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30) Developper ressources

Toub edited this page Jul 12, 2012 · 45 revisions

Table of Contents


Web analytics

Design / Css

IE hack:

CSS3 helpers: Validators: TODO: try html5boilerplate TODO: @see html5please


JQuery UI



Spring Security & open ID


Java EE 6 expressions language

JSP 2.1 (and 2.2, nothing new)

JSP 2.1 taglibs

JSP 2.0 taglibs

@Deprecated : @see JSP 2.1 taglibs

JSTL 1.1 Standard library

Spring MVC

HTTP Server Push - COMET

Code samples:

free icons

Git documentation

Eclipse shortcuts


Ctrl-Shift-T : find Java type Ctrl-Shift-G : find references Alt-shift-R : rename

Alt-Shift-L: extract as local variable Alt-Shift-M: extract as new method

Alt-Shift-Up/Alt-Shift-Down : select more/less

F3: go to declaration

Ctrl+Shift+O: fix imports

Ctrl-T: type hierarchy

Ctrl-1: smart assist


Ctrl-Shift-R : find resource

Ctrl-F11 : Run F11 : Debug

Alt-Shift-X T: Run Unit test Alt-Shift-X R: Run on server Alt-Shift-X R: Run Java application

Alt-Shift-D T: Debug Unit test Alt-Shift-D R: Debug on server Alt-Shift-D R: Debug Java application

Ctrl-O: quick outline Ctrl+Shift+F: format code

Ctrl-shift-C or Ctrl-shift-/: commenter a line Ctrl-Espace: auto complete

Ctrl-K: find next occurence of current selection Ctrl-E : list open resources

Alt-Up and Alt-Down: move current selection down or up Ctrl-D: remove current line Shift-Enter: add a new line after current one

Ctrl-Shift-L: list all available shortcuts

CTRL-Shift-3: Quick-access


Spring Dynamic Modules are now part of Eclipse Gemini Web project
