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This project utitilizes Mend API 1.4. While 1.4 and this project are still supported, Mend is actively moving toward a RESTful standard for APIs. All new development is encouraged to utilize Mend API 2.0. API 2.0 will transition more easily into API 3.0 when it is released with the Mend Unified Platform

Logo License CI [Python 3.7 PyPI

SDK written in Python to simplify access to Mend resources

The SDK contains the following modules:

  • web - Module for accessing Mend Application (reports, administration, etc...).
  • client - UA wrapper layer (download UA, execute scan, read UA output files...).

Supported Operating Systems

  • Linux (Bash): CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, RedHat
  • Windows (PowerShell): 10, 2012, 2016

How to install package from PyPi

  1. Obtain connection details from WS Application (Home > Admin > Integration).
  2. Install package from Pypi: pip install ws-sdk .

How to build and install package from source (for developers)

  1. Download the code: git clone
  2. Build wheel package python bdist_wheel .
  3. Download wheel from GitHub and install : pip install ws-sdk*.whl .


  • WS_URL should be the URL for your environment without https:// e.g.
  • USER_KEY needs to be generated on the Mend UI. Generating a user key
  • ORG_TOKEN can be found under the 'Integrate' tab of your Mend UI as API Key.
# Unified (can do both WSApp and WSClient)
from ws_sdk.web import WS
ws = WS(url="WS_URL", user_key="USER_KEY", token="ORG_TOKEN", ua_path="/UA/WORKING/DIR")

# Web (Mend Application)
from import WSApp
ws = WSApp(url="WS_URL", user_key="USER_KEY", token="ORG_TOKEN")
# Get alerts 
all_alerts = ws.get_alerts()
# Get vulnerabilities report in XLSX format
vul_report = ws.get_vulnerability(report=True)
# Get all projects ()
project_list = ws.get_projects()
# Create user in the organization
ws.create_user(name='USER_TEST1', email="USER_TEST1@EMAIL.COM", inviter_email="INVITER@EMAIL.COM")

# Client (Mend Unified Agent)
from ws_sdk.client import WSClient

ws_client = WSClient(url="WS_URL", user_key="USER_KEY", token="ORG_TOKEN", ua_path="/UA/WORKING/DIR")
# Download latest UA jar and conf file
# Execute scan into defined project token
out = ws_client.scan(scan_dir="/PATH/TO/DIR", project_token="PROJ_TOKEN", product_token="PROD_TOKEN")
# Read scan artifact's policy rejection summary 
pol_rej = ws_client.get_policy_rejection_summary()