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HTTP Status Codes

webgility edited this page Oct 31, 2014 · 1 revision

This page provides HTTP status code explanations returned by WebgilityConnect API for every request. They each consist of a three digit numerical code and a text description (the text description is simply advisory, and may be translated to other languages). For a general overview, or if you encounter codes not documented here, see the WWW3 organization’s Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

Success Codes - 2xx

Status Code Description
200 OK Standard response for successful HTTP requests.
201 Created The request was successful, and a new resource has been created.
202 Accepted The request was accepted for processing, but the job hasn't actually been completed. It is possible that the request will be rejected once processing takes place.

Redirection Codes - 3xx

Status Code Description
301 Moved Permanently The resource has moved permanently, and all future requests should use one of the returned URIs.

Client Error Codes - 4xx

Status Code Description
400 Bad Request The request can not be fulfilled because the request contained bad syntax.
401 Unauthorized The client needs to authenticate in order to access this resource. This response alerts you that there is a problem with your account. The account_token could be incomplete or incorrect, your account could be expired, or the authorization token (oauth_token) may be invalid.
403 Forbidden The client is not allowed to access this resource. This response is received when internal rules or limits have been reached. For example, in the PUT or CREATE calls, this will be returned if an incorrect data key is used, the collaboration session is full, or if the event has ended.
404 Not Found The resource was not found, though its existence in the future is possible. Occurs when an incorrect key value, a deleted data key, or a key for an event in the past is passed.
409 Conflict The request could not be completed due to a conflict in state (for example, attempting to update a resource when it has changed since last access.

Server Error Codes - 5xx

Status Code Description
500 Internal Server Error A generic server error message, for when no other more specific message is suitable.This could be caused by a failed or partial connection, or other transitory conditions. The request may be re-tried, but it may have the same result.