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Version License Test Cakemix

Cakemix is opensource document management system for all creative team.
You can make a small team, folder and document on the Cakemix, also write a document with markdown, and edit with multiple users in realtime.


  • Opensource(MIT)
  • Write document with markdown
  • Edit document with multiple users in realtime
  • Make document folder
  • Make small team
  • Security
  • Support PWA
  • Support Mobile-Friendly Design


You can easily use demo of Cakemix. You should try it from here!

How to use

This repository is server side of Cakemix, you need front side (here) to use Cakemix.


Fast way (using docker)

Please prepare front data directory in project root as dist in advance.

docker network create shared-network # Create network for public
make runprod                         # Build docker image and start
# When you want to stop server...
make down

Now you can access localhost:8081 to use cakemix!

Default File Layout

ConfigFile: /etc/cakemix/cakemix.conf KeyFiles: /etc/cakemix/keys/signkey{,.pub} FrontDir: /usr/share/cakemix/www MailTmpl: /usr/share/cakemix/mail/* DataDir: /var/lib/cakemix LogFile: /var/log/cakemix/access.log (disabled by default)

For developer

How To run for development

make startdb  # Start database server on docker
make rundev   # Start server for development
# After testing
make stopdb   # Stop database server

Envrionment variables

  • Database

    • DBHOST is hostname for postgres database (default: )
    • DBPORT is port number for postgres database (default: )
    • DBUSER is user for postgres database (default: )
    • DBPASS is password for postgres database (default: )
    • DBNAME is database name for postgres database (default: )
  • Mail

    • SENDGRID_API_KEY is SendGrid API Key. If DEBUG is specified, mail content will be shown in the log. If empty, the mail function will be disabled. (default: )

Cakemix Release Policy


  • main
    • latest stable version
  • release/vx.x.x
    • bata version (release candidate)
  • develop
    • alpha version (version of developing phase)
  • feat/xxx
    • branch for implementation a feature or fixing a bug
  • hotfix/xxx
    • branch for fixing a bug that existing main branch and it needs to fix as soon as possible
feat/xxx        x     x
              /   \ /   \
develop   ---x-----x-----x-------x---x----- (PR required)
                    \           /    |
release/x            x--x--x   /     |
                            \ /      |
main      -------------------x-------x----- (PR required)
                              \     /
hotfix/x                         x

Versioning (Major.Minor.Patch)


  • will increment when breaking changes occurred


  • will increment when new features are added


  • will increment when bugs are fixed


Released under the MIT license