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Landscape Generator is An open Source web application that generates landscape drawings randomly, then gives you the ability to edit it and export it as SVG or PNG.


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Landscape Generator


## About

Landscape Generator is An open Source web application that generates landscape drawings randomly, then gives you the ability to edit it and export it as SVG or PNG.


Web development

You can download this repository and integrate the script LandscapeGenerator.js in your html .

<script src="LandscapeGenerator.js"></script>

Or use the minified version situated under Minified folder

<script src="LandscapeGenerator.min.js"></script>

then use the following function in your main javascript file

const LG = generateLandscape(SVGelement, width, height, options);

The function return LandscapeGenerator object.

SVGelement : (dom element) (require) the dom element where the svg will be displayed it must be a svg element.

width: (number) (optional) the width of the svg , by default take the width of the parent element.

height: (number) (optional) the height of the svg, by default take the height of the parent element.

options: (object) (optional) modify the default properties of the generation, these properties are detailed further down.

After the previous function you can use this function to generate again a new landscape :


You can also change the default values with the function set() example :

    option1 : newValue,
    option2 : newValue

then when you will generate again it will take the new values.

Game Development

You can use the web application in the page:point_right: Landscape Generator


exported images can be used as background for 2d games (platform, arcade...). If desired, they are generated in such a way that they can be used as vertically repeating textures (disable sun and sunshine).

You can also export the whole scene as separate layers (useful for the parallax effect).

You can also edit the generated scene with the left panel.

Values and parameters of generation

You can change variable of the generation with both set() function and the right panel of the web application

Boolean Variables :

All the following booleans if they are true the they will be generated in the scene, and if they are false they will not

  • fogBool

  • sunBool

  • sunshineBool

  • mountainsBool

  • plainsBool

Random Variables :

When the generation starts, all variables take a random value between a minimum and maximum.

Variable in Editor Variable in javascript
Mountain Width mountainWidth
Mountain Height mountainHeight
Horizon Y horizonY
Mountains Range Number mountainsRangeNumber
Mountain Space mountainSpace
Sun Position X sunPositionX
Sun Position Y sunPositionY
Sun Radius sunRadius
Birds Number birdsNumber
Plains Number plainsNumber
Plains Height plainsHeight

If you want to change the look of your landscape you have to change the min and max variable.

The format of variable name are the same 👉 minVariableName < variableName < maxVariableName (in the editor Variable Name start with capitals and are separated by space)

example change min and max variable with set() function

    minMountainWidth : 100,
    maMountainnWidth : 300,
    minBirdsNumber: 0,
    maxBirdsNumber: 10

Note : if you want to have a fix value for a variable you just have to set the same number for the max and the min

Variables and their representation in the scene :



All contributions are welcome, take a look at the todolist


LandscapeGenerator.js :
  • Add cloud

  • Add trees (different kinds)

  • Add other kind of mountain triangle where the peak is rounded

LandscapeEdition.js :
  • Load and export presets in json file for generation

Support the project

If you find the project interesting and useful I would be really grateful if you support me on : .

External libraries

The landscapeGenerator.js has no dependencies, the web application uses some external libraries :


Landscape Generator is An open Source web application that generates landscape drawings randomly, then gives you the ability to edit it and export it as SVG or PNG.




