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Ohpe edited this page Jan 29, 2016 · 1 revision

The following table shows how direct call of document.referrer are natively treated:

Source browser version pathInfo Search Hash output sample
document.referrer IE 8 8 33 (!), 38 (&), 39 ('), 40 ((), 41 ()), 42 (*), 43 (+), 44 (,), 45 (-), 46 (.), 47 (/), 58 (:), 59 (;), 61 (=), 64 (@), 91 ([), 93 (]), 95 (_), 126 (~), [128 - 255] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 ( ), 33 (!), 34 ("), 38 (&), 39 ('), 40 ((), 41 ()), 42 (*), 43 (+), 44 (,), 45 (-), 46 (.), 47 (/), 58 (:), 59 (;), 60 (<), 61 (=), 62 (>), 63 (?), 64 (@), 91 ([), 92 (\), 93 (]), 94 (^), 95 (_), 96 (`), 123 ({), 124 (|), 125 (}), 126 (~), [127 - 255] none http://host/path/to/page.ext/test;test?test;
document.referrer Firefox 3.6.15 - 4 33 (!), 37 (%), 38 (&), 40 ((), 41 ()), 42 (*), 43 (+), 44 (,), 45 (-), 46 (.), 47 (/), 58 (:), 59 (;), 61 (=), 64 (@), 91 ([), 92 (\), 93 (]), 94 (^), 95 (_), 123 ({), 124 (` ), 125 (}), 126 (~`) 33 (!), 37 (%), 38 (&), 40 ((), 41 ()), 42 (*), 43 (+), 44 (,), 45 (-), 46 (.), 47 (/), 58 (:), 59 (;), 61 (=), 63 (?), 64 (@), 91 ([), 92 (\), 93 (]), 94 (^), 95 (_), 123 ({), 124 (|), 125 (}), 126 (~) None
document.referrer Chrome 6.0.472.53 beta 33 (!), 37 (%), 38 (&), 39 ('), 40 ((), 41 ()), 42 (*), 43 (+), 44 (,), 45 (-), 46 (.), 47 (/), 58 (:), 59 (;), 61 (=), 64 (@), 91 ([), 93 (]), 95 (_), 126 (~) 33 (!), 37 (%), 38 (&), 39 ('), 40 ((), 41 ()), 42 (*), 43 (+), 44 (,), 45 (-), 46 (.), 47 (/), 58 (:), 59 (;), 61 (=), 63 (?), 64 (@), 91 ([), 92 (\), 93 (]), 94 (^), 95 (_), 96 (`), 123 ({), 124 (|), 125 (}), 126 (~) None http://host/path/to/page.ext/test;test?test;
document.referrer Opera 10.61 33 (!), 37 (%), 38 (&), 39 ('), 40 ((), 41 ()), 42 (*), 43 (+), 44 (,), 45 (-), 46 (.), 47 (/), 58 (:), 59 (;), 61 (=), 64 (@), 91 ([), 93 (]), 94 (^), 95 (_), 96 (`), 123 ({), 124 (|), 125 (}), 126 (~), [127 - 255] 33 (!), 37 (%), 38 (&), 39 ('), 40 ((), 41 ()), 42 (*), 43 (+), 44 (,), 45 (-), 46 (.), 47 (/), 58 (:), 59 (;), 61 (=), 63 (?), 64 (@), 91 ([), 93 (]), 94 (^), 95 (_), 123 ({), 124 (|), 125 (}), 126 (~) None http://host/path/to/page.ext/test;test?test;

(To Be Finished with Safari tests)

Important Note

As shown here Internet Explorer allows special characters in the hostname. That is an attacker could setup a DNS wildcard and create entry for hostnames like the following:


If we suppose a JavaScript code like the following:

 write('<sc'+"ript src="http://Host/image.gif?t="+c+"r="+(referrer.split("/")[2])+"></sc"+'ript>');

it can be easily seen that, according to what has been said, the code is exploitable.

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