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adding Landsat NDVI data.
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emchristensen committed Mar 14, 2018
1 parent 2e8d211 commit 4b4a230
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Showing 4 changed files with 2,777 additions and 0 deletions.
249 changes: 249 additions & 0 deletions DataCleaningScripts/get_landsat_data.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
# written by Erica Christensen 1/8/15; modified 1/25/18
# This script processes Landsat8 data from compressed file to NDVI calculation


# Steps each file goes through:
# 1. extract raster files from compressed file
# 2. crop ndvi and QA rasters to area around Portal
# 3. delete large raster files, save small raster files to separate folder
# 4. use QA raster to mask bad pixels
# 5. apply scale factor (.0001)
# 6. summarize masked and cropped ndvi image to get mean ndvi value per image
# then compile summarized data for all files into a single csv

# Functions

#' @title create_portal_box
#' @description creates a square SpatialPolygons object centered at a given lon/lat point and a given radius from that point.
#' CRS must be specified
#' center of Portal: 31.937769, -109.08029
#' corners of Portal: NW = 31.939568, -109.083177
#' NE = 31.939569, -109.077460
#' SW = 31.935860, -109.082948
#' SE = 31.935948, -109.077317
#' @param centroid vector of coordinates in lon/lat of center of box [lon,lat]
#' @param radius desired radius, in m
#' @param portal_crs CRS of desired SpatialPolygons object, needs to match rasters
#' @return portal_box is a SpatialPolygons object that can be used for cropping rasters
#' @example create_portal_box(centroid = c(-109.08029, 31.937769), radius = 1125,
#' portal_crs = CRS("+proj=utm +zone=12 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 "))
create_portal_box = function(centroid=c(-109.08029, 31.937769),
portal_crs=CRS("+proj=utm +zone=12 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 ")) {
# create SpatialPointsDataFrame of centroid of site
center <- data.frame(ID = 1, X = centroid[1], Y = centroid[2])
coordinates(center) <- c("X", "Y")
proj4string(center) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")

# convert centroid to UTM and make box
cent_utm <- spTransform(center, portal_crs)
xmin = cent_utm@coords[1,1]-radius
xmax = cent_utm@coords[1,1]+radius
ymin = cent_utm@coords[1,2]-radius
ymax = cent_utm@coords[1,2]+radius

square=cbind(xmin,ymax, # NW corner
xmax,ymax, # NE corner
xmax,ymin, # SE corner
xmin,ymin, # SW corner
xmin,ymax) # NW corner again
a <- vector('list', length(2))
a[[1]]<-Polygons(list(Polygon(matrix(square[1, ], ncol=2, byrow=TRUE))), 1)



#' @title plot Portal bounds
#' @description plots box to be used to crop raster, and corners of the cattle fence
#' @param portal_box output of create_portal_box()
plot_portal_bounds = function(portal_box) {

# Lon/Lat points estimated from google earth image
corners = data.frame(ID = 1:4, X = c(-109.083177,-109.077460,-109.082948,-109.077317),
Y = c(31.939568,31.939569,31.935860,31.935948))
# this crs should be the default for all downloaded rasters
portal_crs = CRS("+proj=utm +zone=12 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 ")
coordinates(corners) = c("X","Y")
proj4string(corners) = CRS("+proj=longlat +daum=WGS84")
corners_utm = spTransform(corners,portal_crs)

# look at the cutout box, relative to the corners of the site

#' @title extract and mask raster
#' @description extracts raster files from compressed files, crops to Portal, and masks with pixel_qa layer
#' @param prodID landsat product ID
#' @param tarfolder folder containing compressed files
#' @param targetpath path where the cropped and masked rasters are to be stored
extract_and_mask_raster = function(prodID,tarfolder,targetpath) {
# scene identifier: YYYYMMDD
fid = substr(prodID,18,25)
# which satellite
landsat_num = as.integer(substr(prodID,4,4))
# find the right compressed file
tarfiles = list.files(tarfolder)
tarfile = grep(fid,tarfiles,value=T)
# extract ndvi and pixel_qa rasters
pixqa_file = paste0(prodID,'_pixel_qa.tif')
scene_file = paste0(prodID,'_sr_ndvi.tif')
exdir = targetpath,
files = c(pixqa_file, scene_file))
# create portal box object (1.125km from center in all directions) for cropping
portal_box = create_portal_box()

# read in raster files; crop to portal_box; delete full-size raster files
r = raster(paste0(targetpath,"/",scene_file))
scene = crop(r,portal_box)

m = raster(paste0(targetpath,"/",pixqa_file))
pixqa = crop(m,portal_box)

# mask ndvi data; write masked raster to file
s = mask_landsat(scene, pixelqa, landsat_num)

#' @description function to mask landsat scene
#' @param scene raster of scene to be masked
#' @param pixelqa raster of pixel QA info
#' @param landsat_num which satellite scene is from: 4,5,7,8
mask_landsat = function(scene, pixelqa, landsat_num) {
# which landsat satellite data is from determins what the "clear" values of pixel_qa are
# landsat8: from page 21
# landsat 4-7:
if (landsat_num == 8) {
clearvalues = c(322, 386, 834, 898, 1346)
else if (landsat_num %in% c(4,5,7)) {
clearvalues = c(66, 130)

pixqa[!(pixqa %in% clearvalues)]=NA
s = mask(scene,pixqa)

#' @title summarize_ndvi_snapshot
#' @description summarize data for list of landsat scenes, save in csv
#' @param prodID Landsat Product Identifier
#' @return data frame of one row: contains summary statistics for single raster image
summarize_ndvi_snapshot = function(prodID) {
# this function takes a raster of ndvi data and summarizess

sat = as.character(substr(prodID,4,4))
yr = as.integer(substr(prodID,18,21))
mo = as.integer(substr(prodID,22,23))
dy = as.integer(substr(prodID,24,25))

r = raster(paste0(targetpath,"/",prodID,'_ndvi_masked.tif'))
# apply correction factor
r = r/10000
# cloud cover
pct = sum(*100

stdev = sd(values(r),na.rm=T)
mn = mean(values(r),na.rm=T)
md = median(values(r),na.rm=T)
mi = min(values(r),na.rm=T)
ma = max(values(r),na.rm=T)
va = var(values(r),na.rm=T)
pix = length(values(r))

d = data.frame(prodID=prodID,satellite=sat,year=yr,month=mo,day=dy,

# Run code

# place where the compressed downloaded files are
tarfolder = 'D:/Landsat7'

# place where you want the cropped and masked files to go
targetpath = 'D:/Cropped_rasters'

# look at box and corners of site
#portal_box = create_portal_box()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# unzip files; crop; mask using pixel QA layer; save to Cropped_rasters folder

# make a file list from the Landsat Product Identifier -- this master csv should live in the repo?
allfiles = read.csv('D:/LANDSAT_files.csv',head=T,stringsAsFactors = F)
allfiles = filter(allfiles,Spacecraft.Identifier=='ON')
filelist = allfiles$Landsat.Product.Identifier

finishedfiles = list.files(targetpath)

for (prodID in filelist) {
# check if prodID has already been processed; if not, process it
if (!(paste0(prodID,'_ndvi_masked.tif') %in% finishedfiles)) {
# Extract desired files from downloaded .tar files

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# summarize; write csv

# if LandsatNDVI_raw.csv does not already exist, initialize data frame:
#data = data.frame(prodID=as.character(),satellite=as.character(),year=as.integer(),month=as.integer(),
# day=as.integer(),stdev=as.numeric(),mean=as.numeric(),median=as.numeric(),min=as.numeric(),
# max=as.numeric(),variance=as.numeric(),numpixels=as.numeric(),pctcloud=as.numeric())

# if it does, read in existing version of raw landsat data
data = read.csv('../NDVI/LandsatNDVI_raw.csv')

data_modified <- data
for (prodID in filelist) {
# if prodID is not already in the existing version of the data, summarize and append
if (!(prodID %in% data$prodID)) {
d = summarize_ndvi_snapshot(prodID)
data_modified = rbind(data_modified,d)
# put in chronological order
data_modified = data_modified[with(data_modified,order(year,month,day)),]

# write to file if anything was added
if (dim(data_modified)[1] > dim(data)[1]) {


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