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Guide: Building a custom logfile parser

wolkesson edited this page Jan 11, 2018 · 1 revision

Parsers are used to process and extract data from log files. The goal of this guide is to implemtent a custom logfile parser that can provide data to the plotting and analysis components.

Create a new project

Open visual studio 2015 or newer and create a new C# library project

Add references

Add the following references from the SampleCrunch installation folder:

  • PluginFramework.dll

Implement the IParserFactory and IParser interfaces

The system uses a factory to provide settings before creating the actual log file parser. These settings are stored and retained in the project file.

Implement IParserFactory

Create a class that implement IParserFactory and uses the PluginAttribute. Here is the simplest possible implementation:

[ParserPlugin("MyPlugin", "My File Extension | *.mfe")]
public class MyPluginFactory : IParserFactory 
    public bool CanOpen(string filename)
        return true;

    public IParser Open(string filename, ParserSettings settings = null)
        return new MyPlugin(filename);

    public bool ShowSettingsDialog(string filename, ref ParserSettings settings)
        return true;

Implement IParser

Create a class that implement IParser interface. Here's simple example that generate a random signal:

public class MyPlugin : IParser
    public MyPlugin(string fileName)
        // Create the list of signals and add one signal
        this.Signals = new SignalList();
        this.Signals.Add(new Signal() { Name = "Signal 1" });

    public DateTime Origo
        get { return new DateTime(2015, 08, 10, 13, 11, 3); }

    public TimeSpan Length
        get { return TimeSpan.FromHours(3); }

    public SignalList Signals
        private set;

    public Sample[] ReadSignal(Signal signal)
        double sampleInterval = 40; // Time in milliseconds between samples
        DateTime t = Origo; // Time of first sample

        // Create empty array of samples
        Sample[] returnSample = new Sample[(int)(this.Length.TotalMilliseconds / sampleInterval)];

        // Generate random samples at fixed time intervals
        Random rnd = new Random();
        for (long i = 0; i < returnSample.LongLength; i++)
            returnSample[i] = new Sample() { Time = t, Value = rnd.NextDouble() };
            t = t.AddMilliseconds(sampleInterval);

        return returnSample;

Import Plugin

Build the project. Open plugin manager and select the dll-file created by the build. Restart sample crunch.