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Releases: withastro/astro


27 May 11:00
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Patch Changes

  • #11139 aaf0635 Thanks @Princesseuh! - Fixes @astrojs/upgrade not using the package manager that was used to install the project to install dependencies


23 May 16:06
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Patch Changes


23 May 10:08
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Minor Changes

  • #11051 12a1bcc Thanks @ematipico! - Introduces an experimental Container API to render .astro components in isolation.

    This API introduces three new functions to allow you to create a new container and render an Astro component returning either a string or a Response:

    • create(): creates a new instance of the container.
    • renderToString(): renders a component and return a string.
    • renderToResponse(): renders a component and returns the Response emitted by the rendering phase.

    The first supported use of this new API is to enable unit testing. For example, with vitest, you can create a container to render your component with test data and check the result:

    import { experimental_AstroContainer as AstroContainer } from 'astro/container';
    import { expect, test } from 'vitest';
    import Card from '../src/components/Card.astro';
    test('Card with slots', async () => {
      const container = await AstroContainer.create();
      const result = await container.renderToString(Card, {
        slots: {
          default: 'Card content',
      expect(result).toContain('This is a card');
      expect(result).toContain('Card content');

    For a complete reference, see the Container API docs.

    For a feature overview, and to give feedback on this experimental API, see the Container API roadmap discussion.

  • #11021 2d4c8fa Thanks @ematipico! - The CSRF protection feature that was introduced behind a flag in v4.6.0 is no longer experimental and is available for general use.

    To enable the stable version, add the new top-level security option in astro.config.mjs. If you were previously using the experimental version of this feature, also delete the experimental flag:

    export default defineConfig({
    -  experimental: {
    -    security: {
    -      csrfProtection: {
    -        origin: true
    -      }
    -    }
    -  },
    +  security: {
    +    checkOrigin: true
    +  }

    Enabling this setting performs a check that the "origin" header, automatically passed by all modern browsers, matches the URL sent by each Request.

    This check is executed only for pages rendered on demand, and only for the requests POST, PATCH, DELETE and PUT with one of the following "content-type" headers: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'multipart/form-data', 'text/plain'.

    If the "origin" header doesn't match the pathname of the request, Astro will return a 403 status code and won't render the page.

    For more information, see the security configuration docs.

  • #11022 be68ab4 Thanks @ematipico! - The i18nDomains routing feature introduced behind a flag in v3.4.0 is no longer experimental and is available for general use.

    This routing option allows you to configure different domains for individual locales in entirely server-rendered projects using the @astrojs/node or @astrojs/vercel adapter with a site configured.

    If you were using this feature, please remove the experimental flag from your Astro config:

    import { defineConfig } from 'astro'
    export default defineConfig({
    -  experimental: {
    -    i18nDomains: true,
    -  }

    If you have been waiting for stabilization before using this routing option, you can now do so.

    Please see the internationalization docs for more about this feature.

  • #11071 8ca7c73 Thanks @bholmesdev! - Adds two new functions experimental_getActionState() and experimental_withState() to support the React 19 useActionState() hook when using Astro Actions. This introduces progressive enhancement when calling an Action with the withState() utility.

    This example calls a like action that accepts a postId and returns the number of likes. Pass this action to the experimental_withState() function to apply progressive enhancement info, and apply to useActionState() to track the result:

    import { actions } from 'astro:actions';
    import { experimental_withState } from '@astrojs/react/actions';
    export function Like({ postId }: { postId: string }) {
      const [state, action, pending] = useActionState(
        0 // initial likes
      return (
        <form action={action}>
          <input type="hidden" name="postId" value={postId} />
          <button disabled={pending}>{state} ❤️</button>

    You can also access the state stored by useActionState() from your action handler. Call experimental_getActionState() with the API context, and optionally apply a type to the result:

    import { defineAction, z } from 'astro:actions';
    import { experimental_getActionState } from '@astrojs/react/actions';
    export const server = {
      like: defineAction({
        input: z.object({
          postId: z.string(),
        handler: async ({ postId }, ctx) => {
          const currentLikes = experimental_getActionState<number>(ctx);
          // write to database
          return currentLikes + 1;
  • #11101 a6916e4 Thanks @linguofeng! - Updates Astro's code for adapters to use the header x-forwarded-for to initialize the clientAddress.

    To take advantage of the new change, integration authors must upgrade the version of Astro in their adapter peerDependencies to 4.9.0.

  • #11071 8ca7c73 Thanks @bholmesdev! - Adds compatibility for Astro Actions in the React 19 beta. Actions can be passed to a form action prop directly, and Astro will automatically add metadata for progressive enhancement.

    import { actions } from 'astro:actions';
    function Like() {
      return (
        <form action={}>
          {/* auto-inserts hidden input for progressive enhancement */}
          <button type="submit">Like</button>

Patch Changes

  • #11088 9566fa0 Thanks @bholmesdev! - Allow actions to be called on the server. This allows you to call actions as utility functions in your Astro frontmatter, endpoints, and server-side UI components.

    Import and call directly from astro:actions as you would for client actions:

    // src/pages/blog/[postId].astro
    import { actions } from 'astro:actions';
    await{ postId: Astro.params.postId });
  • #11112 29a8650 Thanks @bholmesdev! - Deprecate the getApiContext() function. API Context can now be accessed from the second parameter to your Action handler():

    // src/actions/index.ts
    import {
    -  getApiContext,
    } from 'astro:actions';
    export const server = {
      login: defineAction({
        input: z.object({ id: z.string }),
    +    handler(input, context) {
          const user = context.locals.auth(;
          return user;


23 May 10:08
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Patch Changes

  • #11120 9a0e94b Thanks @delucis! - Fixes requests to the web vitals endpoint in setups like Vercel’s trailingSlash: true that redirect from /web-vitals to /web-vitals/


23 May 10:08
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Minor Changes

  • #11055 b92de22 Thanks @niklas-wortmann! - Updates the devtools type to allow passing VueDevToolsOptions

    For more customization, you can pass options that the Vue DevTools Vite Plugin supports. (Note: appendTo is not supported.) For example, you can set launchEditor to your preferred editor if you are not using Visual Studio Code:

    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    import vue from '@astrojs/vue';
    export default defineConfig({
      // ...
      integrations: [
          devtools: { launchEditor: 'webstorm' },


23 May 10:08
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Minor Changes

  • #11071 8ca7c73 Thanks @bholmesdev! - Adds two new functions experimental_getActionState() and experimental_withState() to support the React 19 useActionState() hook when using Astro Actions. This introduces progressive enhancement when calling an Action with the withState() utility.

    This example calls a like action that accepts a postId and returns the number of likes. Pass this action to the experimental_withState() function to apply progressive enhancement info, and apply to useActionState() to track the result:

    import { actions } from 'astro:actions';
    import { experimental_withState } from '@astrojs/react/actions';
    export function Like({ postId }: { postId: string }) {
      const [state, action, pending] = useActionState(
        0 // initial likes
      return (
        <form action={action}>
          <input type="hidden" name="postId" value={postId} />
          <button disabled={pending}>{state} ❤️</button>

    You can also access the state stored by useActionState() from your action handler. Call experimental_getActionState() with the API context, and optionally apply a type to the result:

    import { defineAction, z } from 'astro:actions';
    import { experimental_getActionState } from '@astrojs/react/actions';
    export const server = {
      like: defineAction({
        input: z.object({
          postId: z.string(),
        handler: async ({ postId }, ctx) => {
          const currentLikes = experimental_getActionState<number>(ctx);
          // write to database
          return currentLikes + 1;


22 May 07:42
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Patch Changes

  • #11073 f5c8fee Thanks @matthewp! - Prevent cache content from being left in dist folder

    When contentCollectionsCache is enabled temporary cached content is copied into the outDir for processing. This fixes it so that this content is cleaned out, along with the rest of the temporary build JS.

  • #11054 f6b171e Thanks @bholmesdev! - Respect error status when handling Actions with a progressive fallback.

  • #11092 bfe9c73 Thanks @duckycoding-dev! - Change slot attribute of IntrinsicAttributes to match the definition of HTMLAttributes's own slot attribute of type string | undefined | null

  • #10875 b5f95b2 Thanks @W1M0R! - Fixes a typo in a JSDoc annotation

  • #11111 a5d79dd Thanks @bholmesdev! - Fix unexpected headers warning on prerendered routes when using Astro Actions.

  • #11081 af42e05 Thanks @V3RON! - Correctly position inspection tooltip in RTL mode

    When RTL mode is turned on, the inspection tooltip tend to overflow the window on the left side.
    Additional check has been added to prevent that.


22 May 07:42
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Minor Changes

  • #11094 3c7a4fa Thanks @delucis! - Upgrades the web-vitals dependency to v4 and stops collecting data for the deprecated FID (First Input Delay) metric.

Patch Changes

  • #11096 0dbd8ee Thanks @delucis! - Adds support for deprecating the web vitals DB table, so the integration can be removed if desired


22 May 07:42
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Patch Changes

  • #10779 cefeadf Thanks @adrianlyjak! - Fixes false positives for status code routes like 404 and 500 when generating sitemaps.


22 May 07:41
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Patch Changes

  • #10813 3cc3e2c Thanks @Xetera! - Omitting compiler-internal symbol from user components to fix breaking error messages