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This plugin add WebSocket integration to vulcainjs framework (via

dependencies license


$ npm install vulcainjs-websocket


This is a small plugin for the vulcainjs server framework for seamless WebSocket protocol integration. It accepts WebSocket connections.


First of all create your vulcain project. When your project are created install the plugin npm install vulcainjs-websocket.


Use client API to connect to this WebSocket. Once connected, do your authentication process (if needed) and wait for the ready event.

Create a socket event

Create a folder ws into src directory. All the class in this folder will be inject into your application.


To create a socket event we need to create an Injectable class. And implement an IWs interface. The annotation Injectable will permit to autoload this class with the DI.

@Injectable(LifeTime.Singleton, 'WSChatMessage')
export class WSChatMessage implements IWs { }


Example of implementation for a chat messaging.

import { Injectable, LifeTime } from "vulcain-corejs/dist";
import { IWs } from 'vulcainjs-websocket/dist';

@Injectable(LifeTime.Singleton, 'WSChatMessage')
export class WSChatMessage implements IWs {

    private io: SocketIO.Server;

    init(io: SocketIO.Server) { = io;
    onNewSocket(socket: SocketIO.Socket, user?: any) {
        // Do what you need to with your new socket, and associated user (if any)

    onCall(msg: any): void {
        console.log('WSChatMessage onCall :', msg);
        // Send event for all'new-msg-arrived', msg);
    onSetRoomName(): string {
        throw new Error("Method not implemented.");

     * This method is for listening event will be called with the return string
    onSetEventName(): string {
        return 'chat-message';


The architecture should be like this.

| src
    | api
        | ...
    | ws
        | chat
            | WSChatMessage.ts

Implement all sockets

Now you have created an socket listener event and sender. You need to setup your vulcain project. On the startup.ts file add this following lines into initializeServices method.

initializeServices(container: IContainer) {
        // Register custom services from a specific folder
        // this.injectFrom("...");
        container.injectSingleton(WebSocketService); // Inject the WebSocketService
        //ws is the path where you will put all your webSocket.

After that you need to init the socket connection. Update yhe onServerStarted method into startup.ts file.

 onServerStarted(server, adapter) {

        let wsService = this.container.get<WebSocketService>('WebSocketService');

        let allMyWebSocket = ['WSChatMessage'];
        //let allMyWebSocket = ['WSChatMessage', 'AnotherWS', 'AnotherWS', ...];

        wsService.start(this.container, server, allMyWebSocket);

When you create a new WebSocket class you need to put it into the allMyWebSocket variable. The string value is the value name of Injectable name.

@Injectable(LifeTime.Singleton, 'TheNameOfWebSocketClass')

Securing websocket

Incoming websockets can be authorized using Vulcain's TokenService. Clients must be logged into the vulcain service before starting the socket connection. By default, the library will accept unauthorized connections. Incoming connections will have a limited time to send their authorization token using :

socket.emit('authorize', {token: thetoken}); // Token must start with "Bearer "

If the token is valid, the server will send back an authorized event, along with the user adecoded by the TokenService, and call every iWS with the socket and its user.

Configuring security

IDynamicConfigurationProperties can be set to customize security's behavior:


Defaults to true.

If set to false, the WebSocketService will close any unauthorized connection after the specified delay.

If set to true, the WebSocketService will leave anonymous connections open. The sockets can still authorize within the specify delay.


Defaults to 2000.

Corresponds to the delay the WebSocket clients have to send their Authorization token.


Defaults to false.

Set to true if you want to disable security at all.