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=== Plugin Name ===
Contributors: WebTechGlobal, Ryan Bayne
Donate link:
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
Tags: Star Citizen, CIG, Squadron 42, Cloud Imperium Games, Fan Kit, PC Game, Online Gaming, Space simulator, FPS, spaceships
Requires at least: 3.8.0
Tested up to: 4.1.1
Stable tag: trunk

Star Citizen Fan Site Kit plugin for WordPress will help you to quickly turn any WP into a site about the verse. It is however a WIP (work in progress).

== Description ==

Star Citizen Fan Site Kit plugin belongs to the games community. It is for them to support,
help develop, translate and use to create a lot of WordPress based fan sites. 

I predict the Star Citizen community will be one of the biggest gaming communities 
in gaming history. It's already a massively dedicated community that creates endless
fan content. This plugin is now a part of that movement. Anyone with web or graphics
development experience can add to this project.

= Main Plugin Links =
*   <a href="" title="SC Kit portal on WebTechGlobal site">Plugins Portal</a>
*   <a href="" title="SC Kit forum on WebTechGlobal">Plugins Forum</a>
*   <a href="" title="Star Citizen Fan Site Kit Facebook Page">Plugins Facebook</a>
*   <a href="" title="WebTechGlobal blog category for the SC Kit">Plugins Blog</a>
*   <a href="" title="Star Citizen Fan Site Kit Tweets">Plugins Twitter</a>

= Main Star Citizen Links =

*   <a href="" title="Official Star Citizen game website, styled as an in-game corporation">Roberts Space Industries</a>
*   <a href="" title="Fan driven news site for Star Citizen and Squadron 42">News by Citizens for Citizens</a>
*   <a href="" title="WordPress community supporting development of Star Citizen fan sites">Star Citizen WordPress</a>

= Features List = 

1. Import official branding images to WP media gallery.
1. Import official artwork (some key images only) to WP media gallery.

= Possible Features (WIP) = 

1. Display PvP leaderboards on any page.
1. Import forum activity data for specific users.                
1. Star Citizen admin theme.
1. Players org history tracker.
1. Instantly add popular Star Citizen YouTube playlists to sidebar. 
1. Import ship specifications to database for displaying as you wish.
1. Import org data for building lists or directories.
1. Display RSS feed.

== Installation ==

1. Method 1: Move folder inside the .zip file into the "wp-content/plugins/" directory if your website is stored locally. Then upload the new plugin folder using your FTP program.
1. Method 2: Use your hosting control panels file manager to upload the plugin folder (not the .zip, only the folder inside it) to the "wp-content/plugins/" directory.
1. Method 3: In your WordPress admin click on Plugins then click on Add New. You can search for your plugin there and perform the installation easily. This method does not apply to premium plugins.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Can I hire you to customize the plugin for me? =
Yes you can pay the plugin author to improve the plugin to suit your needs. Many improvements will be done free so
post your requirements on the plugins forum first. 

== Screenshots ==

1. Screenshot one.
2. Screenshot two.
3. Screenshot three.

== Languages ==

Translators needed to help localize Star Citizen Fan Site Kit.

== Upgrade Notice ==

No special upgrade instructions this time. Just remember to backup your site files and database.

== Changelog == 

= 0.0.1 =
* Beta released 17th March 2015

= When To Update = 

Browse the changes log and decide if an update is required. There is nothing wrong with skipping version if it does not
help you - look for security related changes or new features that could really benefit you. If you do not see any you may want
to avoid updating. If you decide to apply the new version - do so after you have backedup your entire WordPress installation 
(files and data). Files only or data only is not a suitable backup. Every WordPress installation is different and creates a different
environment for WTG Task Manager - possibly an environment that triggers faults with the new version of this software. This is common
in software development and it is why we need to make preparations that allow reversal of major changes to our website.

== Donators ==
These donators have giving their permission to add their site to this list so that plugin authors can
request their support for their own project. Please do not request donations but instead visit their site,
show interest and tell them about your own plugin - you may get lucky. 

* <a href="" title="">Ryan Bayne from WebTechGlobal</a>

== Contributors: Translation ==
These contributors helped to localize Star Citizen Fan Site Kit by translating my endless dialog text.

* None Yet

== Contributors: Code ==
These contributers typed some PHP or HTML or CSS or JavaScript or Ajax for Star Citizen Fan Site Kit. Bunch of geeks really! 

* None Yet

== Contributors: Design ==
These contributors created graphics for the plugin and are good with Photoshop. The "fake celebrity pics" creators no doubt!

* None Yet

== Contributors: Video Tutorials ==
These contributors published videos on YouTube or another video streaming website. Please take interest in any ads that may appear while watching them!

* None Yet

== Version Numbers and Updating ==

Explanation of versioning used by myself Ryan Bayne. The versioning scheme I use is called "Semantic Versioning 2.0.0" and more
information about it can be found at 

These are the rules followed to increase the Star Citizen Fan Site Kit plugin version number. Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.