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webxoss edited this page Nov 23, 2018 · 2 revisions


WEBXOSS main loop

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[*] -> Initialize
Initialize: Create Players, Cards, etc.
Initialize -> SetupEffects: game.start()
SetupEffects: See [[ Effect Handling]]
SetupEffects -> GameLoop
GameLoop -> GameOver: By calling,\nbreak the loop.

state GameLoop {
  state "phase.setup" as PhaseSetup
  [*] -> PhaseSetup
  PhaseSetup -> UpPhase
  UpPhase -> OtherPhases
  OtherPhases -> EndPhase
  EndPhase -> UpPhase: Switch player\n(We call this **wixoss()** XD)

GameLoop -down-> IO: 1. Hangup on async calls.\n(See [[ Async Calls]])
IO -> client: 2. Request input
client -> IO: 3. Send input
IO -down-> GameLoop: 4. Resume after user input.


A WEBXOSS game is initialized by calling Game() constructor. Once started, it setup all the Effects(See Effect Handling for more details.) and ran into the main loop.

The loop starts with phase.setup, deciding first hand player, giving initial hands and life bursts, etc, then loops over phases(From UpPhase to EndPhase then switch player and back to UpPhase) infinitely, which was interrupted when:

  1. Requiring user input;

    In WEBXOSS, a function call which requires user input was called an async call. When called, it pauses the loop until having received user input. We will discuss this in Async Calls.

  2. Calling might be called anywhere. Once called, we break the loop, send messages to client, end the game.