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Example message

  • docs/ contains code for Browserbug's website
  • extension/ contains code for the Chrome extension (client)
  • large images/ contains large images
  • server/ contains code for the Flask server
  • server/model/ contains code for the backend Python functions
  • server/requirements.txt contains list of dependencies (is kept updated by running pip freeze > server/requirements.txt)

Activating the environment

  1. Create a new venv if you don't have one yet. Activate the virtual environment with
  • venv_windows_train\Scripts\activate.bat for Windows
  • source venv/bin/activate for Mac and Linux
  1. Update your virtual environment by running pip install -r server/requirements.txt or equivalent within the active environment. Alternatively, run pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r server/requirements.txt.

Running the website

cd docs
python3 -m http.server

Running the server

Run python server/ (can use Postman or similar to test requests)

Before the first time you run the server, make sure the path is set correctly:

export FLASK_APP=server/

If debug mode is set to False, after every change, restart the server with

flask run

This will launch the server at

Deploying the server

The server is located at

The system hostname of the server is (

Starting a new EC2 instance (Ubuntu)

Setting up Docker:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine
sudo apt install
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo usermod -a -G docker ubuntu

Installing PostgreSQL:

sudo apt-get install postgresql-client

Maintaining the current server

SSH into the EC2 instance with

ssh -i IMMA.pem

The server has been containerized with docker. After changing directories to server/, build the docker file after any changes with

docker build -t imma:latest .

And launch a container with

docker run -d -p 80:5000 --name imma-server imma
  • To list all containers: docker ps -a
  • To stop all containers: docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
  • To remove all containers: docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
  • To ssh into a running container: docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash

To exit the SSH session, type logout.

Database instructions

Due to the AWS security groups set up, the database can only be connected to from the server. To connect, run the following command:

psql --port=5432 --username=postgres --password --dbname=imma

When prompted for the password, enter imma-postgres.

Common commands:

  • Switch databases: \c dbname
  • List all databases: \l
  • List all tables in current database: \dt

Outdated instructions for Apache Server

The app is located at /var/www/html/flaskapp, the error logs are at /etc/httpd/logs/error_log (you will need sudo permission to read this), and the WSGI config file is at /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhost.conf.

  • To start the server, run sudo service httpd start.
  • To restart the server, run sudo service httpd restart.
  • To stop the server, run sudo service httpd stop.

Summary of extension structure

Code files

There are four main code files: extension/background.js, extension/util.js, server/, and server/model/

background.js describes what the extension does at a higher level, i.e. what it should do at initialization and how it should respond to events. It calls functions in util.js.

util.js contains the functions for the extension to send notifications, retrieve information from the server, etc. manages server requests, passing on POST json data to contains functions that the server performs to process data and so on.

Items kept in chrome extension memory

General variables:
'user_bbug_id': (string) unique, static id for each user
'last_tabs': (json) list of the last retrieved tabs, time each opened in ms, e.g. {"": 1592837352, "": 592835220}

'immaActive': (bool) whether bug is currently active
'lastMail': (string) last server-mail the user read (i.e. message from developers)

User preferences:
"alarm_spacing": (number) preferred time interval between alarms (in seconds)
"flagged_sites": (json) maps site names to their score impacts
"user_lang": (string) locale code for the user's preferred language
"user_level": (number) save slots the user has available (lite users start at 3, infinite is 999)

Imma-specific character variables, updated with loadCharacterCode:
'imma_name': (string) filename of the active character, e.g. '001_ironman'
'image_link': (string) link to image for the active character
'custom_ratio': (number) how often to use custom quotes rather than pull from general database
'textingstyle': (json) describes texting style of the current imma
'default_bank': (json) storage of prewritten messages for the active character
'custom_bank': (json) storage of custom/extra messages for the active character


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