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Manually updating the external dependencies

We do our best to keep the build dependency repository up-to-date with the latest versions of the libraries within, as well as synced with any build requirement changes. If you want to build with a different version of a certain library, however, you can fetch the relevant files at the links below:

  • Boost: Do note that you will need to build the necessary Boost libraries yourself. See the [instructions]#updating-boost-libraries) in the dependency repository for details.

  • SDL 2: You'll want the "GCC 32/64-bit" Development Libraries.

  • SDL_Image: Again, you'll want the "GCC 32/64-bit" Development Libraries.

  • SDL_Mixer: Again, you'll want the "GCC 32/64-bit" Development Libraries.

The other libraries require complicated compilation procedures too in-depth to document here.

Updating Boost libraries

Download and unpack the source of the libraries zlib, libbzip2, boost (version 1.64 or 1.68 preferred)

Open cmd, go to the boost directory and type (with the correct paths of the other two libraries):

bootstrap gcc

If you're already did this, run this immediately this command:

.\b2 -sZLIB_SOURCE=..\zlib-1.2.11 -sBZIP2_SOURCE=..\bzip2-1.0.6 -j2 --with-date_time --with-filesystem --with-iostreams --with-locale --with-program_options --with-random --with-regex --with-system --with-thread --with-test --with-timer --toolset=gcc --layout=system variant=release address-model=32

Depending on your boost version, you may need to replace ..\ with the absolute paths to zlib and bzip. If you have multiple versions of gcc, add --toolset=gcc-X.Y.Z with X.Y.Z being the target version number.

Separate the required subset of the Boost source: Run this command for generate bcp.exe

.\b2 tools\bcp

Create include in same path what boost_... and run this command:

dist\bin\bcp.exe algorithm asio assign bimap container date_time dynamic_bitset exception filesystem iostreams iterator locale math mpl multi_array multi_index program_options ptr_container random range regex serialization system test boost\nondet_random.hpp ..\include

Replace the outdated files in 'cb/lib' with those from 'boost_.../stage/lib' and those in 'cb/include/boost' with the ones in 'boost_.../boost'.