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Math 2001: Discrete Mathematics (with an introduction to logic and proofs)

CU Boulder Spring 2019 (Section 004)

Lecture Information

Lecture Times and Location: 1--1:50pm MWF in ECCR 131
Final Exam Date and Time: Monday, 6 May 2019, 1:30--4pm
Course Webpage:
Piazza Webpage:
Course Schedule:

Instructor Information

Instructor: Dr. William DeMeo
Email: williamdemeo at gmail
Office: MATH BLDG Room 202
Office hours: Tuesday 11:30am--12:45pm, Wednesdays 11:30--12:45pm

Remarks about office hours: The regularly scheduled office hours listed above are subject to change. Changes will be announced during lecture. It is helpful, though not required, to send an email in advance to let the instructor know if/when you plan to attend office hours.



You are now reading the main course web page and syllabus for Math 2001.

This page will be updated throughout the semester. Students are expected to visit this page periodically.

For this class the CU D2L system will be used only for recording grades.

Course Description

Introduces the ideas of rigor and proof through an examination of basic set theory, existential and universal quantifiers, elementary counting, discrete structures, and additional topics.

Department enforced prerequisite: MATH 1300 or MATH 1310 or APPM 1345 or APPM 1350 (minimum grade C-).

This course emphasizes the reading and writing of mathematical proofs.

Learning Outcomes

Students will learn

  • the basics of first-order logic;
  • how to write careful and correct pencil and paper proofs of propositions;
  • how to read and write proofs in Gentzen style of natural deduction;
  • how to read and write proofs using the relatively new interactive theorem prover Lean.

Textbook Information

Required Books

We will use the following textbooks in this class.

Logic and Proof by Avigad, Lewis, and van Doorn (pdf)

Students are expected to have access to the textbook.

Lean Software Information

Please see our Lean information page.

For future reference, you can also get to our Lean info page by clicking on the Lean directory at the top of this page.


Students are expected to attend all classes. A grade penalty will be exacted if you have an excessive number of absences (whether excused or unexcused). Specifically, you are permitted (but strongly discouraged from taking) five absences in total, and you must email the instructor if/when you miss a class. Each additional absence, and any absence not mentioned to the instructor, may result in the deduction of points from your final grade.

Occasionally attendance will be recorded by passing around a sign-in sheet on which you will print and sign your own name. If another student asks you to sign in for them, don't do it. Forging another student's signature constitutes a violation of the student code of conduct and will be referred to the Office of Judicial Affairs.

Important: If you plan to leave before class is over, the correct procedure is to mention this to the professor before the start of class. It is impolite and disruptive to your classmates to leave, or even pack up your belongings, before the lecture is over.

Code of Conduct

Students must abide by the university's code of conduct. In particular, cheating is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Violations of this policy will be referred to and dealt with by the Office of Judicial Affairs in a manner consistent with university regulations, which range from a warning to expulsion from the university.

Use of Electronics During Lecture

Use of electronic devices in lecture for purposes unrelated to math will not be tolerated.

Laptops may be used in the classroom only for work related to this course.

All students must silence, and refrain from using, all electronic devices (phones, ipods, tablets, microwave ovens, etc.) during all lectures and exam periods. There is only one exception to this rule: a laptop may be used for, and only for, working on something related to the course material.

Facebooking, YouTubing, Tweeting, Tindering, Redditting, Tumblring, and gaming, are all strictly forbidden during class. Students should also refrain from emailing during class. Such activities make it hard or impossible to concentrate on the lecture and can be very distracting to the lecturer. Any student who does not respect this policy will be dismissed from class.

Grading Policy

The breakdown of the final course grade is as follows:

  • Homework: 30 points total
  • Two midterm exams: 40 points (20 each)
  • Final exam: 30 points

At the end of the semester, letter grades will be assigned roughly according to the following table. However, the scale may be shifted depending on overall student performance.

  • A: 94--100
  • A-: 91--93
  • B+: 87--90
  • B: 84--86
  • B-: 81--83
  • C+: 77--80
  • C: 74--76
  • C-: 71--73
  • D+: 67--70
  • D: 64--66
  • D-: 60--63
  • F: 0--59


All exams take place in our usual classroom, ECCR 131.

    Topics: Chs 1--6, 11, 15
    DATE: Wed, 27 Feb 2019

    Topics: Chs 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15
    DATE: Fri, 5 Apr 2019

  • FINAL EXAM (cumulative)
    DATE: Mon, 6 May 2019
    TIME: 1:30--4pm

In accordance with university policy, the final exam must be taken by all students at the scheduled time in the usual classroom. Do not make plans which would have you depart campus before the scheduled final exam date.


The written homework assignments will account for 30% of the course grade and will be due every week on Friday (at the beginning of class) as indicated on the course schedule.

Here are some important facts about the homework policy in this class.

  • You must submit a hard copy of your homework; electronic submissions, e.g. email attachments, are not acceptable.
  • Homework submitted at the end of class on the due date may be penalized.
  • Homework submitted after the end of class on the due date will not be accepted or graded.
  • Homework is graded on correctness and overall presentation, including clarity, legibility, and style.

The lowest (or missed) homework score will be dropped and not counted toward the final course grade.

Descriptions of each homework assignment will be available in the homework directory of this repository. You are strongly encouraged to start the homework early, so that you will have time to get help from the instructor or tutors in the MARC when you get stuck... and you will get stuck.

Make-up Policy

No late homework will be accepted for any reason. If you fail to submit homework on time, this will not necessarily hurt your final course grade since the lowest homework score will be dropped.

Generally speaking, there are no make-up exams. However, if you must miss an exam for one of the legitimate reasons listed below, and if you contact the professor at least five days before the exam date, then you might be able to take a make-up exam before the scheduled exam time.

To request a make-up exam, a student must provide documented evidence of one of the following:

  • Documented medical excuse - student's own medical emergency.
  • Documented medical excuse - a member of the student's family has a medical emergency.
  • Extra curricular activity sponsored University of Colorado.
  • Armed forces deployment (military duty).
  • Officially mandated court appearances, including jury duty.
  • A conflict with another exam or if you have three or more final exams on a given day. (In each case the exam with the fewest students must arrange the make-up exam.)

If you miss an exam due to some unforeseen circumstance, you must contact the professor within one class meeting after the missed test and provide an explanation. If your excuse is accepted, the missed test score may be replaced with 80% of your final exam score. For example, if your excuse is accepted and you score a 90% on the final, then you will receive a 72% for the missed test (0.80*0.90 = 0.72).

Asking Questions

Students are strongly encouraged to ask lots of questions. If you don't understand something, please ask!

  1. In Lecture. The best time/place to ask a question is during lecture or recitation or office hours.

  2. On Piazza. Another good place to ask a question is the online discussion forum. This term we will be using Piazza for class discussion and all students should enroll in this forum by visiting the Piazza signup page.

    This system is designed so that you can get help fast and efficiently from classmates or instructors. Rather than emailing questions to the teaching staff, students are encouraged to post questions on Piazza forum. If you have any problems or feedback for the Piazza developers, email

    The Piazza page for this class is

Email Policy

You may email the instructor directly, though the response time might be a slower than if you use one of the preferred methods described above.

If you email the instructor, you must use an informative subject field. If you use this link to email the professor, then some of the required information should pre-populate your message fields. If you do not at least indicate which class you are in, your email might go unanswered.

Students With Disabilities

If you believe that you have a disability that qualifies under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and requires accommodations, you should contact the Student Disability Services Office for information on appropriate policies and procedures. The next step is to talk to the instructor who will be happy to assist with accommodations, but will not provide them retroactively (so file the appropriate requests and paperwork well before the first exam!).

Students must have their paper work in order and should contact the instructor early in the semester in order to have their learning needs appropriately met.

Additional Resources