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webxoss edited this page Mar 31, 2017 · 10 revisions




❗️ MUST cover every card's every effect in every condition. ❗️
It's recommended to test a LRIG at a time.


🔗 Open the url above. You can see a tab 「Server」.
👉 Click newClient twice to create 2 clients.
ℹ️ (Notice: only those tabs created by clicking the button have connection with the server. Refreshing them will cause disconnection.)
✌️ Then, just battle with yourself like in


Cheating makes test easy.
In the 「Server」 tab, press F12 to open console.

🐞 Helpful cheating codes:

// You can run these commends after game start and before grow phase to test more easily.
game = roomManager.rooms[0].game; // Get the game.
game.turnPlayer.lrig.level = 4; // So you can grow into any level.
game.turnPlayer.enerCharge(12); // Want ener? Here it is.

game.turnPlayer.draw(5); // No enough hands? Just draw some.
game.turnPlayer.getCard('WX01-051'); // Get a card from your deck, enerZone, trashZone, etc.
game.turnPlayer.opponent.putCardToLifeCloth('WX01-051'); // Like above, but put into opponent's lifecloth.
game.turnPlayer.ignoreLimitingOfArtsAndSpell = true; // Ignore limiting of arts and spell.

// Return all cards in LRIG trash zone to LRIG deck.

// Put all cards in LRIG trash zone below your LRIG. Useful for exceed cost.
game.moveCards(,game.turnPlayer.lrigZone,{ bottom: true });

// Put charms to all of your SIGNIs. Make sure you have enough cards in deck.
game.turnPlayer.signis.forEach(signi =>[0].charmTo(signi));

⚠️ The server won't send any message until there comes client input. Therefore, you can't see any change after running codes above. You can click Summon on a SIGNI and then cancel it. So it works.

Catch Errors

Open console on 「Server」 tab and click the following button:

Pause on exceptions

Then, the program will get paused on every uncaught error. You can then record it with detailed information and better with a snapshot.

