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Object name



Methods Supported POST
Description Allows you to post orders to an Accounting System

Object Description

Orders is a collection of sale transactions of products or services from a seller to a buyer at agreed price and quantity.

Request Format

As request parameter, the details of order(s) that need to be posted to an Accounting System should be sent in JSON format.
Field Type Description Required?
OrderId string Unique identifier for order for the purposes of API call Yes
OrderDate datetime Date the order was placed Yes
Customer reference type Customer Information. See below for the layout of customer details Some fields are mandatory. See below for details
BillingAddress reference type Address associated with the payment. See below for the layout of billing address Some fields are mandatory. See below for details
ShippingAddress reference type Address for the shipment. See below for the layout of shipping address Node is mandatory though all fields are optional
OrderItems reference type Order line items. See below for the layout of items Some fields are mandatory. See below for details
ShipmentStatus string UNSHIPPED, PARTIALLY_SHIPPED, SHIPPED. Optional. Will be used in future for additional transaction options. No
ShipmentMethod string Shipment Method selected for delivery of items No
ShipmentCarrier string Shipping carrier selected for delivery of items No
ShippingCharges double Total shipping charges will be recorded against a specific shipping item as specified by end-user. No
ShipmentCost double Optional. Will be used in future to record shipping expenses No
TotalDiscounts double Total discount will be recorded against a specific discount item as specified by end-user No
TotalTax double Total taxes will be recorded against a specific tax item item as specified by end-user No
TotalAmount string Total charges of the sale transaction Yes
PaymentStatus string PENDING, PAID Yes
PaymentMethod string Payment method for the order. CHECK, CREDITCARD, PAYPAL, OTHER. Optional. Will be used in future for additional transaction options. Yes
PaymentNotes string Optional. String containing details of payment such as payment id, last 4 of card, card type, etc. No
Notes string Optional Order Notes No
Currency string USD. Default is USD and no other currencies supported currently. No

The Customer field: Customer gives details of the customer and has following properties:

Field Name Type Description Required
FirstName string First name of customer (max length = 255) Yes
LastName string Last Name of customer (max length = 255) Yes
CompanyName string Name of customer organisation (max length = 500) No
EmailAddress string Email address of contact person (umlauts not supported) (max length = 500) No

The BillingAddress field: BillingAddress is an optional field and gives the details of billing address of the customer. It has following properties:

Field Name Type Description Required
FirstName string First name for billing address Yes
LastName string Last name for billing address Yes
AddressLine1 string AddressLine1 No
AddressLine2 string AddressLine2 No
AddressLine3 string AddressLine3 No
AddressLine4 string AddressLine4 No
City string City No
Region string Region No
PostalCode string PostalCode No
Country string Country No

The ShippingAddress field: ShippingAddress is an optional field and gives the details of shipping address of the customer. It has following properties:

Field Name Type Description Required
FirstName string First name for shipping address No
LastName string Last name for shipping address No
AddressLine1 string AddressLine1 No
AddressLine2 string AddressLine2 No
AddressLine3 string AddressLine3 No
AddressLine4 string AddressLine4 No
City string City No
Region string Region No
PostalCode string PostalCode No
Country string Country No

The OrderItems field: OrderItems lists details of all the line items for the order. It is an array of items, each with the following properties:

Field Name Type Description Required
SKU string Stock Keeping Unit - identifier for the Item No
Name string Item name Yes
Description string Item description Yes
UnitPrice double Unit sale price of the item Yes
UnitCost double Unit purchase price of the item. Optional. Used when creating a new item in Accounting System. No
Quantity double Quantity of the item sold Yes
Taxable boolean Indicates whether the item is Taxable or not Yes

Response Format

API response returns the details of accounting transaction for all the orders in a JSON formatted string. The provided response fields are:
Field Name Type Description
OrderId string Unique identifier for order
Transactions reference type Details of transactions that are created in Accounting System. See below for the layout of Transactions
Customer reference type Details of customer(s) sent in POST request. See below for the layout of Customers
Items reference type Details of items sent in POST request. See below for the layout of Items
ResponseAt datetime UTC timestamp when the response is sent by the server

The Transactions field: Transactions lists all the transactions that are created in Accounting System and has following properties:

Field Name Type Description
TransactionId string Unique identifier for the transaction created
TransactionNumber integer Number/Code identifying the transaction
Type string Type of transaction created in the Accounting System. Valid values: Invoice, SalesReceipt, Payment, CreditMemo
UpdatedAt datetime UTC timestamp of last update to transaction
CreatedAt datetime UTC timestamp of created date of transaction

The Customer field: Customer gives details of all the customers that are sent in POST request to Accounting System and has following properties:

Field Name Type Description
CustomerId string Identifier of the customer sent in POST request
FirstName string First name of customer (max length = 255)
LastName string Last Name of customer (max length = 255)
CompanyName string Name of customer organisation (max length = 500)
CustomerStatus string Customer status. Valid values = MATCHED, CREATED

The Items field: Items gives details of all the items that are sent in POST request to Accounting System and has following properties:

Field Name Type Description
SKU string SKU of the item sent in POST request that is a unique identifier
Name string Name of the item sent in POST request
ItemId integer Identifer of the item in Accounting

Available API Interaction

Post Orders

The API interaction is used to post one of more orders to an Accounting System.



Sample Request

  "Orders": {
    "OrderId": "1010",
    "OrderDate": "2014-08-20",
    "Customer": {
      "FirstName": "Dan",
      "LastName": "Scheffler",
      "CompanyName": "ABC Corp.",
      "EmailAddress": ""
    "BillingAddress": {
      "FirstName": "Webgility",
      "LastName": "Inc",
      "AddressLine1": "2703 Town Center Lane",
      "AddressLine2": "Add2",
      "AddressLine3": "Add3",
      "AddressLine4": "Add4",
      "City": "Sunnyvale",
      "Region": "South",
      "PostalCode": "940862",
      "Country": "US"
    "ShippingAddress": {
      "FirstName": "Dan",
      "LastName": "Scheffler",
      "AddressLine1": "511 Willson Lane",
      "AddressLine2": "Add2",
      "AddressLine3": "Add3",
      "AddressLine4": "AAA",
      "City": "Franklin",
      "Region": "Central",
      "PostalCode": "85061",
      "Country": "US"
    "OrderItems": [
        "SKU": "Book1",
        "Name": "Novel Book 1",
        "Description": "Qwertyuiop",
        "UnitPrice": 10,
        "UnitCost": 5,
        "Quantity": 1,
        "Taxable": false
        "SKU": "Book2",
        "Name": "Tech Book 2",
        "Description": "WE22222",
        "UnitPrice": 10,
        "UnitCost": 5,
        "Quantity": 1,
        "Taxable": false
    "ShipmentStatus": "Shipped",
    "ShipmentMethod": "FedEx",
    "ShipmentCarrier": "Overnight",
    "ShippingCharges": 10,
    "ShippingCost": 10,
    "TotalDiscounts": 5,
    "TotalTax": 5,
    "TotalAmount": 30,
    "PaymentStatus": "Paid",
    "PaymentMethod": "Check",
    "PaymentNotes": "My Payment",
    "Notes": "My Notes",
    "Currency": "USD"

Sample Response

 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "Orders": {
       "OrderId": "123",
       "Transactions": {
          "TransactionId": "69",
          "TransactionNumber": "INV-0042",
          "Type": "Invoice",
          "UpdatedAt": "2013-12-26T01:04:21.707",
          "CreatedAt": "2009-05-14T01:44:26.747"
      "Customer": {
         "CustomerId": "1",
         "FirstName": "John",
         "LastName": "Williams",
         "CompanyName": "ABC Pvt Ltd",
         "CustomerStatus": "CREATED"
       "Items": [
          "SKU": "19",
          "Name": "Merino-2011-L",
          "ItemId": "238",
          "ItemStatus": "CREATED"
          "SKU": "20",
          "Name": "Merino-2012",
          "ItemId": "241",
          "ItemStatus": "CREATED"
      "ResponseAt": "2014-02-28T16:15:14.261",

Sample PHP Code

 $url = '';
 $data = '{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}'; //JSON string
 $ch = curl_init();
 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30000); //timeout after 30 seconds
 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $Token);
 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$data);
 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
 'Content-Type: application/json',
 'Token: ' . $Token
 $status_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);   //get status code
 $result=curl_exec ($ch);
 curl_close ($ch);