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Name Batcher
Version v1.0.1
DockerHub weevenetwork/batcher
authors Jakub Grzelak


Batcher is responsible for collecting data into the batches and passing them later to the next module. Batches could be defined by either a time frequency of data arrival or a file size.

Environment Variables

Module Specific

The following module configurations can be provided in a data service designer section on weeve platform:

Name Environment Variables type Description
File Size Batch Trigger FILE_SIZE_BATCH_TRIGGER float Size of a batch in kilobytes (kb)
Frequency Batch Trigger FREQUENCY_BATCH_TRIGGER float Length of time interval for collecting data into batches
Frequency Time Unit FREQUENCY_TIME_UNIT string Unit of a time interval (ms - milliseconds, s - seconds, m - minutes, h - hours, d - days)

Set by the weeve Agent on the edge-node

Other features required for establishing the inter-container communication between modules in a data service are set by weeve agent.

Environment Variables type Description
MODULE_NAME string Name of the module
MODULE_TYPE string Type of the module (Input, Processing, Output)
EGRESS_URLS string HTTP ReST endpoint for the next module
INGRESS_HOST string Host to which data will be received
INGRESS_PORT string Port to which data will be received




Input to this module is JSON body single object or array of objects:

Example of single object:

  temperature: 15,

Example of array of objects:

    temperature: 13,
    temperature: 5,
    temperature: 7,

## Output

Output of this module is JSON body array of objects.


    temperature: 54,
    temperature: 4,
    temperature: 66,