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Spectral graph theory algorithms in Python

Unofficial implementation of A Spectral Assignment Approach for the Graph Isomorphism Problem by Stefan Klus and Tuhin Sahai

>>> from spectralgraphs import *

Examples graphs taken from Figures 3c & 3d

>>> g,h = house_graphs()

Compute vertex mapping based on spectral assignment approach (complexity O(n^3))

>>> mapping = min_P_la(g,h)
>>> mapping
[(1, 2), (2, 1), (5, 6), (7, 7), (6, 5), (3, 4), (4, 3), (8, 8)]

Compute permutation matrix P based on the two-sided orthogonal Procrustes problem (complexity O(2^n))

>>> P,min = min_P(g,h)
>>> P
array([[ 0.40990005, -0.47176473, -0.08882375,  0.08297524,  0.3839172 ,
         0.40990005,  0.52823527, -0.01422941],
       [-0.60799713,  0.40990005, -0.2640839 , -0.08882375,  0.1362324 ,
         0.39200287,  0.40990005,  0.21082674],
       [-0.08882375,  0.08297524,  0.81980009,  0.05647055,  0.3696878 ,
        -0.08882375,  0.08297524,  0.39814661],
       [ 0.1362324 ,  0.3839172 ,  0.34705914,  0.3696878 , -0.36647441,
         0.1362324 ,  0.3839172 , -0.52599811],
       [-0.2640839 , -0.08882375, -0.21599425,  0.81980009,  0.34705914,
        -0.2640839 , -0.08882375, -0.07459434],
       [ 0.40990005,  0.52823527, -0.08882375,  0.08297524,  0.3839172 ,
         0.40990005, -0.47176473, -0.01422941],
       [ 0.39200287,  0.40990005, -0.2640839 , -0.08882375,  0.1362324 ,
        -0.60799713,  0.40990005,  0.21082674],
       [ 0.21082674, -0.01422941, -0.07459434,  0.39814661, -0.52599811,
         0.21082674, -0.01422941,  0.68552182]])
>>> min


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