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silv3rr edited this page Dec 4, 2019 · 1 revision

Debugging Guide

So you've discovered some bug in wraith? A segfault perhaps?

If you can successfully recreate the bug, please follow the following steps to be able to submit a meaningful ticket.

Running bot in debug mode

  1. Get on the shell where the bot in question is.
  2. Kill the bot using ps and kill -9, or ./binary -k botname
  3. ./binary -Dn botname
  4. Enter in your binary ShellPass at the bash$ prompt

You will see a lot of scrolling at this point.

Now recreate the bug however you can.

Submitting ticket

When the bot crashes or bugs out, copy out the screen for use in the ticket. I would prefer about 15 lines before the bug and everything after.

In the ticket, you will need to format like this to be able to have it look correct:

 paste into here.
 You need the ``` and ``` surrounding the paste, on separate lines as shown.