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Milestone 1 Project: Presentation of Static Data

Target Audience:

  • Members of the public that battle with anxiety and are looking for resources to assist them with "Mindfulness" calming techniques.

  • Businesses where their employees battle with anxiety and having a bespoke app created will assist their employees to manage their anxiety and overall increase productivity and wellbeing in their business


  • To demonstrate to the user that anxiety in the population has increased since the pandemic.
  • To promote awareness of Anxiety and its effects.
  • To promote our mindfulness app Resonate (lite version and enterprise bespoke version).

This site will have:

  1. Introduction

  2. Bar-chart showing statistics

  3. Tips on how to manage anxiety, and tools including the Resonate App being promoted and with a QR code to download

  4. Sign-posting to help sites and phone lines to help manage anxiety

  5. Enquiry Form for users to find out more about the Resonate Mindfulness Apps (both free and bespoke versions)

User Stories:

User ID Type User Story Case Use
1 Personal Mary
A teenage girl inn high school, battling anxiety
since returning to school after lockdowns. Was
very popular in school but didn't have internet
access at home during lockdowns. As a result
she was not included in her friends online
social lives, who continued socialising without
her. She now dreads going to school, as she
feels anxiety and panic. She feels behind her
peers and feels excluded and overwhelmed.
I would visit the site to get signposted
to other services and an organisation
where I can get counselling free as I'm
a student and can't afford counselling.

I would use the free version of the
Resonate App to help calm my thoughts
and get daily tips and positive
reinforcement content.
2 Personal John
A single father lost his employment
during Covid lockdowns. His boss couldn't
afford to keep running the business. He battles
trying to pay his rent and get food for his
children. He's been visiting Foodbanks and
trying to get employment.
I would use the Resonate website to look
at the tools available to help me get
to sleep at night when I wake up with
panic attacks over not having enough
income to meet our needs.

I would use the Resonate App lite version
before going for job interviews, to calm
my mind and nerves and to boost my
confidence . The CBT part of the app is
very helpful.
3 Business Sound Bytes Record Productions
The music industry has suffered greatly during
the Covid19 Lockdowns. Musicians were unable to
perform their usual gigs and lost out financially
as well as their inspiration and creativity was
This website is exactly what we have been
looking for.
I would use it to be inspired and to
inspire other fellow musicians and help
those who developed anxiety to get back
into production as well as create music
to help "Soothe our Souls".

The App is customised for our musicians
to get inspirational content for song
writing and production, as well as
allowing uploads of soothing relaxing
musics that is a sample of what the
musician can do, and at the same time
help inspire each other and relieve
4 Business Direct Demand Logistics
During lockdowns our business became increasingly
busy. We had to hire more people, which is great!
But our employees suffered family losses due to
Covid19, and sadly some of them passed away.
This left families without income and struggling
anxiety which developed due to a combination of
factors: increased demand delivering=more hours
away from family, some not seeing family members
again due to them passing away while the employee
was away on a long-haul distribution job.
We are grateful for the Resonate website
to be able to signpost us to free services
as well as give us tools and tips we can

We have been able to provide our employees
with a bespoke App Resonate enterprise
version. This is geared towards helping
manage anxiety, alongside coping with
grief and we have also included a section
on budgeting and where they can apply for
loans or support grants, all within the

We would use the Resonate App bespoke
version to assist with maintaining the
wellbeing of our staff and their families.

*Test Cases:

Technology Requirements:

Html Css Scss & @mixins Bootstrap 5 (included in script and style links) Gitpod VS Code NPM and Node to compile SCSS to CSS Git Repository CDN link to Gill Sans font (included in style links) JS link for FontAwesome (included in scripts) Favicons (as pngs and linked in styles in html head section)

XD Design Prototype and Creation Balsamiq for Wireframes Photoshop for image resizing to optimised images for responsive design

Chrome, Firefox, Safari Ipad, Iphone, Macbook for testing Windows, Android phone for testing

Development: Html, SCSS, npm SASS Compiler, CSS, bootstrap. Gitpod. VS code. Git repository.

Development Method:

After receiving technical specification and design requirements, html template in page 1 was setup and SCSS template was setup. This was tested and edited until it was perfect. The initial testing included running the code through html W3 Validator and Jigsaw CSS Validator. When this was successfully passed, the styles and html index was used as a template for the rest of the site.

SCSS was used along with variables and mixins, this was then compiled out to CSS by using a SASS Watcher extenstin in VS Code, which automated the compiling of the CSS each time SCSS was saved with a change having been made to the code.

Duplicate pages were set up from the html index page, and the hero image was changed in each section in styles, along with the relevant content for each page being changed in the html pages themselves. New images were added from the exported images from Adobe XD mockups. These were then resized later and optimised by Adobe Photoshop, and used as replacement images for device responsive styles. The stylesheet and html was tweaked to allow responsive replacement images optimised using Photoshop and exported to Web standard optimised format, keeping clear images and low filesizes. This is to speed up page loading for various screensizes while still maintaining good image resolution.

Further content was added that was not in the mockups, such as the app.html page which is a hidden page, but can be reached by clicking on the download app link or QR code, or scanning the QR code using a mobile phone. This takes the user to a small form to fill in with a GET post that would download an app. (This is yet to be developed at a later stage and not part of the project). The download button points to Code Institutes form dump, as does the Contact Form on the contact.html page. The results of the POST methods and GET methods can be seen in the form dump.

In the footer of the site is a link that will launch the users email application to send an email with predefined subject. In the first page of the website, under the help numbers, each number has a link to either call that number or text a number, if the user is using a smart phone or has calling and texting applications on their computer.

After each change the page was viewed using Live Server in Gitpod VS Code, and testing was carried out throughout the development process, using DevTools in the browser. Errors were identified and corrected throughout the proces, screenshots were taken to document these.

At the end of the Development, before final testing the code for CSS and html was again put through the respective validators at W3 Validator and Jigsaw. Errors were identifed and fixed. Notes were created of the errors and added to the debugging md file.

End Testing took place where the final site and css was run through the validators again, as well as debugging techniques used in DevTools to ensure all errors were fixed. These were screenshot as part of the debugging process and added to the debugging md file.

Throughout the development process, handwritten notes were made, serving as a 'To Do List' of what needs to be done and then ticked off when completed. These are available as photographs in

Handwritten notes forming part of development and testing:

Site Information

  1. Content:

Data from government website:

Tips on managing Anxiety:

Document for signposting:

Embed Mindfulness video: moving clouds Or watching the ocean fireplace video

  1. Design:

Site Specification and Website Flow: Documentation for Website Planning.

Wireframe: Adobe XD and Balsamiq. View Adobe XD pdf Design.

Wireframe with Balsamiq:

Balsamiq Wireframe

Site Mockup with Adobe XD:
Desktop Mockup Ipad Mockup Iphone Mockup
Desktop Mockup Page 1 Ipad Mockup Page 1 Iphone Mockup Page 1
*Images:* Pexels: free images.

*Colours:* pale yellow/gold and light blue/teal. 
(Colour symbolism: Yellow: happiness, prosperity, hope. Blue: Calmness, logical, tranquility).
  1. Documentation including readme file, spec sheet, timeline for project stages. Estimated time 1 week.

  2. Development strategy: Develop the first page and styles, that then will be used as a template for the rest of the site pages. Use mixins and variables with SCSS to compile to CSS, to avoid repetative coding.

Changes from Mockup Design:

  1. Removed 'More' menu item and moved the more content into the about content. The More menu item became the 'Contact' menu item.

  2. Colours changed on hover icons, swapped teal and blue colours.

  3. Added Qr code and hidden app.html page for download of Resonate App.

Future Development:

  1. Implement Voice Assistance / Voice Over for Assisted Technology

  2. Feedback poll as an Enquiry Form with a radio button as a poll which allows the user to select if they have been battling with anxiety. And if yes, if it was worse before, during or after the lockdowns.

  3. Further deployment to hosted subdomain name

Feedback Form Plan:

Age, Ethnicity, Interested in Resonate App Radio button y/n
Which version? Lite/Enterprise Checkbox y/n, 
Name, Email, Message, Send Button.


Debugging & Test Results:


SCREENSHOTS using DevTools for error fixing and troubleshooting:


Using devtools in chrome and safari. Corrected misaligned boxes with bootstrap. Resized font for smaller devices. Had to hide the large content boxes on the front page from showing in very small devices, and instead added sections with an image background. This is hidden from the users view on larger devices and they see the larger content boxes on the front page.

The logo was overlapping the navigation on smaller devices. I had to resize it for smaller devices, and change the position of the navigation, as well as make the padding for the hover view smaller so the highlight behind did not overlap the logo.

There were issues when first deployed to github pages, where the stylesheet and images did not show. This was corrected after consultation with my mentor Gaff, and the links were then corrected.

There were multiple issues trying to get the font awesome to show. No matter what css link I used. In the end the only one it accepted is a kit link for js.

Early testing using W3 html validator found 2 attributes that needed to be separated by a space, and complained about the aria-labels I'd used as a violation so I changed them to titles to describe what the following section was about.

End Testing has been included in the Test Cases document:

Early testing in Jigsaw validator found some errors in the css and anmiations that were corrected. This was to setup the SCSS and CSS template which was then used throughout.

End Testing has been included in the Test Cases document:

Document of validation and errors can be viewed by clicking on the link below:

Handwritten notes forming part of development and testing:

Refereces used to assist debugging:


The site was deployed early to github to use as a testing environment, along with the Live Server in Gitpod. As a result there were many commits made. Some were repeatitive commits with nothing but undoing or redoing a previous change, and in some places correcting spacing or typos. These commits were not fully commented on, instead using a simple fullstop "." as a comment for that commit. In some instances I used the words same to indicate the commit was doing the same thing I had done before. This was due to an error with the previous commit actually being sent correctly to Github, so needed to be redone or resent when there was a connection error.

Screenshots of Index page from finished site - Desktop View

Screenshot showing first part of Index Page Finished Site
Finished Site Page Part 1
Screenshot showing second part of Index Page Finished Site Desktop View
Finished Site Index Page Part 2
Screenshot showing third part of Index Page Finished Site Desktop View
Finished Site Index Page Part 3
Screenshot fourth part of Index Page Finished Site Desktop View
Finished Site Index Page Part 4


Project Milestone 1 for Waes & CI Fullstack course







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