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Releases: foundryvtt-starfinder/foundryvtt-starfinder


18 Jul 17:08
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This update addresses a few minor bugs in 0.26.0.

Core system improvements

  • Using spell item macros now prompts the spell cast dialog and correctly consumes a spell slot.
  • Add a helper method on the Item class to directly cast spells
  • @Checks now show "Save" or "Check" as appropriate.

Bug fixes

  • Fix migrations failing on new worlds
  • Fix server-side migrations warning about missing IDs
  • Fix the Item constructor signature creating errors for temporary items.

Data entry

  • Fix Avenging Burst's formula.


03 Jul 21:37
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v0.26.0 - V12 Compatibility

Luckily it's been less time between updates than last time! This update brings V12 compatibility to the system. None of these features are too flashy, but that's the point! Hopefully this update is as nondisruptive as possible.

Core system improvements

  • Reimplement grid measurement and templates to account for new core settings
  • Update lots of function and class paths to account for new namespaces
  • Migrate rolls to account for the split of synchronous roll evaluation
  • Speed up starship action cache generation
  • Update vision modes to account for vision changes in V12
  • Adjust cook process to account for new server side migrations
  • Implement a custom parser to account for stricter roll grammar
  • Reimplement Token condition HUD
  • Add htmlField and filePathField validation to template.json

Bug fixes

  • Fix token effect icons not appearing
  • Fix spell slots not being updatable on the sheet
  • Fix item create dialogs not working on sheets
  • Fix some errors with dropping items to sheets
  • Fix deflector shields not applying to TL


08 May 18:13
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I don't have a funny intro for this update, I'm just frankly embarrassed it took so long, but regardless, this update fixes some minor but annoying bugs. Enhanced is on the way, I promise.

Core system improvements

  • New localisations and minor fixes to the German localisation.
  • Include SFRPG classes and methods in the globalThis for the convenience of modules

Bug fixes

  • Fix some cases where the combat difficulty display throws errors.
  • Fix tooltips incorrectly truncating Enhanced class names.
  • Many fixes to starship rolls
  • Fix spell casting using the incorrect spell levels.
  • Fix timed effects not toggling correctly
  • Fix text wrapping on properties/descriptors on item sheets
  • Fix penalties not applying to attack/damage totals on character sheets.
  • Fix modifiers to ability modifiers applying incorrectly, affecting conditions like Sickened
  • Ensure the idempotency of the damage type migration
  • Include condition as a valid modifier subtab value to solve failed data prep in some cases.
  • Fix locked tooltips getting stuck.
  • Fix new spells having 0/0 uses by default.

Data entry

  • Change Combat Tracker modifier to constant


15 Aug 12:14
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This is another quick hotfix to address some issues raised by the new stricter modifier schema, as well as a few other changes picked up in the meantime.

Bug fixes

  • Fully implement modifier type "Resistance" to stop DataModel errors
  • Re-implement right-click token HUD to overlay
  • Fix Sonic resistance not working
  • Remove redundant logic from encumbrance calculation

Data entry

  • Add effect for Get 'Em


14 Aug 19:11
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This hotfix addresses a few issues with unlinked actors, because of course they were the issue.

Core system improvements

  • Added a toggle for invalid roll formula warnings, defaulted to off.


  • Fix modifiers on unlinked tokens causing a stack overflow
  • Fix importing NPCs failing
  • Fix hazards breaking the canvas
  • Fix XP wrapping at high levels
  • Make several modifier calculations fail more gracefully


13 Aug 21:50
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v0.25.0 - The other one that got away

The very cool features currently sat on the development branch are here! Hopefully they're well worth the wait.

Timed Effects

Biohackers and Envoys rejoice, for the new Effect item type allows you to apply temporary modifiers to yourself and others with the drop of an item. These Effects are smart, and will expire after their duration has expired -- on exactly the turn you want, and can even reference the origin actor's stats. This also comes with a refactor of conditions and the status effect token HUD. Major thanks to Dosendusche for doing the majority of the heavy lifting for this.

Roll code fixes

Dosendusche's other big contribution this update was a refactor of our roll code. The details are very technical, but this will result in far fewer modifier bugs, roll-time bugs, and miscalculations.

Modifier improvements

Modifiers also use Foundry's DataModel class, which basically means they will be more reliable and resistant to incorrect data. Additionally,
you can now add damage sections (with damage types) to items with modifiers, and also set modifiers to only apply to the item they are on, or the container of the item they are on.

LevelDB Migration

The system now ships the new LevelDB databases, rather than the old NeDB databases, which has been deprecated. This allows us to utilize folders-in-compendiums, and should have no impact on existing games. We'll explore compendiums-in-folders soon.

Combat Difficulty Calculation

The combat tracker will now show the difficulty for a given encounter based on the number of PCs, NPCs and the level/CR of both. A detailed breakdown of the difficulty and rewards, expected and actual, are also available. This is available for both regular and Starship combat.

Activation Detail Automation

Range, area, duration, maximum uses, and actor resource minimum and maximum fields now all accept formulas, allowing them to scale based off of your character's stats. This allows for spells to scale by caster level, as well as some class features like Solarian Revelations.

Feature Categories

Feats, or Features as they're now known, can know be designated a type, such as "Feat", "Class Feature", "Species Feature", and so on. This will allow for better organisation of sheets, making it clearer where features came from, and simply looking nicer.

Item Macros

Dragging an item's attack, damage or activate button to the macro bar will create a smart action macro. It will display the remaining ammo or uses, and indicate whether an activation is active, inactive, or unable to be activated at all.


JonDemand went through and re-built all the iconics, bringing them up-to-date with the latest system automation. They've also received higher quality art from Paizo themselves, and fancy popout tokens. If only there was somewhere to get the empty token ring...

Two Template Tweaks

A custom @Template enricher has been added, allowing you to place templates from items and journals. Additionally, when items with an area are printed to chat, there will no be a button to place a corresponding template.

Core system improvements

  • Add repost buttons to custom enrichers
  • Show total attack and damage values on sheet buttons
  • Add compendium art mapping to items
  • Add a Combat Role selection to NPCs (Expert, Spellcaster, Combatant)
  • Deprecate Tippy and Popper in favour of native Foundry tooltips, with fancy custom CSS.
  • Add inline icons for each document types to content links.
  • Localised various missing text strings.
  • Various improvements to the French and German localisations.
  • Apply hex background to journals
  • Make shift clicking roll all/NPCs on the Combat Tracker skip all dialogs
  • Wait for the Starfinder logo to load before switching the FVTT Anvil
  • Use Maps to load compendium browsers rather than Arrays
  • Migrate to Foundry font-size CSS variables
  • Allow null organisation size in the AA browser
  • Change shield chat card footers to use bold titles
  • Lazy load images in compendium browsers
  • Change tooltip on equipped box for augmentations
  • Added a blank modifier value for skill modifiers.
  • Added Irradiate (severe) as a Starship weapon special property.
  • Automatically set weapon and shield proficiency when adding an item to an actor.
  • Lazy load icon enrichers
  • Allow healing to bypass stamina, and for healing to affect only HP or SP, or both.
  • Implement primary damage sections and groups, which modifiers to damage will only apply to.
  • Add an SFRPG image to the system on the setup screen.
  • The spell cast dialog now defaults the selected level to the spell's level.
  • Alter the alignment of @Icon images.
  • Add transitions and hover effects to sheet nav buttons.
  • Updates to the README and OGL.


  • Fix custom enrichers not working when a journal's header was hidden.
  • Ensure NPCs have no stamina.
  • Fix applying damage to NPCs.
  • Fix Drone containers not opening.
  • Fix some actor operations on actors in compendiums.
  • Fix double borders on NPC sheets and item sheets.
  • Fix various issues with filtering in compendium browsers.
  • Fix some crossed wires with the source and target in drag-and-drop processing.
  • Fix container wealth calculation.
  • Fix unowned actors being proficient at everything.
  • Fix conditions sometimes failing to toggle.
  • Fix dropping items onto tokens.
  • Update the CombatSFRPG class to match changes made during Foundry V11.
  • Fix supported sizes on power cores not saving.
  • Fix allowed armor types on armor upgrades lying.
  • Fix errors when submitting a roll dialog with the Enter key.
  • Fix undefined spell name on the spell cast dialog.
  • Fix HTML in the short or GM note descriptions breaking character sheets.
  • Fix some errors on feats with attack rolls.
  • Fix item hardness calculation

Data entry

  • Ensure all embedded items have IDs.
  • Fix medkit price and weight
  • Migrate Solarian revelation type and Envoy Improvisation descriptor icons to @Icon
  • Update the system's language list with latest languages, and correct various NPC's incorrect language listings.
  • Fix ammunition on disintegration lach
  • Add items from The Liberation of Locus-1
  • Update versatile specialisation and weapon focus
  • Add Plunderer of Worlds.
  • Add images to various class features
  • Fix formatting on various items
  • Fix various issues with excavation drills
  • Add the Pot-bellied Bullete Creature Companion
  • Added Archetypes, Downtime activities, species, spells, class features, feats, starship options, and magic and tech items from Ports of Call
  • Various fixes to the Evolutionist.
  • Add missing feats from AP-38
  • Add links to Entropy Shield
  • Add Teamwork feats
  • Add the Starsinger Archetype
  • Add icons to all universal creature rules
  • Add blank modifiers to Skill Expertise
  • Fix modifiers on the Sniper alternate class feature.
  • Update Speed Suspension bonus type.
  • Added the Divine Weapon feat.
  • Fix sickened applying to all damage rolls
  • Add sensor bonus to target action.
  • Fix missing condition description localisations
  • Use the correct starship frame in oliphaunt
  • Updated alternate outcome
  • Updated Reduction plating.
  • Updated Bulkheads.
  • Added Data Broker features.
  • Set Nanite Patches as Consumables
  • Added Trap Spotter Exploit.
  • Added Other to Consumable types.
  • Added Ace Pilot features.
  • Re-organised the Tactical Rules journals with the help of folders-in-compendiums, and added more sections from the Tactical Rules chapter of the CRB.
  • Added all remaining power armor, and fixes to existing power armor
  • Fix Double Tap feat


14 Jun 15:11
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v0.24.2 - V11 Compatibility

This is a minor hotfix release for 0.24 to fix some issues labels on items not being localized properly.


  • Perform global localization before documents are first prepared so labels can correctly be localised.


05 Jun 15:11
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v0.24.1 - V11 Compatibility

This is a minor hotfix release for 0.24 to fix some issues the LevelDB migration exposed.


  • Ensure all embedded documents on Actors in compendiums have _ids, so they aren't discarded by the LevelDB migration.
  • Restructure template.json slightly to reduce redundant data on actors.

v0.24.0 - V11 Compatibility

30 May 01:34
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v0.24.0 - V11 Compatibility

The very cool features currently sat on the development branch have been pushed to the side to allow for this small but important update.

This update prepares the system for use on V11. As usual when updating to a new major version of Foundry, back up all of your worlds!!

Core system improvements

  • Move system rules engine initialisation to the init hook, to account for the setup hook being moved.
  • Restructure i18n files to account for the new structure.
  • Move custom Math function registration on MATH_PROXY to the SFRPGRoll class instead of patching Roll itself.
  • Re-implement Starfinder measured template overrides.


19 Mar 01:28
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v0.23.0 - The one that got away

So for a variety of reasons, this update took us 3 months. The good news is that means there's some cool new features here, and a shed-load of compendium updates and data entry.

Inline buttons

We've added a handful of inline buttons to perform certain system specific behaviour. The three current ones are @Browser, which opens a compendium browser, @Icon, which shows the icon of things like Envoy Improv descriptors or Solarian Revelation types, and @Check, which rolls a check. You can view the syntax and full details of these on the wiki.

Simplified formulas

Damage roll dialogs and Check dialogs will now simplify any computed formulas into their final form. So ugly formulas like lookupRange(,1,7,2,10,3,13,4,15,5,17,7,19,9)d(lookupRange(,3,7,4))+lookupRange(,0,3,floor(@details.level.value/2)) will be simply 1d3 + 1. This simplification is available to modules and macros to use too, via the simplifiedFormula getter on RollSFRPG.

Level up button

A simple QoL feature that will go a long way; when you have enough XP to level up, a handy level up button will appear next to your class(es), removing the need to dig through class sheets to level yourself up

The great augmentation audit

One of the reasons this update took so long, Iankid undertook a gruelling audit of nearly every augmentation in the system, updating them with the latest modifier technology and system features, and generally cleaning them up a great deal. If you have any augmentations, it's recommended to pull fresh version from the compendium

Core system improvements

  • Migrated the compendium art mapping feature to V10
  • Show mapped compendium art in the alien browser
  • Add augmentation filtering to the equipment browser
  • Holding shift while applying damage from chat cards will bring up a window allowing you to modify the applied damage
  • Enable global illumination on scenes by default
  • Updated nomenclature of "race" and "racial" to "species"
  • Shrunk the height of items on sheets, and slightly redesigned the spellbook tab
  • Trimmed borders off sheets
  • Remove minimum height on sheets
  • Adjust CSS to round sheet corners
  • Trim margins on item sidebars, removing unnecessary scrollbars
  • The system is now served in a minified state, improving load times
  • The XP bar now changes colour depending on how much XP you have
  • Implement a French translation for the gunnery skill, and various other fields on sheets
  • Display Temp HP on NPCs
  • Refactor custom math functions and implement a conditional ternary function, updated some formulas to use the ternary function
  • Removed the currency locale setting, instead deferring to your Foundry client language setting
  • Run prettier on LESS files
  • The return value of rolls now includes the Roll object, for use in modules and macros
  • Defer to creating Item Piles loot tokens if enabled
  • Refactor item chat data, and ensure inline attributes in items pull actor/item data correctly
  • Added renderWithFilters, a system function to render a compendium browser with specific pre-defined filters, exposed and available to modules and macros
  • Expose the various get[Type]Browser functions allowing modules and macro to interact with compendium browsers better
  • Convert several hard-coded strings to utilise localisations
  • Update data sanitisation to ensure links and italics have spaces before them
  • Update system fonts to latest versions, and use a more efficient file format

Compendium improvements

  • Add missing Alien Archive actors (should be 100% coverage now!)
  • Add various missing actors from old APs
  • Add actors from Drift Hackers
  • Add various missing Solarian Revelations
  • Implement the February 2023 Errata
  • Corrected Daredevil modifier names
  • Corrected Exceptional Vision modifier names
  • Corrected Honey Production modifier names
  • Add Drone Mods as Exocortex Mods
  • Seperate tool kits into indiviudal items
  • Fix the mistakenly swapped Quick Change spells
  • Add concentration to the Wall of Steam spell
  • Add roll tables for species and sub-species
  • Adjust Entropic Strike damage to account for Weapon Specialisation
  • Add links to the android species, and add some modifiers to various armor upgrades
  • Add Drift Crisis Treasures
  • Add an archetype rules journal, and begin splitting archetype features into their own compendium
  • Add School specialist archetype
  • Implemented ammo tracking on the Inferno Knife
  • Audit strength modifiers on melee weapons
  • Fix description of Dross guns and Void hide.
  • Add inline calculations to some Envoy Improvisations
  • Added Scalegraser Weapons and the Cunning weapon fusion
  • Updated Skitterpunk modifiers


  • Fix armor type filtering in the compendium browser
  • Fix new blank classes bricking character sheets
  • Fix some aliens being unable to open
  • Ensure existing class slugs are respected