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Bitcoin::RPC::Client - Bitcoin Core RPC client as a Perl module

CPAN version Build Status

This module is a pure Perl implementation of the methods that are currently part of the Bitcoin Core RPC client calls (bitcoin-cli). The method names and parameters are identical between the Bitcoin Core API and this module.

Currently tested against Bitcoin Core v0.12, v0.13, v0.14, v0.15, v0.16, v0.17, v0.18, v0.19, v0.20, v0.21, v0.22 and v0.23 but should work with earlier versions. Also, though not thoroughly tested, this module will work with other Bitcoin Core forks that have a bitcoind compatible JSON-RPC API. E.g. Litecoin Core.


   use Bitcoin::RPC::Client;

   $btc = Bitcoin::RPC::Client->new(
      user     => "username",
      password => "p4ssword",
      host     => "",

   $chaininfo = $btc->getblockchaininfo;
   $blocks = $chaininfo->{blocks};


  • Source

    • perl Makefile.PL
    • make
    • make test
    • make install
  • cpanm

    • cpanm Bitcoin::RPC::Client
  • CPAN shell

    • perl -MCPAN -e shell
    • install Bitcoin::RPC::Client


  • Moo
  • JSON::RPC::Legacy::Client


  • Boolean parameters must be passed as JSON::Boolean objects E.g. JSON::true


  • 1DopyzQi9mX3huvGacfjpzCKFug2Dtvykp