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Releases: wpsharks/core

WebSharks Core v170824.30708

24 Aug 08:34
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  • Adding c::isTruthy().
  • Adding c::isFalsy().
  • Adding c::yesNo().
  • Adding c::onOff().
  • Adding c::trueFalse().
  • Adding c::oneZero().
  • Adding c::split().
  • Adding c::isSha1().
  • Adding c::redirect().
  • Adding c::spinReload().
  • Adding c::currencySymbol().
  • Adding c::currentMethod().
  • Adding c::htmlCompress().
  • Adding c::getUeCookie().
  • Adding c::setUeCookie().
  • Adding c::uuidV4x2().
  • Adding c::licenseKey().
  • Adding c::publicApiKey().
  • Adding c::secretApiKey().
  • Adding c::secretSigKey().
  • Adding c::crc32KeyedHash().
  • Adding c::closeRequestEarly().
  • Adding c::die().
  • Adding c::dieEcho().
  • Adding c::dieInvalid().
  • Adding c::dieForbidden().
  • Adding c::statusHeaderSlug().
  • Adding c::statusHeaderMessage().
  • Adding c::dirCacheGet().
  • Adding c::dirCacheSet().
  • Adding c::dirCacheClear().
  • Adding c::remoteFileSize().
  • Adding $strict param in all slug, var, and acronym utils.
  • Adding a new parameter to c::sQuote() that allows it to detect string-literals.
  • Adding #w:readable utility class to Hash framework.
  • Adding #s:* utility classes for common square sizes; e.g., #s:12,16,24,32,48,64,128,256,512,1024.

WebSharks Core v170623.50532

23 Jun 14:05
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  • Enhancing CSS framework.
  • Correcting a MD bug causing shortcode leakage.
  • Updating to latest release of PHP Markdown (fork maintained by WebSharks).

WebSharks Core v170421.57490

21 Apr 16:03
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  • Adding c::awsCloudFrontClient().
  • Adding c::awsCloudFrontSignUrl().
  • Enhancing AWS utilities; now more portable.
  • Bug fix. Integer instead of float in c::md5GradientImage().

WebSharks Core v170413.34876

13 Apr 09:44
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  • Adding c::md5GradientImage().
  • Adding c::varToCamelCase().
  • Adding c::activeSelected().
  • Adding c::uaIsEngine().
  • Adding CSS filter shadow utilities.
  • Enhancing inverted CSS selectors in SUI.
  • Optimizing CSS utilities that set unit values.
  • Bug fix. curl_errno should not impact the http_code return value.
  • Updating to latest release of PHP Markdown fork.
  • Enhancing support for HTML markup in clipping utils.
  • Enhancing monospace styles.

WebSharks Core v170329.13807

29 Mar 03:53
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  • Adding c::stripeCustomer().
  • Adding c::stripeUpdateCustomer().
  • Adding c::stripeCharge().
  • Adding c::stripePlan().
  • Adding c::stripeSubscription().
  • Adding c::stripeJsTokenMarkup().
  • Adding c::escSq().
  • Adding c::escDq().
  • Adding Semantic UI custom build directory src/client-s/css/semantic.
  • Rewrote many CSS utility classes to improve optimization.
  • Added many new CSS utility classes for common styles.
  • Adding responsive reCAPTCHA style utilities.

WebSharks Core v170309.60830

09 Mar 16:55
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  • Adding Google reCAPTCHA verification utility; for reCAPTCHA v2.

  • Adding package: Defuse: defuse/php-encryption.

  • Deprecating Rijndael256{} class, which uses mcrypt (abandonware), in favor of Defuse for cryptography. The c::encrypt() and c::decrypt() Facades now point to Defuse in order to avoid problems when running on modern versions of PHP, where mcrypt has been removed entirely starting with PHP v7.2.

    If you're running an older version of PHP and need Rijndael256{} encryption, please use c::rjEncrypt() and c::rjDecrypt() as a short-term transitional workaround.

  • Adding a new configuration key: ©hash['©key'] as a general purpose hash key fallback, which is currently used by calls to c::sha256KeyedHash() whenever no specific key is given.

  • Altering the intended use of configuration values: ©encryption['©key'] and ©cookies['©encryption_key']. These should now be set to Defuse encryption keys in ASCII/hex format. Existing core-based applications that have these configuration values set to a 64-byte random key will need to update them.

    As a short-term backward compatibility feature, if your keys are not in a valid Defuse format, the older Rijndael256 encryption will be attempted automatically, instead of using the newer Defuse library, which absolutely requires that you establish Defuse encryption keys. Defuse encryption keys in hex format, always begin with def00000.

    Generating a Defuse encryption key:

    • $key = c::encryptionKey() and save the output.
    • Paste the def00000... key into your config file as: ©encryption['©key'].
    • Repeat and create another key for ©cookies['©encryption_key'].
  • Adding support for OpenType font features in our SCSS framework.

  • Adding ._content variables to the SCSS framework for enhanced ._content when desirable.

  • Adding ._inset utility to the SCSS framework.

  • Making all SCSS variables the !default value.

  • Fixed vertical alignment in fancy pagination links.

WebSharks Core v170218.30778

18 Feb 08:34
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  • Adding @position-offscreen mixin.
  • Adding support for recursive SRI lookups.
  • Enhancing heading ID generator in MD parser.

WebSharks Core v170215.53419

15 Feb 14:52
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  • Adding c::memcacheInfo().
  • Adding c::memcacheEnabled().
  • Adding c::requestResponse().
  • Adding SRI utils w/ c::sri([url]).
  • Adding SmartyPants to Markdown parser.
  • Removing parsedown-extra flavor in Markdown parser.
  • Adding c::backtraceCallers() and c::hasBacktraceCaller().
  • Supporting new hard_wrap feature in PHP Markdown Extra flavor.
  • The smartypants option in the Markdown parser is now enabled by default.
  • Enhancing Anchorizer class that is used by the Markdown parser.
  • Adding /typings directory for TypeScript projects.
  • Adding custom compilation of Emmet + snippets.
  • Adding custom Emmet extension for ACE.
  • Deprecating return_array in UrlRemote{} class.
  • Adding max_stream_bytes argument to UrlRemote{} class.

WebSharks Core v170124.74961

24 Jan 20:53
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  • Enhanced debugging in Slack notifier utility.
  • Adding c::escHtmlChars() (escapes <>& only).
  • Bug fix. Incorrect return type in SubstrReplace{} class.
  • Enhanced string tokenizer by adding recursion to many regex patterns.
  • The PhpHas{} class is now smart enough to detect allowable paths via opcache.restrict_api.
  • Added c::currentUrlPort(), c::currentRootPort(), and enhanced several URL-related methods.
  • Enhancing c::clip() and c::midClip(). Now accepts a custom $more argument.
  • Corrected some minor bugs in WRegex parsing engine.
  • Adding new Slack utility: c::slackMrkdwn().
  • Adding GitHub API and parsing utilities.
  • Adding ZenHub API utilities.
  • Enhancing CSS framework.
  • Adding c::humanTimeDiff().

WebSharks Core v161013.18318

13 Oct 05:07
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  • Enhancing Error{} class.
  • Adding .webp extension support.
  • Adding a default set of templates for general purpose web applications.
  • Enhancing core SCSS and adding a new set of mixins.
  • Enhancing router by adding support for endpoint query vars.
  • Adding new Facade that makes it easier to encode/decode a single ID.
  • Adding Paginator{} class and utilities.
  • Adding StHighlighter{} and utilities.
  • Adding Route{} and utilities.
  • Adding c::contrastingFgColor().
  • Adding c::slackNotify() utility.
  • Adding c::compressPng() utility.
  • Adding c::decodeImageDataUrl() utility.
  • Adding several color utilities.