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Automatic License Plate Detector and Character Recognizer

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License plate recognition (LPR) is a fully automated image processing technology which uses image recognition technique to identify the characters on the number plate of a vehicle. The objective is to design an efficient automatic authorized vehicle identification system by scanning the image of the vehicle number plate. The system is mostly implemented in high security zones (like airports, courts, etc.), and recently is being planned to be implemented all over the country, for quick and easy identification of vehicles, in cases of theft control, security validation, etc.

Its recommended that you install all the packages directly from the requirments.txt file.

Also its a good practice to make a new environment for this project firstly install Ananconda That gets you the Conda package and environment manager, which just makes life more pleasant, in our experience, and allows us to do this:

conda create -n new_env python=3.8

then to activate it

 conda activate new_env

lastly once inside your new environmrnt run the following line to get all the packages.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Required packages

  • Opencv-python
  • Matplotlib
  • tensorflow
  • keras
  • sklearn
  • numpy

Guide for manually installing packages:-

!pip install packagename

Example to install tensorflow:-

!pip install -u tensorflow


No releases published



Contributors 4

