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Mac OS install

Jaume Olivé Petrus edited this page May 17, 2017 · 24 revisions

Mac OS install

  1. Download the installer

  2. Unzip

    If you download the installer in Google Chrome, a toolbar is displayed at the bottom of the screen listing the file. Simply click for unzip.

  3. Run the installer

    For run the installer select the createagent-osx file, do a right-click, and click Open in the menu.

    For now, the installer is not signed, so you will receive this warning:

    Click Open for continue with the installation.

  4. Enter your credentials

    The installer need to install some files in the system area, such as the scripts for launch the agent at boot time. Now enter your credentials: username and password, and click OK.

  5. Next, next, and Finish

    Click Next:

    Click Next:

    Click Finish:

  6. The White Create Agent is running now

    Once installed, The Whitecat Create Agent is running. In the system try, the Whitecat's icon appears, indicating that the agent is running:

  7. Open The Whitecat IDE and start to create ESP32 applications for Lua RTOS devices in an easy way.

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