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The YAYI Unified Information Extraction Large Language Model (YAYI-UIE), fine-tuned on millions of high-quality data, integrates training across tasks such as Named Entity Recognition (NER), Relation Extraction (RE), and Event Extraction (EE). The model is able to extract structured outputs across diverse fields including general, security, finance, biology, medicine, business, personal, automotive, film, industry, restaurant, and science.

The open-source of YAYI-UIE aims to foster the growth of the Chinese PLM open-source community. We can't wait to collaborate with our partners to develop the YAYI Large Models ecosystem!


Download links

Name 🤗 HF Model Name Download Links
YAYI-UIE wenge-research/yayi-uie Model Download
YAYI-UIE Data wenge-research/yayi_uie_sft_data Data Download

Training Datasets

In the corpus of over a million entries, 54% are in Chinese and 46% in English. The dataset encompasses 12 fields including finance, society, biology, business, industrial manufacturing, chemistry, vehicles, science, disease and medicine, personal life, security, and general topics, covering hundreds of scenarios:

  • NER: In Chinese, it covers 28 types of entities including individuals, geopolitics, organizations, body parts, drugs, etc., while in English, it covers 130 types of entities such as Animals, Weapons, Conferences, Books, etc.
  • RE: In Chinese, it includes 232 types of relations like acquisitions, stake increases, restructurings, nationality, aliases, relatives, buying shares, transfers, causes, locations of occurrence, manufacturers, etc., and in English, 236 types of relations such as founded by, state or province of headquarters, employee of, occupation, creator, etc.
  • EE: Chinese covers 84 types of events including winning a bid, executive changes, product actions - launches, company listings, etc., and 203 types of arguments, whereas English covers 45 types of events such as Birth, Demonstration, Meeting, End of Organization, Divorce, etc., and 62 types of arguments.

Data Distribution

Quick Start

Set up conda envs

  1. clone the repos
git clone
cd yayi-uie
  1. create conda envs
conda create --name uie python=3.8
conda activate uie
  1. set up envs
pip install -r requirements.txt


We've alredy open-sourced our model weights on Huggingface. The following is a code snippet for using YAYI-UIE for downstream task inference. It can run on a single A100/A800 GPU, and it occupies approximately 33GB of GPU memory when using bf16 precision for inference.

>>> import torch
>>> from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
>>> from transformers.generation.utils import GenerationConfig
>>> tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("wenge-research/yayi-uie", use_fast=False, trust_remote_code=True)
>>> model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("wenge-research/yayi-uie", device_map="auto", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, trust_remote_code=True)
>>> generation_config = GenerationConfig.from_pretrained("wenge-research/yayi-uie")
>>> prompt = "Text: Alberto Mancini won in the final 7–5 , 2–6 , 7–6 , 7–5 against Boris Becker . \nFrom the given text, extract all the entities and types. Please format the answer in json {location/person/organization:[entities]}."
>>> # "<reserved_13>" is a reserved token for human, "<reserved_14>" is a reserved token for assistant
>>> prompt = "<reserved_13>" + prompt + "<reserved_14>"
>>> inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt").to(model.device)
>>> response = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=512, temperature=0)
>>> print(tokenizer.decode(response[0],skip_special_tokens=True))

The first-time downloading and loading the model could take some time.

Sample Prompts


  • 【】is optional in prompts that indicates which task you want the model to perform
  • Add specific labels in prompts to help the model generate more comprehensive information. For example, use "meeting location" instead of "location"
  • Text first and then instruction yields better results.
  1. NER
From the given text, extract all the entities and types. Please format the answer in json {person/organization/location:[entities]}.
  1. RE
From the given text, extract the possible head entities (subjects) and tail entities (objects) and give the corresponding relation triples.The relations are [country of administrative divisions,place of birth,location contains]. Output the result in json[{'relation':'', 'head':'', 'tail':''}, ].
  1. EE
Given the text and the role list [seller, place, beneficiary, buyer], identify event arguments and roles, provide your answer in the format of json{role:name}.

Zero-shot Evaluation

  1. NER tasks

AI,Literature,Music,Politics and Science are English datasets; boson,clue and weibo are Chinese datasets

Model AI Literature Music Politics Science EN Average boson clue weibo ZH Average
davinci 2.97 9.87 13.83 18.42 10.04 11.03 - - - 31.09
ChatGPT 3.5 54.4 54.07 61.24 59.12 63 58.37 38.53 25.44 29.3
UIE 31.14 38.97 33.91 46.28 41.56 38.37 40.64 34.91 40.79 38.78
USM 28.18 56 44.93 36.1 44.09 41.86 - - - -
InstructUIE 49 47.21 53.16 48.15 49.3 49.36 - - - -
DeepKE-LLM 13.76 20.18 14.78 33.86 9.19 18.35 25.96 4.44 25.2 18.53
YAYI-UIE 52.4 45.99 51.2 51.82 50.53 50.39 49.25 36.46 36.78 40.83
  1. RE Tasks

FewRe and Wiki-ZSL are English datasets; SKE 2020, COAE2016 and IPRE are Chinese datasets

Model FewRe Wiki-ZSL EN Average SKE 2020 COAE2016 IPRE ZH Average
ChatGPT 3.5 9.96 13.14 11.55 24.47 19.31 6.73 16.84
ZETT(T5-small) 30.53 31.74 31.14 - - - -
ZETT(T5-base) 33.71 31.17 32.44 - - - -
InstructUIE 39.55 35.2 37.38 - - - -
DeepKE-LLM 17.46 15.33 16.40 0.4 6.56 9.75 5.57
YAYI-UIE 36.09 41.07 38.58 70.8 19.97 22.97 37.91
  1. EE Tasks

commodity news is a English dataset, FewFC and ccf_law are Chinese datasets

EET(Event Type Extraction)

Model commodity news FewFC ccf_law ZH Average
ChatGPT 3.5 1.41 16.15 0 8.08
UIE - 50.23 2.16 26.20
InstructUIE 23.26 - - -
YAYI-UIE 12.45 81.28 12.87 47.08

EEA(Event Arguments Extraction)

Model commodity news FewFC ccf_law ZH Average
ChatGPT 3.5 8.6 44.4 44.57 44.49
UIE - 43.02 60.85 51.94
InstructUIE 21.78 - - -
YAYI-UIE 19.74 63.06 59.42 61.24

zero-shot performance

Terms and Conditions


The SFT model, trained using the data and the base model, still faces the following issues:

  1. The information extracted may lead to factually incorrect answers.
  2. It struggles to effectively discern harmful instructions, potentially resulting in hazardous statements.
  3. The model's extraction capability needs improvement in scenarios involving paragraph-level texts.


Given the limitations of the model outlined above,we require developers to use the code, data, models, and any derivatives generated from this project solely for research purposes. They must not be used for commercial purposes or other applications that could harm society. Users should be careful in discerning and utilizing content generated by YAYI UIE, and avoid distributing harmful content on the internet. The spreader bears sole responsibility for any adverse consequences.

This project is intended only for research purposes. The project developers are not liable for any harm or loss resulting from the use of this project, including but not limited to data, models, and code. For more details, please refer to the disclaimer.

Open Source License

The code and data in this project is open-sourced under the Apache-2.0 license. The use of YAYI-UIE model or its derivatives must adhere to Baichuan2's community and commercial Model License.


  • [2023/12/15] YAYI-UIE is released and open-sourced.



If you are using the resource for your work, please cite our paper:

  author    = {Xinglin Xiao, Yijie Wang, Nan Xu, Yuqi Wang, Hanxuan Yang, Minzheng Wang, Yin Luo, Lei Wang, Wenji Mao, Dajun Zeng}},
  title     = {YAYI-UIE: A Chat-Enhanced Instruction Tuning Framework for Universal Information Extraction},
  journal   = {arXiv preprint arXiv},
  year      = {2023}

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