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Wilson Wise edited this page Oct 22, 2013 · 1 revision

A very simple logging class. The purpose of this class is to provide a simple log file that can then be displayed to an administrative user of the web app.

Example Usage

// Wodk_Logger needs the path to the log file, and it needs to be
// writable by the webserver.
$log = new Wodk_Logger('/var/www/example.log');

// Log simple
$log->log('A simple message.');
// Output:
// [Wed, Dec 31 1969 19:00:00 -0500] A simple message.

// Log complex
$log->log('error', 'An error.', 'Another error message.');
// Output:
// [Wed, Dec 31 1969 19:00:00 -0500] (error) An error.
// [Wed, Dec 31 1969 19:00:00 -0500] (error) Another error message.

// Using helper methods error, message and warn
$log->warn('Issue a warning on "%s".', 'this system');
// Output:
// [Wed, Dec 31 1969 19:00:00 -0500] (warning) Issue a warning on "this system".


  • log

Record a particular message in the file. There are two ways to use it, simple or complex.

Simple logging takes one argument, the log message. Writes an entry to the log as [$timestamp] message.

@param — The message.

@returns — Logger instance for chaining.

Complex logging takes at least two arguments. The first is the type of message. The remaining arguments are messages to log with that type. Writes as entry to the log as [$timestamp] ($type) $message.

@param — The type of message; typically error or message. Any value is allowed.

@param ... — The messages to log as this type.

@returns — Logger instance for chaining.

  • error

Log an error message with [sprintf][] formatting. Writes an entry to the log as [$timestamp] ($type) $message.

@param — The message to use formatting.

@param ... — Arguments to format into the $format string.

@returns — Logger instance for chaining.

  • message

Log a message with [sprintf][] formatting. Writes an entry to the log as [$timestamp] ($type) $message.

@param — The mesage to use formatting.

@param ... — Arguments to format into the $format string.

@returns — Logger instance for chaining.

  • warn

Log a warning with [sprintf][] formatting. Writes an entry to the log as [$timestamp] ($type) $message.

@param — The mesage to use formatting.

@param ... — Arguments to format into the $format string.

@returns — Logger instance for chaining.

  • read

Get the contents of the log, useful for passing from a Controller to a View.

@param $as_array — Return the log file as a string or an array. Defaults to string.

@param $reverse — What order to return the array. The default is oldest first.

@returns — Either an array or string of the log file.

  • writable

Checks if the log file is writable.

@returns — Boolean status of writability

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