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Pure javascript implementations of redis Abstractions. Part of the Rarefied Redis Project.


Build Status



$ npm install rarefied-redis-js



Basic Usage

All Abstractions are exported by the rarefied_redis object if the Abstraction exists.


All Abstractions are available by requiring rarefied-redis-js. Example:

var Q = require('q');
var client = require('redis-js').toNodeRedis().toPromiseStyle(Q.defer);
var rarefied_redis = require('rarefied-redis-js');

var scanner = rarefied_redis.RedisScanner.lscanner(client).toPromiseStyle(Q.defer);

    .rpush('key', 'v1', 'v2')
    .then(function () {
        return scanner.scan('key', function (range) {
    .fail(function (err) {
        throw err;

// Script will print ['v1', 'v2'] to the console.


Abstractions that have been loaded before the rarefied-redis.js (or its minified version) will be exported onto the global window object. Example:

(function () {

    var client = window.redismock;
    var scanner = window.RedisScanner.lscanner(client);

    client.rpush('key', 'v1', 'v2', function () {
        scanner.scan('key', function (range) {

// Script will print ['v1', 'v2'] to the console.


  • Adapters
    • RedisListAdapter: adapter/redis-list-adapter.js
  • Util
    • RedisScanner: util/redis-scanner.js
    • RedisExpirer: util/redis-expirer.js
  • Reliable
    • RedisReliableDeleter: reliable/redis-reliable-deleter.js
    • RedisReliableMover: reliable/redis-reliable-mover.js
    • RedisReliableLocker: reliable/redis-reliable-locker.js
    • RedisReliableConsumer: reliable/redis-reliable-consumer.js
    • RedisReliableProducer: reliable/redis-reliable-producer.js
  • Guaranteed
  • Crypto
    • TODO: Not really implemented yet....
  • Concurrency
    • redisCAS: concurrency/redis-cas.js
    • RedisConcurrency: concurrency/redis-concurrency.js (Pessimistic concurrency not fully vetted yet).


All contributions welcome! Issues or Pull Requests. For PRs, npm test, npm run test-phantomjs, and npm run test-integrations must all succeed and test the new code before the PR will be considered.


This project users karma + mocha + chai + redis-js.

To run the full test suite from source, issue the standard npm command:

$ npm test

This will run jshint against all the source files, run the full mocha suite with a coverage report, and finally run a complexity report against all the source files.

To run the mocha tests against an actual redis server instead of in-memory redis-js, issue the following command:

$ npm run test-integrations

This command will substitute the node redis client for the in-memory redis-js client. This command tests against a localhost redis server on port 6379. To test against a different redis server, set REDIS_JS_NODE_REDIS_PORT, REDIS_JS_NODE_REDIS_HOST, and REDIS_JS_NODE_REDIS_OPTIONS as documented in redis-js.

To run the mocha tests within a particular browser using karma, issue the following npm commands:

$ npm run test-phantomjs
$ npm run test-firefox
$ npm run test-chrome
$ npm run test-safari
$ npm run test-opera
$ npm run test-ie

These tests use the various karma-*-launcher projects to launch the browsers. If the browser is not installed on the system, the corresponding test command will print an error and hang.

test-phantomjs is the only test command that does not rely on external dependencies. test-phantomjs will install the latest compatible version of phantomjs in a tmp directory, and use that binary to run the tests.

Creating a test is as easy as adding a new test file in test/mocha/. In order for the test to run across different JavaScript engines, a somewhat specific style is required:

(function() {
    var redismock = typeof require === 'function' ? require('redis-js') : window.redismock;
    if (typeof chai === 'undefined') {
        var chai = typeof require === 'function' ? require('chai') : window.chai;
    chai.config.includeStack = true;
    var expect = chai.expect;

    /* Put describe & it blocks here */

Tests should use the rarefied_redis object to get at the Abstraction. For example:

    var RedisReliableMover = typeof require === 'function' ? require('../../rarefied-redis.js').RedisReliableMover : window.RedisReliableMover;



  • 0.0.1-3
    • Implement a bounded reliable list producer.
    • Fix a bug in redis_util.to2sComplement.
  • 0.0.1-2
    • Some Abstractions implemented.
    • Implemented Abstractions unit-tested against node.
    • Implemented Abstractions unit-tested against browsers.
    • Implemented Abstractions integration-tested.


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