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Technology Training Materials

This repo contains Training and Source Code Example for Java Technology Related study Materials, i will keep update these. It contains sample source codes, study docs from different sources.


Below are the details this repo contains, i keep update here any new things added.

Web Introduction

Web Basics : Explains basic web Terminology, HTTP, Different Request Type, Content Type,

J2EE Materials

J2EE Introduction : Cover Multitiered Applications, Components, Container, Packaging, J2EE Services

Servlet & API : Covers Servlet, Container, States, Operations, Sevlet API & Interfaces, Life Cycle of Servlet

Servlet hands-on : Covers Servlet Simpe HandsOn using HttpServlet, Compile & Deploying Serlvet, Explained web.xml

J2EE HandsOn : You can find All the source code will here



MySQL Database Creation : Cover how to create database, schema, specifications

Character Set & Collate : Covers usage, issues, How Character set and Collaction in mysql

Issues & Other Useful

Issues & Resolution : Here we log issues we are faced and theis resolution, check this & update if any issues.

Useful Tips & Commands : Here documented what are comments used mostly useful