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This repository serves as a repo for the Spring 2018 Database Project.

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Student Application Management System (SAMS)

Mizzou 2018 Spring Database Project Final Partners: Wesley Graviett (WAGKYF) Samantha Warren (SLWGYF)

We designed a Student Application Managment Sytem that is designed for educational institutions to manage graduate or undergraduate applications and or regular departmental forms. In many smaller departments around campus the use of paper forms and office assistants manually typing in data is still widely implemented, so we're attempting to streamline the current process. Our system will allow for a department to recreate their forms electronically and have the student records automatically recorded, easily searchable, and allow for electronic status such as approved or denied.

The application offers two different permission levels (views) such as for an Advisor or a Student. The advisor view displays all applications within the system and offers the options for the advisor to view the application in detail, Approve or Deny the application with time stamp, or to delete the application. Deleting an application can be easily removed from an advisor view if the department wishes to retain all applications for historical purposes. The Add Application button will allow an advisor to create an application with a student present or act as a way for the advisor to view details of the form a student is filling out. For example, often times students will call with questions about an application and the advisor will be able to click the Add Application button and follow along with the student.

When a student navigates to the application website, they must create a user account by clicking Create User. Within the create user form entry, the student will enter all basic information about themselves such as name, address, birthdate, phone number,etc. This data will be recorded and used to prepopulate their application forms. If a user already has an existing account the application will alert them that an account already exists for their StudentID or LoginID. Once a user account is created, they will be redirected to the main login site. Once logged in, the student has the option to Add Application where they select which program and the respective form fields are shown. Currently the system is demonstrating a concept of one question for all fields. During customization a department can provide detailed requirements. Once the student submits their form, the entry is displayed on their view and they can view the status of the application or retract the application. A student can apply to as many departments as they want and all entries will appear in their view.

Demonstration Video

Database 2018 Demonstration YouTube Video

Table: Users

Field Type NULL Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO Pri None AUTO_INCREMENT
First_Name varchar(25) NO
Last_Name varchar(25) NO
Email varchar(25) NO
studentId varchar(8) NO
PermissionID enum('student','Admin','Advisor') Yes NO student
Password varchar(255)
Street_Address varchar(100) Yes
City varchar(40) Yes
State varchar(2) Yes
Zipcode varchar(5) Yes
County varchar(10) Yes
loginID varchar(25) Yes


Field Type NULL Key Default Extra
studentID varchar(8) NO
ProgramID int(11) NO
application_status enum('Accepted','pending'.'denied') NO "Pending"
submit_date timestamp NO Current_Timestamp
approve_date datetime Yes
application_question1 mediumtext NO
ID int(11) NO Primary AUTO_INCREMENT

Table: Programs

Field Type NULL Key Default Extra
ID int(11) NO Primary AUTO_INCREMENT
ProgramName varchar(100) NO
Description mediumtext NO
Department mediumtext NO
ProgramLength int(11) Yes
Session date Yes

The image below depicts the Entity Relationship Diagram of our Student Application Management System. There a three databases that store data related to the users, applications, and different programs offered. ERD_Diagram

Our designed application satisfies all of the requirements of CRUD ( Create, Read, Update, Delete). Creation of applications by clicking the Create Application button satifies the creation element. Additionally, creating a user through the Create User on the login page creates a user and inserts it into the database. The read element is used when a user logs into the web interface and all applications or a single application is displayed. Multiple tables are queried for the data to be displayed, and when a user clicks the create application button it automatically populates the users studentID and other information for the form by querying/reading the users and applications table with an inner join. The other features within the application that use the read requirement are the view and edit button. The edit button and the Approve/Deny button satisfy the update requirement by replacing application data with new content such as the approval date, question answers, or submission status. The last requirement of Delete is present on the advisor view in the form of the delete button that will delete a single application from a database. If a department wishes to keep all records but still allow for delete, a column can be created to indicate a record has been deleted that prevents the record from being displayed on the front end.


This repository serves as a repo for the Spring 2018 Database Project.







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