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wu-lee edited this page Oct 15, 2011 · 2 revisions

Re-re-installed drupal for $DOMAIN

Using my github fork's branch 1033316-wu-lee-fixes (commit fb9ee2798c926586bcc904133000e851c8c68948):

$ mv /var/www-virtual/$DOMAIN  /var/www-virtual/$DOMAIN.`date +%F`
$ mkdir  /var/www-virtual/$DOMAIN
$ cd  /var/www-virtual/$DOMAIN

$ mysqladmin -u root -p drop $DB_NAME
$ mysqladmin -u root -p create $DB_NAME

$ drush dl drupal-7.8 # current latest
$ ln -s drupal-7.8 htdocs
$ chown -R root:www-data drupal-7.8
$ chmod -R g+w drupal-7.8
$ find drupal-7.8/ -type d | xargs chmod g+s

$ cp htdocs/sites/default/default.settings.php htdocs/sites/default/settings.php
$ chmod g+w htdocs/sites/default/settings.php

Visited http://$DOMAIN/install.php to complete install

Then I installed the phpbb2drupal module from my github fork:

$ cd drupal-7.8/modules/
$ git clone
$ git checkout 1033316-wu-lee-fixes
$ (cd phpbb2drupal; git rev-parse HEAD)

Install prerequisites:

$ drush dl bbcode-7.x-1.0 privatemsg # bbcode version apparently required
$ drush -y en privatemsg bbcode forum phpbb2drupal phpbb2privatemsg phpbb_redirect

Recreate the phpbb database:

$ mysqladmin -u root -p drop test
$ bzip2 -dc  ../../../$DOMAIN.old2/full-dbdump.Mon.sql.bz2  | mysql -u root -p 

...creates a database 'test', and $DB_USER should already have access

Now revisit drupal, logged in as admin. phpBB2Drupal module not visible in menu bar yet.

Reload. phpBB2Drupal module appears. (Note, it seems to require a reload of this page, and not just any page - visiting "modules" didn't work in previous attempts, at least.)

  • Click "phpBB2Drupal" in menu bar.

  • click "configure the migration"

  • check 'I am running a trial migration' option

  • uncheck 'phpbb is on the same database as drupal'

  • save

  • set the driver (mysql) database (test) and username ($DB_USER) and password (same as drupal in my case)

  • save: database table checks should resolve as 'ok' in this section on refresh

  • In "User import", uncheck 'Import users who have never posted?'

  • Save

  • In "Input format settings", click "input format" link to get to the text formats configuration

  • Click "add text format"

  • Name it "BBCode"

  • Check "authenticated user" (leave "anonymous" unchecked, I think; leave "administrator" checked)

  • Check "Convert BBCode to HTML"

  • Check "Correct fault HTML" for good measure

  • Order them: BBCode, Correct faulty HTML

  • In BBCode filter settings, enable everything except "debugging info"

  • save

  • Click on phpBB2Drupal again, and on "configure the conversion" again.

  • in "Input format settings", check "BBCode"

  • Leave 'leave bbcode as is'

  • don't bother to check 'import attachments' for now

  • save, click 'you can now proceed with the migration'


  • backup the drupal database

  • insert lullabot's stack trace trick into drupal-7.8/includes/ (in case of error)

  • user import selected (default), click 'import'

    • Found 23533 users: Beginning Import
    • Successfully Imported 102 Users
  • try importing categories

    • Forum vid: 2
    • Successfully Imported 7 forums and containers.
  • try topics:

    • Found 566 topics: Beginning Import
    • Could not find post details of topic: 491
    • Could not find post details of topic: 535
    • Could not find post details of topic: 536
    • Could not find post details of topic: 539
    • Could not find post details of topic: 540
    • Could not find post details of topic: 541
    • Could not find post details of topic: 542
    • Could not find post details of topic: 543
    • Could not find post details of topic: 544
    • Could not find post details of topic: 545
    • Could not find post details of topic: 575
    • Successfully Imported 555 topics

These may be 'shadow topics'?

  • import posts

    • Found 209 posts: Beginning Import
    • Successfully Imported 533 posts
    • The were 742 loops executed
    • There 0 errors while importing posts
  • transform urls

    • Congratulations. Import Finished
    • Please visit the Post migration configuration page

Post migration

Suggestions for wording:

  • instead of "Make sure your account settings are correct. Here you can enable or disable a signature. In order for avatars to display correctly, you need to enable pictures on this page and:"

  • perhaps: "Visit the account settings page and make sure they are correct. In order for avatars to display correctly, the "enable user pictures" option must be checked."

  • followed by "Visit the themes configuration page and check "User pictures in posts" and/or "User pictures in comments"".

  • followed by "finally manually copy the avatar icons from the phpbb2/images/avatars/ directory to the sites/default/files/pictures directory."

  • skipped setting up private forums

  • "Enable the phpbb_redirect.module." A link would be useful, and consistent.) Enabled module. Do I need to hack its default path to get it to work? Not sure yet.

  • More spelling: "(note that currently the module assumes that the phpbb forum was located in the forum/ subdirectory of your Drupal installation)."

  • also needs clarification

  • "install and configure the BBcode module" already done. is a prerequisite, no? check

Read this: is useful.

phpbb2privatemessage import

  • click on menu banner item

  • grammar: instead of: "Import atleast user data from phpBB using the phpbb2drupal module if you have not already done so"

  • perhaps "If you have not already done so, you must import user data from phpBB using the phpbb2drupal module, at minimum"

  • no more config to do, I think

    • Table privmsgs: OK!
    • Table privmsgs_to: OK!
  • click 'import'

Private Message Import successful. If you are the using privatemsg_filter module, you will need to rebuild the index.

  • click "clean up"

Seems successful at first. But no, something is wrong: the forums link is there, but no forums! my list of personal messages has some items, but they are blank. Hmm.

Other notes:

  • reports -> log messages shows: Theme key "forums" not found. Theme key "privatemsg_list_header" not found.

  • googling, problem seems to be caching: so go to configuration -> development - performance and click "clear all caches"

  • discussions group seems to have been created twice again, one "General discussion", the other "General Discussion"

  • custom bbcodes are not translated to html. remain as-is.

  • still: a link on the Events list to user X actually links to user Y!
    other messages seem to link to the wrong user too - do they link to the last poster?

  • a user's messages only seems to list their private messages - how do you list their posts?