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Divran edited this page Apr 22, 2021 · 3 revisions

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Entity = Entity:weapon()

Returns the weapon that player E is currently holding (2 ops)

Entity = Entity:weapon(String Weaponclassname)

Returns the weapon with specified class of player E (2 ops)

Array = Entity:weapons()

Returns the weapons that player E has (2 ops)

String = Entity:primaryAmmoType()

Returns the name of the primary weapon's ammo (2 ops)

String = Entity:secondaryAmmoType()

Returns the name of the secondary weapon's ammo (2 ops)

Number = Entity:ammoCount(String Ammo_type)

Returns the amount of stored ammo of type S on player E, excluding current clip (2 ops)

Number = Entity:clip1()

Returns the amount of ammo in the primary clip of weapon E, -1 if there is no primary clip (2 ops)

Number = Entity:clip2()

Returns the amount of ammo in the secondary clip of weapon E, -1 if there is no secondary clip 1) (2 ops)

String = Entity:tool()

returns the name of the tool the player E is currently holding (2 ops)

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