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A game about a 81-year-old crazy granny


  1. Download the latest release (or prerelease) from the Release section of this repository.
  2. Install it
  3. Done!


Where to get support?

Open Issues tab and create an issue. If lots of people have the same question, I (@ProximalElk6186) will add it to FAQ.

What are supported platforms?

Platform Supported or not?

What are minimum system requirements?

Minimal Recommended
Cpu: Intel Core i7 12th gen Intel Core i9 13th gen or higher
RAM: 24GB 32GB
GPU: NvidiaTM RTX 4070 NvidiaTM RTX 4070
Storage: 100+GB of free space 100+GB of free space
Extra: Keyboard, mouse, 1920x1080 screen Keyboard, mouse, 4k screen (30 inches or higher), speakers
Notes: 640x480 @ 30fps 4K @ 30fps

Please note that those are MINIMAL requirements. You may be able to run the game on slower PC, but it will run poorly.

When will be the release?

Nobody knows. 🤷‍♂️

Is it open-source?

Not now, but will be soon.

How can I contact you?

via e-mail (

What license is this?

Partially Creative Commons 4.0.

Can I fork it?

Yes, you can.

Something doesn't work!

Create an issue and tell us about it! But please keep in mind that this is still аn α (alpha) test!

Known issues

Issue Workaround
Low perfomance (Any platform) Once again, download a version with different graphics preset
Any other issues Reinstall the game, then create an issue using a template