div data-field-wrapper="1">
        <label for="MyFormID_MyFieldName">MyFieldName</label>
        <div role="alert" data-error-container="1" id="MyFormID_MyFieldName_errors" data-displays-errors-for="MyFieldName" hidden style="display:none"></div>
        <input type="text" name="MyFieldName" id="MyFormID_MyFieldName" placeholder="MyFieldName" aria-describedby="MyFormID_MyFieldName_errors" />
    <button type="submit" name="MySubmitButton" id="MyFormID_MySubmitButton">MySubmitButton</button>

Let's take a look at some of the magic, that is happening here:

  • The Form::open() call already does some stuff for us like setting some default-attributes (e.g. POST as the method or the current url as the action)
  • A hidden input including the laravel CSRF-token is automatically added. (As is a hidden input including the form-id, which is used for various on-board-functionality.)
  • The field is automatically wrapped within a div-element (with bootstrap this element would get the 'form-group' class).
  • The field's label as well as placeholder are automatically added using the field-name (if none other is stated), or an automatic translation (explained later).
  • All relevant elements have an automatically generated ID (format for fields: %formID%_%fieldName%)
  • The button's content is also automatically generated from the name or via auto-translation (if none is specifically set).

If you have any (supported) frontend-framework configured, the output would include the framework-specific styles and classes.

As with all other tags, the opening form-tag, as well as the submit-button can be manipulated by chaining fluid setter-methods (e.g. to change the default-attributes or add additional attributes).

A minimal example to create a tag

Here is a very basic example for the generation of a text-input from within a laravel-blade-template:

Blade Code:
{!! Form::text('MyFieldName') !!}

Generated HTML:
<div data-field-wrapper="1">
    <label for="frmTest_MyFieldName">MyFieldName</label>
    <div role="alert" data-error-container="1" id="frmTest_MyFieldName_errors" data-displays-errors-for="MyFieldName" hidden="" style="display:none"></div>
    <input type="text" name="MyFieldName" id="frmTest_MyFieldName" placeholder="MyFieldName" aria-describedby="frmTest_MyFieldName_errors">

Since this package is built IDE-friendly way, you just have to type Form::in your auto-completion-enabled IDE and you should immediately get a list of available tags.

Using tag-methods to change the output

Now let's say, we want change the output in the following way:

  • Set a specific label,
  • add a data-attribute data-foo with the value bar,
  • do not use the placeholder,
  • set the HTML5 attribute "required",
  • and pre-populate the field with a value.

We can achieve this by applying the corresponding methods for these modifications:

Blade Code:
{!! Form::text('MyFieldName')
    ->value('MyNewValue') !!}

Generated HTML:
<fieldset class="form-group">
    <label for="_MyFieldName">MyNewLabel<sup>*</sup></label>
    <input id="_MyFieldName" data-foo="bar" class="form-control" required="required" name="MyFieldName" value="MyNewValue" type="text">

Note, that a <sup>*</sup> is automatically added to the label. This is the case, because we added the required-attribute, and indicates to the user, that this is a mandatory field.

The methods, that can be applied to a tag consist of the HTML-attributes, that this tag is allowed to have, as well as other methods to achieve more specific goals. You can find a full overview of all available methods for a tag below. But as a rule-of-thumb, the methods to set HTML-attributes are always identical to their name (with a few exceptions).

Here are some often used non-HTML-attribute methods:

  • ->content('foobar'): sets the content of a tag, that can have one (e.g. div, button, textarea)
  • ->data('foo','bar'): adds a data-tag; Note: data- is automatically prepended to the key, so this example would result in: data-foo="bar"
  • ->addClass('foobar'): adds a class to the tag (add multiple classes by either calling addClass multiple times, or by separating the classes with a space.

But since this package is built IDE-friendly way, you just have to type e.g. Form::text()->in your auto-completion-enabled IDE and you should immediately get a list of available methods for this tag.

Since this package strives to only output valid HTML, the available methods differ from tag to tag. E.g. you can not use the method ->selected() on an input-tag, because it is not allowed according to HTML-standards.

Advanced Features

Now, that the basic usage of this package was explained, let's continue with some advanced functionality:

Pre-populating the whole form with values

In many cases, you have existing data your form should be pre-populated with (e.g. a user editing his data). An array of all values for the whole form can be given to the form-open-call using the ->values() method.


Controller Code:
return view('MyView')->with([
    'values' => [
        'user' => 'me',
        'newsletter' => 'yes'

Blade Code:
{!! Form::open('profile')->values($values) !!}
{!! Form::text('user') !!}
{!! Form::checkbox('newsletter','yes') !!}
{!! Form::submit('submit') !!}
{!! Form::close() !!}

Generated HTML:
<form action="http://localhost/formtest" method="POST" role="form" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="form-vertical" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="profile">
    <input type="hidden" id="profile__token" class="form-control" name="_token" value="ALAPXIOaRs3gBV8vYm7vRXgqONRMsQ6cDRUVVaXW">
    <input type="hidden" id="profile__formID" class="form-control" name="_formID" value="profile">
    <fieldset class="form-group">
        <label for="profile_user">User</label>
        <input type="text" id="profile_user" class="form-control" name="user" value="me" placeholder="User">
    <div class="checkbox">
            <input type="checkbox" id="profile_newsletter" name="newsletter" value="yes" checked="checked"> Newsletter
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" id="profile_submit" name="submit">Submit</button>

As you can see, the values provided from the controller to the view and then to the Form::open() call via the ->values() method pre-populate the fields. Checkboxes, radio-buttons and select-boxes have their checked/selected-attributes applied automatically depending on the provided values.

Mapping "old input" and errors to form-fields in case of validation errors

In a normal Laravel-application a user is redirected back to the form-page, if any validation-errors have occurred.

FormFactory automatically maps previously entered "old" input-values as well as error messages back to the submitted form. This even works, when multiple forms with identically named fields are present on the same page. Since the unique form-ID is submitted with the form itself and stored in the session, FormFactory will always know, which form was submitted, and pre-fill any fields (incl. radiobuttons or chackboxes) with the old input accordingly and display any error messages on validation errors.

Per default FormFactory searches the in the default-ViewErrorBag of Laravel. If you have stated a specifically named error bag during validation, you will have to tell FormFactory which error-bag it should use to look for errors for your form. You can do this by using the ->errorBag()-method on the Form::open()-call.

If you do not want to let FormFactory fetch errors from the session, but state them yourself, you have 2 possible options:

  • You can state the complete multidimensional error-array for all fields of a form using the ->errors()-method on the Form::open() call.
  • Or you can state errors for a single field by handing a simple one-dimensional array to the ->errors()-method of any field (e.g. Form::text('myField')->errors(['My first error message','My second error message']).

The order of precedence with error-fetching is as follows: errors stated with a specific field > errors stated with the Form::open() call > errors fetched from session.

There might be cases, where there are validation-errors, that don't have an associated field in the output (e.g. if fields belong to an array, which has errors). FormFactory automatically displays these errors at the end of the form, but you can render them anywhere else in your form using one of the following methods:

  • You can add {!! Form::errorContainer('myFieldName') !!} anywhere within your form to render errors for myFieldName.
  • You can add ->addErrorField('myFieldName') to any other field's generation to render errors for myFieldName next to that other field's errors.
Mapping laravel-rules to HTML5-attributes

Several attributes (e.g. required, max, min, pattern, etc.) were introduced with HTML5 to add validation-relevant information to fields. With the help of these attributes, modern browsers can validate user input without any server-side requests.

These attributes correspond directly to built-in Laravel-rules, so FormFactory provides several ways generate these attributes from Laravel-rules. Additionally it will also change the input-type of a text-field accordingly. And it will append <sup>*</sup> to required fields to mark them as mandatory.

Here is a list of Laravel-rules translated into HTML-attributes or forcing a specific input-type:

Rule Attribute(s) Input-Type
accepted required="required", additionally the field label is appended with <sup>*</sup> -
required required="required", additionally the field label is appended with <sup>*</sup> -
numeric pattern="[+-]?\d*.?\d+" number
not_numeric pattern="\D+" -
url - url
active_url - url
alpha pattern="[a-zA-Z]+" -
alpha_dash pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+" -
alpha_num pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9]+" -
between:min,max min="min", max="max" (when used on type=number- input-tag) -
between:min,max maxlength="max", pattern=".{min,max}" (when used on any other input-tag) -
between:min,max maxlength="max" (when used on a textarea ) -
in:foo,bar,... pattern="^(foo|bar...)$" -
not_in:foo,bar,... pattern="(?:(?!^foo$|^bar$|^...$).)*" -
max:value max="value" (when used on type=number- input-tag) -
max:value maxlength="value" (when used on any other tag) -
min:value min="value" (when used on type=number- input-tag) -
min:value pattern=".{min,}" (when used on any other tag) -
mimes:foo,bar,... accept=".foo,.bar,...."

There are 3 possible ways of telling FormFactory these rules:

  • If you are using a Laravel Form Request with your form, you can simply state the class-name of that Form Request using the ->requestObject()-method on the Form::open()-call. FormFactory will then fetch the rules from that object automatically. If your Form Request Object resides in the default namespace (App\Http\Requests), you can simply state the simple class-name (e.g. ->requestObject('MyFormRequest')). Otherwise, you have to state the full class-name incl. the namespace.
  • You can state the complete associative rules-array for all fields of a form using the ->rules()-method on the Form::open() call.
  • Or you can state the rules for a single field by handing them as a string to the ->errors()-method of any field.

Automatic translation

Another useful feature of FormFactory is it's usage of auto-translation, which tries to automatically translate labels, button- or option-texts, placeholders, and general help-texts via standard laravel-translation-files.

Here is a list of tags, that can be auto-translated (see example below for required language-file-keys):

  • Labels
  • Placeholders
  • Help-Texts
  • Selectbox-Options
  • Radio-Options
  • Button-Texts

Please note, that if you specifically state this information with the appropriate methods on the call to generate a specific field, that will always take precedence over auto-translation. E.g. Form::text('myTextField')->label('Use this label') will always display 'Use this label' as the label - regardless of any available language-keys.

There are three possible sources you can use for auto-translation (FormFactory tries all three until it gets a valid translation):

  • If you are using the nic-at/extended-validation package with your application, it will automatically fetch the translations from the attributes registered with the registerAttribute-functionality of that package. This is quite logical, since that functionality is for showing the actual field-names (=attributes) within error messages, so we already have all we need in one place.
  • If you are not using nic-at/extended-validation package FormFactory is trying to get translations from a single language-file. You have to state this in the formfactory.translations config key of the htmlfactory-config (default is validation.attributes, which is also Laravel's default location for attributes.

Let's see an example of the second variant:

Contents of the 'attributes' sub-array of \resources\lang\en\validation.php
'myTextField' => 'My Beautiful Field',
'myTextFieldPlaceholder' => 'I love webflorist/htmlfactory!',
'myTextFieldHelpText' => 'Please enter something nice!',
'mySelectBox' => 'My Beautiful Select-Box',
'mySelectBox_myFirstOption' => 'My First Select-Box-Option',
'mySelectBox_mySecondOption' => 'My Second Select-Box-Option',
'myRadioGroup' => 'My Radio-Group',
'myRadioGroup_myFirstOption' => 'My First Radio-Option',
'myRadioGroup_mySecondOption' => 'My Second Radio-Option',
'mySubmitButton' => 'Submit this beautiful form!',

Blade Code:
{!! Form::open('myForm') !!}
{!! Form::text('myTextField') !!}
{!! Form::select('mySelectBox',[
    ]) !!}
{!! Form::radioGroup('myRadioGroup',[
    ]) !!}
{!! Form::submit('mySubmitButton') !!}
{!! Form::close() !!}

Generated HTML:
<form action="" method="POST" role="form" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="form-vertical" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="myForm">
    <input id="myForm__token" class="form-control" name="_token" value="W8CKPo9Fq2X66oI6CokUFz9s6fsjifYShSHQbz0d" type="hidden">
    <input id="myForm__formID" class="form-control" name="_formID" value="myForm" type="hidden">
    <fieldset class="form-group">
        <label for="myForm_myTextField">My Beautiful Field</label>
        <input id="myForm_myTextField" class="form-control" aria-describedby="myForm_myTextField_helpText" name="myTextField" value="" placeholder="I love webflorist/htmlfactory!" type="text">
        <div class="text-muted small" id="myForm_myTextField_helpText">Please enter something nice!</div>
    <fieldset class="form-group">
        <label for="myForm_mySelectBox">My Beautiful Select-Box</label>
        <select id="myForm_mySelectBox" class="form-control" name="mySelectBox">
            <option id="myForm_mySelectBox_myFirstOption" value="myFirstOption">My First Select-Box-Option</option>
            <option id="myForm_mySelectBox_mySecondOption" value="mySecondOption">My Second Select-Box-Option</option>
    <fieldset class="form-group" id="myForm_myRadioGroup">
        <legend>My Radio-Group</legend>
        <div class="radio">
            <label><input id="myForm_myRadioGroup_myFirstOption" name="myRadioGroup" value="myFirstOption" type="radio"> My First Radio-Option</label>
        <div class="radio">
            <label><input id="myForm_myRadioGroup_mySecondOption" name="myRadioGroup" value="mySecondOption" type="radio"> My Second Radio-Option</label>
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" id="myForm_mySubmitButton" name="mySubmitButton">Submit this beautiful form!</button>

Anti-bot mechanisms

FormFactory comes with 3 built-in and easy-to-use solutions to protect a form against bots or ddos-attacks. A primary focus of these mechanisms is to maintain the accessibility of your forms, so screen-readers should have no problem with them. (This is also the reason, why the provided captcha-mechanism used a simple text-based mathematical challenge instead of an image-based captcha.) The support for each of these mechanisms must be enabled in the htmlfactory-config (e.g. the config-key formfactory.honeypot.enabled enables or disables the support for the honeypot-mechanism). Support for all three mechanisms are enabled by default, but must still be enabled individually for each form. This is done by setting the corresponding rules (either in the Laravel Form Request Object you hand over to the Form::open()-call via the ->requestObject()-method, or in the rules-array you state via the ->rules()-method.

The following rules (set within the rulesmethod of a request-object) would enable all three mechanisms for any form, that uses this request-object by handing it to the Form::open()-call via the ->requestObject()-method.

public function rules()
    return [
       '_honeypot' => 'honeypot',
       '_captcha' => 'captcha',
       '_timeLimit' => 'timeLimit',

You can achieve the same by handing these rules to your Form::open() call via the rules()-method (see details above).

Here is a detailed explanation of each anti-bod mechanism:


This will automatically generate a hidden text-field with a random field-name, that MUST be submitted with an empty value to successfully validate (which it also does per default, if the form is filled out by a human, since he will never see this field, because it is hidden). Since bots normally tend to automatically fill out all fields of a form (and do not check, if they are actually hidden), many of them will fail validation.


This mechanic will only successfully validate a submitted form, if a certain time has passed between generation and submission of a form. The thought behind this mechanism is, that bots tend to fill out and submit a form automatically and immediately after receiving it, while a human needs some time for filling out.

A default time-limit, that is automatically used for all forms, that have time-limit-protection enabled, can be set via the config-key formfactory.time_limit.default_limit of the htmlfactory-config (2 seconds per default). But you can set an individual time-limit by passing it as a rule-parameter to the timeLimit-rule. E.g. '_timeLimit' => 'timeLimit:5' would set the time-limit for any form using this rule to 5 seconds (thus overriding the default-value in the config file).


FormFactory has a build-in captcha-protection based on simple mathematical calculations. There are 2 settings relevant to this mechanism:

  • The number of times a form can be submitted, before a captcha is required. (0 means, the captcha is shown always.) A default-value can be set via the config-key formfactory.captcha.default_limit of the htmlfactory-config (2 per default). It can also be overridden per form via the first parameter of the captcha-rule.
  • The time-span (in seconds since Laravel 5.8; in minutes before Laravel 5.8) for which the captcha-limit is valid. After reaching the limit for captcha-less submissions, it takes this long, before the user can submit the form again without a captcha. Again, a default-value can be set via the config-key formfactory.captcha.decay_time of the htmlfactory-config (120 per default). It can also be overridden per form via the second parameter of the captcha-rule.

E.g. the rule '_captcha' => 'captcha:10,60' would display and require a captcha after 10 form-submissions and for 60 seconds (thus overriding the default-values in the config file).

Disable automatic mandatory-field-legend

A Form::close() call will automatically add an info-text describing mandatory fields (* Mandatory fields) to the end of the form.

If you want to disable this behaviour, simply pass a boolean false as the first parameter of the close() method.


{!! Form::close(false) !!}

Changing views

As described in the documentation of HtmlFactory, you can change the view, in which a particular form will be rendered. (see default views for usage). Of course, if you wanted to change the views of ALL Elements of a certain type, publishing and editing the included views would be the better option.


You can also use DecoratorClasses and the decorate() method to influence the output of your forms and fields. Both are described in the documentation of HtmlFactory.

As with views, you can access and influence several of a FormControl's features (label, errors, help-text, etc.) within decoration.


By default, the forms generated with this package do not have any JavaScript- or AJAX-functionality in place to allow for validation or submission without a new page-reload. To allow a more modern approach, FormFactory can utilize vue.js and axios to create forms that submit via AJAX and do not required a page-reload. These are called VueForms.

VueForms provide the same set of features as normal Forms (which means existing Forms can be "converted" to VueForms any time). But they open up many further possibilities through Vue's data binding. This allows the extension of any custom frontend-functionality (see Customizability below).

Several parts of the form will then be reactive, e.g.:

  • Field-values will be bound to fields.fieldName.value.
  • The 'required' attribute and the indicator for required fields next to the label (by default <sup>*</sup>) will be bound to fields.fieldName.required.
  • The 'disabled' attribute will be bound to fields.fieldName.disabled.


To enable usage of VueForms, make sure you have followed the VueForm-specific Installation instructions at the beginning of this README.

Additionally it must be ensured, that a correct JSON-response is returned in both a successful and unsuccessful form submission:

  • The controller-method designated to handle the submit-request should return a Webflorist\FormFactory\Vue\Responses\VueFormSuccessResponse on a successful request.
  • If validation takes place via a Laravel Form Request, it should include the Trait Webflorist\FormFactory\Vue\FormFactoryFormRequestTrait.
  • If validation takes place in the controller-method using $this->validate(), the controller should include Webflorist\FormFactory\Vue\FormFactoryControllerTrait.


If the prerequisites are met, the basic usage is identical to FormFactory's normal forms, with the only exception being to use Form::vOpen() (instead of Form::open()) to create open your form.

Here is a full example for a VueForm:

Blade Code:
{!! Form::vOpen('MyVueFormID')
{!! Form::text('MyTextField') !!}
{!! Form::submit() !!}
{!! Form::close() !!}

Form Request (\App\Http\Requests\MyVueFormRequest):

namespace App\Http\Requests;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
use Webflorist\FormFactory\Vue\FormFactoryFormRequestTrait;

class MyVueFormRequest extends FormRequest
    use FormFactoryFormRequestTrait;

    public function authorize()
        return true;

    public function rules()
        return [
            'MyTextField' => 'required',

Controller (App\Http\Controllers\MyVueFormController):

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Requests\MyVueFormRequest;
use Webflorist\FormFactory\Vue\Responses\VueFormSuccessResponse;

class MyVueFormController extends Controller

    public function post(MyVueFormRequest $request)
        // Do stuff....
        return (new VueFormSuccessResponse('Form successfully submitted!'));

The VueFormSuccessResponse can be customized with additional functionality via the following fluent methods:

Method Description
resetForm() Resets the form by setting all field-values to an empty string after delivering the response.
redirect(string $url, int $delay=2000) Redirects the user to $url after $delay (in ms) after delivering the response. This also appends a sentence telling the user about the upcoming redirect to the success-message.


Vue Options

A VueForm can be extended with any kind of frontend-functionality by adding items (data, computed properties, methods, etc) to the Vue Options Object, giving you the full arsenal of Vue.js to modify your form's frontend behaviour.

By default, the Vue instances and their Options are automatically generated using the Form::generateVueInstances() call you added to your master-template (see installation-instructions).

You can however influence or manually initiate the generation of the Vue instance for a specific form by calling Form::vueInstance('MyVueFormID') sometime after he ´Form::close() call. This will return a PHP-object of class Webflorist\VueFactory\VueInstance to which you can add additional Vue options (e.g. methods, computed, watch, etc.) by chaining the corresponding methods. See the documentation of webflorist/vuefactory for additional usage-instructions.

Manual generation into JavaScript-code can be initiated by chaining the ˋgenerate()ˋ command at the end of the call. Be sure to wrap the call within script-tags in this case. Oherwise the code will be generated with your additions automatically with the 'Form::generateVueInstances()' call.

A VueForm's VueInstance is also accessible in views and decoration via $el->vueInstance.

Language Strings

Default language strings are included for various frontend functionality. Use Laravel's usual way of overriding Package language files.


Convenient and powerful form-builder for Laravel 5.5 and later







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